Reads right to left.

Hello hello. Thanks for all the support before. Its much, thanked. I've felt kinda overwhelmed before. I feel like I slept a lot better last night after I winded down some.I also got to see the movie Wall-E it was very awesome show. Its a new day so I feel inspired to do more stuff I like. I hope I can take a walk today and it don't snow walks help me calm down so does music at times.
Thanks again, Tenshi.
I haven't felt like me in quite awhile. I feel thrown, out the car seat of my own mind. Its scary.
I dunno what to do. It seems as days pass its hard to keep interest in anything I like. Although I feel I am coping. I feel an inner-demon is hanging over me. Its hard for me to think like I would. I have anxiety disorder, of some kind. Now, it feels like this numbness at the top of my head will not end. I don't know, who to see. The doctors don't know what to do. Gosh, one night I got over stressed and couldn't sleep I woke up at night and it felt like I was injected with 200 coffees. I never felt, that bad and euphoric dream like at once it was nuts. I can't sleep at nights and my internal clock of sleep seems to have shattered to fragments of glass. I research the PC, cuz the doctor says it won't be like till summer and can see a neurologist. Hell, a few weeks back I felt suicidal and that is not like me at all. This either is caused by my TS (Tuberous sclerosis), anxiety attacks or I somehow hurt my neck. I hope someone can help, I'm losing faith over time, yet I try to keep the faith up. Feels like I'm being shocked or drilled sometimes in the body and I feel like a walking dead man, or I'm having an out of body experience. This is worse then even the time I had a stomach virus. Least then I knew what was wrong.
Sorry for the long rant. I needed to get some stuff out. I feel kinda of between: dead and alive, awake and sleep, muddled and enlightened. Wish me luck, and prayers I'll need it to survive till summer. I hope its sooner.
I will keep on fighting. I'm not gonna give up. I refuse, some body malfunction to Knock me down.
Anyhow, I've been dealing with something lately. (possibly neurlogical) It feels like my brain is numb and tingly. I don't know why. It is hard at times to focus. I am gonna see the doctor about it today. Hope it isn't too serious. But, I have no idea what it is as of yet. I am staying optimistic. I hope you all have a good day. See ya around soon.
XD Read from bottom to top. (Another funny blog)