This is Teh Biju Club
I'm the leader and SandLover13 is the co-leader.
This is an Role Play Club that posts stories that can lead to a multitude of adventures. The stories will get perverted though... so you write a perverted part, you're a perv. So everyone that's written something like that is a perv basically. It won't get that way if you don't want that to happen.
Enjoy yourselves here.


Draw your character as they were when they were younger (as in the first grade) for the up-incoming story

Point Scores

Nekomata: 15
Houkou: 20
Kaku: 5
Raijuu: 52
Dizzy: 10
Suki: 60
Takahara: 25
Chiyoko: 25
Kenneth: 40
Yami: 15
Kokoro: 20
Izzy: 15
Yoni: 15
Dutch: 25
Joe: 20
Meeko: -
Kayo: 10
Getsu: 5
Yojo: 5
Ryo: -


Rookie - Starting
Ally - 10
Animal (The animal demon you have) - 30
Half Demon - 65
Demon - 80
Biju - 100
Biju Sibling (Only for the siblings of biju ex. Misa, Kai, and Chiyoko currently) - 100
Legendary 9 Member (Only for members of the legendary 9) - 120
Biju King (Only for Kyuubi though) - Unavailable


External Image

DeidaraNarutoClan(Kyuubi ♂)-King Of Biju/Leader
SandLover13(Shukaku ♂)- Legendary 9 Member/Co-Leader(?)

Other Members:
gaaragirl911(Nekomata ♀)-Ally
Hikari Mogami(Houkou ♂)-Ally
gaara is cool135(Kaku ♂)-Rookie
vdr-07(Raijuu ♂)-Half Demon [Weasel]
firestar95(Dizzy ♀)-Ally
Sasukelover001(Suki ♀)-Wolf
imouto chan(Takahara ♀)-Ally
Otomi Babii(Chiyoko ♀)-Ally
Naomi Bear(Kenneth ♂)-Cheetah
Luna chan(Kokoro ♀)-Ally
Emo Biznich(Izzy ♀)-Rookie
wolfdemonchild9(Yoni ♀)-Ally
dutch13(Dutch ♂)-Ally
simplebeast231(Joe ♂)-Ally
animelover7310(Meeko ♀)-Rookie
littlepooch(Kayo ♀)-Rookie
AngelsCryTo(Getsu ♀)-Rookie
infernoboy10(Yojo ♂)-Rookie

Now Handing out Pre-made OCs for Teh Biju Club
Current Ocs:
Isonade (Male-3 tailed Turtle)
SojiRem Hachimata Hachibi (Male-8 tailed Snake)
SojiRem Kai (Male-10 tailed Wolf)
Naomi Bear Yurikami (Female-2 tailed Bobcat)
ajLOVEStobiRosie (Female-1 tail Skunk)
Ryochi30 Taylor (Male-1 tail Dog)
Sokou (Male-4 tailed Rooster)
Maddison (Female-3 tailed Squirrel)


After Onii-san told me he was going after a perverted trouble maker, I had no choice but to let him go. He looks so frustrated because of the kiss that shu-kun gave me. He needed time on his own I guess.

5 minutes after Oni-san left, I did. I needed alone time as well. Too much happened. When I was on the streets, I thought no one will love me again... then oni-san swooped me up and gave me a home, friends and most important... love. This is like a dream. I am very grateful for everyone, and surprisingly, especially misa. Without her, i wouldnt had become stronger.

As I was walking down the crowded streets, remembering everyone that came to my life, I remembered Shu-kun. I blushed and touched my lips. My first kiss, I thought to myself. I, then, snapped out of it. No no, I thought to myself. He was just drunk... he would have never did such a thing. I became very sad at the thought... i didnt know why. Maybe Im just so love- lonely.

I walked across the street and looked around. The lights were so pretty and the people were so happy. I saw many things. Firebugs, Shops, Minimalls, and alot of couples. I was walking pass a bridal shop and saw the most beautiful bridal dress i have ever seen. I wonder who will i marry...

There was a wedding going on. Church bells were ringing and people were cheering. I was coming out of the church with someone by my side. Human form, of course. It was a blur to see the person. When we reached to the bottom of the steps, the blur showed its face. It was.... Oni-san. Oni-san?He was smiling. I was surprised to see him in my daydreams. Then another person walked to me, kissed my hand and showed his face. Shu-kun? Shu-kun was holding my hand. Then came Hachi-kun, Hideki (He was in a human form for some reason), and Kai. I looked at all of them with a surprised look. I melted from all the handsome guys that surrounded me.

I woke up to reality. "NO NO NO NO!! I DONT LIKE THEM!", I yelled to the heavens. I ran from the bridal store. "WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH CUTE GUYS LIVING WITH MEEEEEEEEEEE!!", I screamed as I was running. As I ran, I saw a guy with white hair and blue eyes going into a shop, across the street. Hideki?, I thought. It did look alot like hideki but in a human form. I blushed. He looked so handsome. His blue eyes were soft like Hideki. Can it be him? I slammed into a brick wall. I fell to the ground with a loud "OOMPH". How can I have forgotton I was still running? I looked up and I still see the guy still at the window. His eyes were in awe as he was looking at a silver bell collar. I was in awe at how his eyes looked. He rushed into the store and got the collar. He then ran the other way. I can tell he was going somewhere. I want to see him again... someday.

Aww... Puppy love!

This is another picture of Chiyoko (me). And this time with a little puppy. The background of this picture goes like this:

Chiyoko's POV:
I was all alone. It had pasted 4 days since that incident with her parents. I was sleeping in her cardboard box until I heard a little puppy screech in pain. It woke me up and I scurried to follow the dreadful noise. When I reached the end of the noise, I found a human beating a little husky dog.

"hehe you look pathetic", The boy said. He looked like a punk, wearing all black and what not. The dog tried to get up but then the human kicked it down again. "This is what you get for chewing up my shoe!" As I watched in horror, the husky took a glance at me. He was covered with bruises and blood. It broght tears to my eyes as i remembered what happened to me. His eyes were so beautiful... but very sad. "Please run, miss... please run...", it said. I shook my head at the command. I couldnt refuse. I cant stand to see an innocent animal getting beat up like that... especially after what ive been through. I ran to the human, with growls, and jumped at him. The human fell collasped as I bit him up. After 2 minutes up ripping up, he throw me off and ran as fast as he can out of the alley-way. I walked to the husky with a smile on my face. He took a last glance at me and then fainted. Is it my tails, I thought to myself. I put him on back, although he was bigger than me, and carried him to my cardboard box.

Hideki's POV:

Stupid boy. I guess i was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I didnt know what he was talking about, telling me that i chew up his shoe. I don't even know him. "This is what you get for chewing up my shoe!", he yelled as he kicked me into a bloody pulp. As he was kicking me, I saw a beautiful dog staring at me in horror. I couldnt stand to see her beautiful face all horrified. "Please run, miss... please run...", I told her. She shook her head. Her tears were like sparkles. I had to turn the other way. When I turned back, all I saw was the dog jumping at the boy. Then I saw those 7 tails.... I had never seen a 7 tailed pup. It was amazing. After the boy ran from the dog, I was proud. To be saved by a beautiful maiden, I thought to myself. I smiled her way and then fainted out of pain.

Chiyoko's POV:

It was morning. I was next to him, trying to keep him warm as my tails and my body was next to his. He is so warm, I thought to myself, cuddling him up some more. He woke up.

"where... where am I...", he said. He looked around and noticed my face. "Good morning", I greeted him. He blushed and then smiled. "Why good morning to you, as well", he said so politely. He got up and stretch. He was so much shorter when he was lying down, I thought to myself. After he caught me staring at him., he smiled and said, "i believe you are the maiden who saved my life." "Maiden...?", I repeated the words. He took a bow. "Thank you so much. My name is Hideki. And you are?", he said to me. "My name is Chiyoko", I told him as my tails were wagging. He noticed my 7 tails and then I hid them quickly. "Gomen nasai (Im sorry)", I told him, embarresed. "Its ok, Chiyoko. I dont mind your 7 tails at at", he said to me and winked. I looked up on him and smiled so happily. "That's means you are not a dog, are you", he asked me. I shook my head. "I am an arctic wolf biju", I confessed. "Thats fine with me", He said.

My stomached growled. I wa embarresed when Hideki heard it. "Oh so you are hungry?", He asked. I nodded. "I hadnt eatten in 19 weeks." He was shocked, but not that much because he knew that i was a biju. "Lets get us something to eat", He said. I looked over to the corner of a trash can and saw a rat. He caught me staring at the rat and said "There it is... lunch." He then grabbed the rat by the neck and killed it. He tossed me the rat. "There you go", he said. Am I suppose to eat this, I thought to myself, looking disgusted... but I was hundry so I ate i n one bite and... it didnt taste that bad. "YUM!!", I yelled. He grinned.

2 days passed and we had so much fun together. Played tag, sniffed each other's butt (for fun), ran around the whole city stealing food. It was the best 2 days I ever had.

We finally went back home (the cardboard box) and was laughing together, falling on the floor. Our head touched one another as we looked at the stars. "Well I had fun today.....", he said to me. He looked up and caught me being sad. I was thinking about my mom and dad. "What is wrong Chiyoko", he frowned. We both sat up and I told him about the incident with my parents. "Oh...", he said. After I told him, we heard a wierd sound. I was freaked out. When I looked at him, his eyes were serious. "Listen, I have to go...", he told me. I got up and argued. "WHAT?! I TOLD YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO ME A FEW DAYS AGO AND YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LEAVE ME HERE? WHY? WHAT IS YO-" I stopped talking and noticed he was staring at me with his sad eyes... the eyes i couldnt stand seeing. My eyes were full with tears and then it all flowed down... non stop. "Dont leave me all alone. Hideki.. dont leave me...", I begged. He walked up to me and licked me on the cheeck(its a kiss). "Chiyoko, I love you... you know that I wont leave you for anything.... but this is important. Ill see you again. I promised." I rubbed my head against his. He pushed me off, licked me on the lips and ran. I sat there... tears flowing nonstop...
