insert-creative-title-here ._.

I've noticed a lot of lag in the storyline, and most of it is due to writer's block. so I'm just writing a little short-ish part, but it will be written on-the-spot, so if its crappy, tell me, kay?


My eye twitched as i saw what dutch turned into. A giant whale? Come on!! How original... Well, that's one dark down... And... How many to go? I had no idea.

hmmm... I wonder where Alistar went after I passed out in the cave. and where's Lobos? I wanted to look for them. I asked Dark Koumori if she could help me.

"It might work better if we split up," she said. That was fine with me. A strange object caught my eye. When I picked it up, I couldn't tell what it was, but there were several others. I started picking them up, and I found a river. Just inside the riverbed was another object, but it was clean, and had no dirt. I finally could tell that it looked like a wooden carving of a carp fish.

Strange..., I thought. What would something like this be doing out here? Then I noticed that the eyes of the carving were made out of some sort of gem. It was a dark maroon colour.


...yeah, i know, its really sloppy, isn't it? i cant really remember the inspiration for this...

~Kou Carp
