> muh... must update this world... (scratches head) what to put here?
> hmmm, no idea... oh, wait! yeah, link! :
> http://www.youtube.com/user/LaviStrikesBack
> welcome! this is meh world, no randomness will go uncommented, and no stones
> will be left unthrown... *starts up laptop* nowww....., WHERES THAT
> PUDDING????? *chokes iggy for eating up pudding* hmmm, sorry 'bout that, got
> carried away. well, lets get started :

> Hi. My name's Lavi, or at least that's what everyone's been calling me. To
> tell you the truth, I think I've even forgotten my real name, got lost in a
> backup disk somewhere, but that's going off topic. I mostly waste away my
> time in front of my computer watching anime music videos (AMV) of Final
> Fantasy and D.Gray Man, and have even considered making one myself, but I've
> failed catastrophically, the result a combination of Sony Vegas-ing and
> low-ass RAM (256MB). So, from now on, I don't ever wanna hear the word AMV.
> EVER-AGAIN-!-!-!
> Then I surf the net to find DGM wallies, and stumbles onto this site,
> TheOtaku.com, and user 'crimsonresolution' that somehow has another account
> in Youtube. I got hooked to it, but because of its former
> free-download-wallies-for-all approach, I haven't bother registering. Until
> early 2009. Starting that time, the site adopts a members-only approach
> (after noticing the large influx of guest users, I think) that half-forced me
> to register (well, crimsonresolution isn't in Youtube all the time, so i went
> to investigate). And the rest is history...

> in my world there's no rule, except one VERY important guideline :
> DON'T EVER F**KING TOUCH THE GUAVA!!! (picture shown below) :

> P/S : Anyone in my immediate area code in Malaysia (81900), please private
> message me if you are going to UiTM Dungun. Anyone is welcomed.....


post 38 - A Haruhi Suzumiya WIP Card.

Uhhh, I just wanna ask sumtin. I got a few tonnes of brushes n custom shapes in the course of 2-3 weeks ago, n decided to try using the fractal brushes for meh first time today. But then, I got stuck at here :

I feel sumtin's wrong with the rasengan ball there (yep, a Haruhi Rasengan) n started to find tuts n stuff. But mostly, its crap n not what I've expected. The one that I found here is kinda good enough for me, but i can't understand a thing, until tokey (touketsusharingan)came along n translated it for me, but it's still not comprehensible enough. Anyway, thanx tokey for helping meh out. I'll try to dedicate another card for u.....

Meh, I'll just combine teh tuts then, much easier....

P/S : Its a proto-rasengan, that is, its a rasengan that haven't formed fully yet.

K, imma going nao, bye!!!

EDIT : the card's for Haruhi712

post 35 - Diamond isnt hard enough.....

thats why Nintendo survive the economic crunch, n also explain the X-Box problem...

Moar pics :


post 28 - Haruhi wallie WIP...

so, me here am making a wallie for iggeh's bday, but i got stuck at teh word i should use in it. someone help meh? i need a good Haruhi-Kyon phrase in meh wallie to complete it...

piccy :

someone help meh plz???

post 23 - LOL WOW VID

LOL wow :

post 02

Date : May 22nd
Mood : Calm/Mixed/such

The TV channel (okto, singaporeans should know it) i regularly watched ish hit with budget reductions, i think. They're rebroadcasting their old anime, such as 'Burst Angel' and 'Zero no Tsukaima : Princess no Rondo', filling up their 2 hour anime slot! Nuuu, meh want NEW ANIME!!!! *smacks TV station with giant mecha hand*

Anyway, I've started watching 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann' last week, and I'll see if it'll work out fine. Just dropped 'Blassreiter' from anime watch list. *sighs* Me need meself new animes n mp3s.....

Well, its now exactly 36 days before I'm going to further my studies in UiTM Dungun, Terengganu (a place in Malaysia, the country where I live). Imma gonna be lost there, like a goldfish in its fishbowl... (wait, that myth's been debunked, right?). meeehhhh..... *ish gonna be dead there, unless he find some support...*
nuuuu...... must find new harddisk for new animes.....

laterz.... *runs away from scene of boredom*