What he Wants

W-what does Orochimaru want? I was a bit scared to ask. I didn't have many pleasant experiences with him before... Lobos sighed, and it felt like a gust of warm air.

I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. It is not in your best interest to know. He looked at me, but I kept my face as calm as possible. Again, he huffed a sigh. I have heard him planning... Have you ever heard of Dark Kuuibi? Or maybe Dark Hachi? I was confused. What was he talking about? I heard some sort of barking sound, and realised he was laughing slightly. So, they did not tell you?

Lobos told me about Dark Kuuibi and Dark Hachi. The story sounded familiar... I shivered when blood appeared in the story he was telling. I hated blood. Everyone told me I was strange for that. "You're a demon, you should like blood," my mother told me once.

The gruesome tale had ended. I was still confused. What does that have to do with Orochimaru collecting biju? I winced at my own choice of words. He wouldn't try to awaken them, would he?

He has found a way... To create them. I didn't understand. Create what? He is creating... Others like them. Dark sides to the biju. But he needs demons to create a Dark... Once he is finished... Lobos trailed off, not bothering to complete his statement.

I've gotta get outta here... I've gotta get out... I wailed in my head. But how? All of my ways to get out of places like this lied in my voice, and I couldn't use it. Damn Orochimaru... He did this on purpose. So I couldn't escape. I started pacing from one side of the room to another, searching for a way out.

When I would get into the center of the room, it felt like my voice came back. I decided to try. I hummed slightly...

"Yes! It worked!" Lobos jumped at my sudden outburst. He didn't expect to hear my voice. "We're bustin' out!"

Someone please continue!! I got the inspiration to make this from reading about the Dark Kuuibi and Dark Hachi arc in 'Teh Biju Club' stories.

