The beginning
Tatsume: (he is siting on his bed looking at his hands)
why am I so.....
(he then closes his eyes and closes his hand making a fist)
(he then hears a knock at the door)
(Tatsume then gets up and walks to the door opening it)
Tatsume: Huh? Doji? What do you want?
Doji: Don't be dumb.... its time for training!
Tatsume: Nah I was thinking of skipping today....sorry
Doji: WHAT?
???: Humph same old Tatsume the lazy bum is too weak to even go through a days worth of training....
(Tatsume and Doji look around to see where the voice is coming from)
Doji: Katchima! Shame on you! Don t say those kinds of things! It is not our village way!
Katchima: Well it's true! He IS a bum.....
Tatsume: No....Doji....don't argue.....
Katchima: (looks at him with confusion, is thinking) I thought my taunt would anger him....what is up with him?
Doji: Tatsume.....
Tatsume: What are we planning to do today....Doji?
Doji: (is silent for a second) Well, we are putting all the rookies on patrol on main gate.
Katchima: WHAT!!!! That is so awesome. Finally, something I can do that is fun!
Tatsume: But Doji...isn't that a bit too much? What if something bad happens?
Doji: I'm pretty sure nothing too bad will happen and even if it does, I have complete trust in all of the rookies...
(Tatsume and Katchima are both shocked to hear what Doji just said)
Tatsume: Doji.....(smiles) Thank you.....
End of the beginning.