The Story of Tatsume +

The beginning friendship


Doji: YES!!!

(Doji and Ibusu went all out using there major strength and speed that the rookies have never seen before)

Tatsume: !!!

Katchima: whoa! Amazing! (is thinking) is this the secret of our village?

Hitachi: i never knew!

(Doji and Ibusu dodged the monsters tail and fists as if they weren't even moving)

Tatsume: wow....Doji....

(Doji wailing on him with his mere fists seemed to be causing the monster much pain and as the monster was howling in pain Ibusu punched with a bone cracking blow straight in the face it was so strong it knocked the monster of balance)

Katchima: ah Iruichi! I completely forgot!

Hitachi: what? Whats wrong?

Katchima: Iruichi was hit by that monster and completely flew away!

Hitachi: what!?

Katchima: i have to find him! (as he got up he felt a sharp pain) ugh!
Hitachi: Your are injured you cant go!

Katchima: i have to! (katchima then has a flashback of his mother and father and how he was scared for his life when a demon came and attacked his mother and father) if i only look out for me! I will be scum! I have to protect everyone! Including....(looks at Tatsume) you.....Tatsume.....

Tatsume: !!!

Katchima: I'm going.... (katchima was about to leave until)

Tatsume: Katchima!


Tatsume: I'm coming!

Katchima: (smiles and nods) alright!

(Tatsume and Katchima leave to search for Iruichi leaving Hitachi behind)

Hitachi: well this sucks..

End of The beginning Friendship.