You Seriously DIDN'T See that Coming?

I sighed, the anger turning quickly into irritation. Who was it this time? I decided to get back to Hawaii to find out. Once I was there, I saw Hachi carrying Dutch off to Raiju's room.

"Hachi-san! What happened to him?" He had a huge gash in his head, and the sand was the color of blood.

"I don't know, but he said something like, 'Orochimaru...dark side...' I think."

So his dark did this to him? My eyes widened. I ran off before he asked anything. I didn't understand. Mine was so controlled. She hadn't hurt me at all... Well, except when I received her. But that was it. Maybe seeing me laying there had done something to make her realise it wasn't right. I couldn't be sure. I went back to my room, pacing.

"Koumori? What's wrong?!" Lobos was sitting in a chair, but rushed over to me when he saw my expression.

"nothing, nothing. Someone else got a dark..." His face hardened, and I stopped talking.

"Who was it?" He practically snarled at me, hardly any sign of peace in his face or voice. I couldn't respond for a moment.

"I-it was... Dutch-san..." my voice wavered as he got so angry it was almost visibly radiating off of him.

"And? Where is he now?"

"In... Raiju-san's room... He was busted up pretty badly..." At that, he stomped out the door. "Wait! Lobos!" I followed him all the way to Raiju's room, where Dutch was. He burst through the door, and it looked like they were talking. "S-sorry, he insisted on talking to Dutch-san after hearing what happened..."

someone please continue!! jeez, lobos has quite a temper, doesn't he? i'm really tired right now...

~koumori & sleepy tsuki
