Since I'm a writer at heart and write stuff randomly on my free time, I figured I'd make a fanfiction/fiction world! Maybe I'll even get some of these things published as Fanwords!! XD

WARNING: Some of these things might include the following:
- Profanity
- Yaoi (AKA Shounen Ai, Boy's Love, Boy on Boy, Teh gheiness, etc.)
- Stupid/dark/morbid humor
- Randomness

Okay, so there probably won't be that last one, but you never know. In any case, if none of that scares you away, please continue to the fiction~!

Teh author of teh pwnz,


I'm starting out by posting some of the stories I've got up on That's why they might be a little weird in context (for instance, Less Than Three is a Valentine's Day 'fic), so just go with it. :]

My account on is here.

Scripting Tutorial

I usually just start by writing or typing out the scene I want to work on in like it's a book, in the present tense, with the basic details of what's going on around the characters and what they're doing. You can put comments or potential ideas in...

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