This is Teh Biju Club
I'm the leader and SandLover13 is the co-leader.
This is an Role Play Club that posts stories that can lead to a multitude of adventures. The stories will get perverted though... so you write a perverted part, you're a perv. So everyone that's written something like that is a perv basically. It won't get that way if you don't want that to happen.
Enjoy yourselves here.


Draw your character as they were when they were younger (as in the first grade) for the up-incoming story

Point Scores

Nekomata: 15
Houkou: 20
Kaku: 5
Raijuu: 52
Dizzy: 10
Suki: 60
Takahara: 25
Chiyoko: 25
Kenneth: 40
Yami: 15
Kokoro: 20
Izzy: 15
Yoni: 15
Dutch: 25
Joe: 20
Meeko: -
Kayo: 10
Getsu: 5
Yojo: 5
Ryo: -


Rookie - Starting
Ally - 10
Animal (The animal demon you have) - 30
Half Demon - 65
Demon - 80
Biju - 100
Biju Sibling (Only for the siblings of biju ex. Misa, Kai, and Chiyoko currently) - 100
Legendary 9 Member (Only for members of the legendary 9) - 120
Biju King (Only for Kyuubi though) - Unavailable


External Image

DeidaraNarutoClan(Kyuubi ♂)-King Of Biju/Leader
SandLover13(Shukaku ♂)- Legendary 9 Member/Co-Leader(?)

Other Members:
gaaragirl911(Nekomata ♀)-Ally
Hikari Mogami(Houkou ♂)-Ally
gaara is cool135(Kaku ♂)-Rookie
vdr-07(Raijuu ♂)-Half Demon [Weasel]
firestar95(Dizzy ♀)-Ally
Sasukelover001(Suki ♀)-Wolf
imouto chan(Takahara ♀)-Ally
Otomi Babii(Chiyoko ♀)-Ally
Naomi Bear(Kenneth ♂)-Cheetah
Luna chan(Kokoro ♀)-Ally
Emo Biznich(Izzy ♀)-Rookie
wolfdemonchild9(Yoni ♀)-Ally
dutch13(Dutch ♂)-Ally
simplebeast231(Joe ♂)-Ally
animelover7310(Meeko ♀)-Rookie
littlepooch(Kayo ♀)-Rookie
AngelsCryTo(Getsu ♀)-Rookie
infernoboy10(Yojo ♂)-Rookie

Now Handing out Pre-made OCs for Teh Biju Club
Current Ocs:
Isonade (Male-3 tailed Turtle)
SojiRem Hachimata Hachibi (Male-8 tailed Snake)
SojiRem Kai (Male-10 tailed Wolf)
Naomi Bear Yurikami (Female-2 tailed Bobcat)
ajLOVEStobiRosie (Female-1 tail Skunk)
Ryochi30 Taylor (Male-1 tail Dog)
Sokou (Male-4 tailed Rooster)
Maddison (Female-3 tailed Squirrel)

Ugh... Can't There be Peace for Just ONE Chapter in my Life?

As soon as I entered the water, I smelled... Blood. I swam quickly to to surface and followed my sense of smell to the mountains. I couldn't tell what had happened, but Dark Koumori was next to me in a flash, all signs of the earlier happiness gone.

"Orochimaru is making his move... He no longer needs to take them..." I couldn't understand what she meant.

"What're you talking about?" She looked at me, and her eyes seemed even brighter than before. She was angry.

Her eyes seemed to bore into my face as she spoke. "He no longer has to take the bijus to give them their darks. You were the experiment." Her words didn't make sense. Why me? To make me angry? then it clicked.

"Oh... Was it because he knew my brother?" I should have been furious, but a calm alien to my usual feelings swept over me.

She snarled like a lion. "No." She had never been like this. She had never been so... Frightening. She touched my forehead, and a flash of images went through my mind. The most piercing were a boy's eyes, wide with fear... And the laugh of a snake as his heartbeat stopped as blood came out. I wanted to vomit, knowing what this was.

"Oh... So he knew, even then... What i was..." My voice broke as the memory became more clear in my mind.

She realised I had understood when the anger was making itself known.

"DAMMIT!!" I exclaimed, not caring if anyone heard me. I was sure everyone around could hear me. I punched a boulder, and it shattered into a million pieces.

someone please continue!! this has partly revealed koumori's past... much bloodier than you would expect. o.O
me: wow, this is different than my usual stories...
kou: kidding.

~Angry Kou and a Faltered Smile
