> muh... must update this world... (scratches head) what to put here?
> hmmm, no idea... oh, wait! yeah, link! :
> http://www.youtube.com/user/LaviStrikesBack
> welcome! this is meh world, no randomness will go uncommented, and no stones
> will be left unthrown... *starts up laptop* nowww....., WHERES THAT
> PUDDING????? *chokes iggy for eating up pudding* hmmm, sorry 'bout that, got
> carried away. well, lets get started :

> Hi. My name's Lavi, or at least that's what everyone's been calling me. To
> tell you the truth, I think I've even forgotten my real name, got lost in a
> backup disk somewhere, but that's going off topic. I mostly waste away my
> time in front of my computer watching anime music videos (AMV) of Final
> Fantasy and D.Gray Man, and have even considered making one myself, but I've
> failed catastrophically, the result a combination of Sony Vegas-ing and
> low-ass RAM (256MB). So, from now on, I don't ever wanna hear the word AMV.
> EVER-AGAIN-!-!-!
> Then I surf the net to find DGM wallies, and stumbles onto this site,
> TheOtaku.com, and user 'crimsonresolution' that somehow has another account
> in Youtube. I got hooked to it, but because of its former
> free-download-wallies-for-all approach, I haven't bother registering. Until
> early 2009. Starting that time, the site adopts a members-only approach
> (after noticing the large influx of guest users, I think) that half-forced me
> to register (well, crimsonresolution isn't in Youtube all the time, so i went
> to investigate). And the rest is history...

> in my world there's no rule, except one VERY important guideline :
> DON'T EVER F**KING TOUCH THE GUAVA!!! (picture shown below) :

> P/S : Anyone in my immediate area code in Malaysia (81900), please private
> message me if you are going to UiTM Dungun. Anyone is welcomed.....


post 32 - Anime Convention Survival Guide - by LovelyRisa

i got this anime con guide from LovelyRisa just now, n it turns out to be apparently useful for meh, in addition to sum she gave meh over teh chat several days b4. K, teh guide, completely unedited : --------- Ah! I'll try! *game fac...

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post 25 - bike accident..... NGAAA!!!!!!

So, *points at title*, that happened to meh this evening. Imma just learning sum road in sum lonely corner of my district when I suddenly saw a lorry coming out of a very dangerous corner. I then got very, uhhh, surprised n pressed teh hand brake instead of teh safer foot brake, n got face-plant for several metres on teh hard, coarse tarred road. Heh, face-plant... more like face-wham....

Anyway, after that, I got sum ppl to help meh up, n I surprisingly dun pass out, even tho its my first bike accident. Damn it tho, my glass got broken in da crash n imma squinting to type this up, lol... My handphone got lost too, but not from teh crash, but no thanks to teh no-good, self-centric helper for taking meh phone for 'payment', without meh knowledge, n with all meh SIM cards gone down teh drain... Guess I should subscribe to teh emergency phone number storage facility provided by meh service provider, n not lost any of meh no in an emergency...

Imma now in da middle of night, body full of painful wounds, typing this up... Well, I guess I wont show up in theO chat for several days, or at least until I got meself new glasses tomorrow.... N new handphone too, btw... (goddamn it, meh dad keep 'congratulating' meh for this, sarcasm much...)

(p/s - should I abstain meself for sum time from riding a bike after this? And btw, for those who dun know, teh bike I mentioned ish still only a few months old TT.TT.....)

ADD: i activated meh energy song a few minutes before teh crash. I guess that got meh too excited n forgot about whats happening, at 40 km/h... n i'll include teh pic of meh broken bike if i can got hold of a camera of sum sort.

K, a painful goodbye from meh for this time. BYEEE!!!!!!
