My own Personal Blog of Online and Off.
Loves: Art, Rabbits, Love, Gamin', Music, Wacoms
Dislikes: Fanbrats, Flamers, People who don't know when to shut up, When I worry
I believe in the ways of Buddhism. Seeking truth in one's self and that we suffer from our desires, desire only ends when Nirvana is reached.
Personal Quotes:
"Scars of the past only show where you have been, not where your gonna go."
"It's when you can keep a good clear mind even in the bad times it shows inner-strength."
That's about it. My friends of

Last night I was informed my Mom has passed away. She was strong person, but multiple sclerosis finally got her. Her lungs gave out and stopped breathing. I had a chance to talk with her about summer job and Chris before she died. I knew this was coming eventually but it couldn't stop my tears, I couldn't sleep well. She will always remain in my heart and mind. It's still hard to believe she is gone. She fought this disease and did all she could but ended up, there was nothing that could be done. Now, she is at a place where she won't suffer. She will be greatly missed by me, and my family.
Now, I am unsure what I want to do at the moment. I don't feel like doing anything at all. I have had a hard year as far as deaths. Our family Cat died, Aunt died, Our Dad's friend lost a Dog and Cat and now My Mom is gone. It's all so much at once. Even now tears won't stop, its still so fresh.
I know there must be something beyond this world. Its just I miss her in this world. I knew she was going to do this way but had no power to change her fate. Sad fact is we are all on borrowed time, and nothing is 100% for sure. So I am thankful for all time given with her.
I will hope and mediate on it. That I will have peace but this week, I am unsure how to carry on. Thanks for listening.
Well, it’s a new day. I feel great today. I had too much caffeine yesterday, man I felt it running through my veins. I really should only have a bit of coffee and tea a day. Luckily they took back my casing XL I bought. I bought Re: Chain of Memories other day. Chain of Memories, I loved alot. I liked the keycard system myself. I know The DS one with something days the Slot system was a bit easier, but that is what made chain of memories fun the challenge and combo attacks. I am addicted to Namco Museum, its like playing awesome, the XL just ads to the experience. I wanna try Vs. Pacman soon-ish. I am trying to get inspired to finish up art. But as of yet, pictures aren’t going the way I’d like. I am actually getting better at hands though. I am amazed I can draw them somewhat good even without a ref now. I’m feeling more confident in my prowess in art.
Hello, its been quite a long day. I'm working on a new Tegaki E pic. Its tricky seeing as not much art is available of characters.
I am going to see if I can PayPal, to get a NES top loader. I have wanted one for years. I have so many NES games I’d like to still play. I bought Namco Museum DS. (One of the best investments) Pac man, and old faves from 31-games-in one. Great nostalgia value and games I never played like Dig Dug 2, Tower of Druaga.
I wonder why its raining so heavily. When I want to walk outside, weather won’t let me. *Shakes fist at mother nature* I have an idea for a super emotional pic, may need a warning for graphic nature, but it combines art and song lyrics.
Have a good day, all.
Hello there. Hope you are all having a great week. So, the other day I bought a DSi XL. I figure for: 20 dollars more why not get extra size? I am impressed with it too. It’s nice on my eyes, the sound on it is amazingly clear compared to the Lite. I still love my Lite though, I use it for GBA carts now. I am considering ordering some new stuff from Amazon like: Gameboy, GBA, DS and SNES games. One day I want to find, a cheap toploader NES 2. I drew a new Tegaki E in what, a year. I can’t believe that. I love Tegaki E. (Need to do more).
I really feel inspired to draw again, before I hit a rut. Depression made it tough, Worrying was killer, Fears brutally bad.
I am seeing a psychotherapist on my issues. Having someone to talk to is a powerful thing. Seeing a therapist makes me no weaker, than any person. Being out and in Amherst and practicing art again is giving me a new view on life.
I have an art trade to finish. New ideas I wanna do. I actually am coming up with a new male character. New Fan art concepts. Best crack pairing idea EVER. A fanart of Wild Guns that must be made (The game is truly amazing Clint Eastwood and Annie Oakley as Anime, in Wild wild west like world fighting people and robots).
Anyhow, see you all later.
Hope you all had a good Easter. I have been playing Tastsunoko Vs. Capcom, Mega Man 10 and Muramasa all on Wii. I love Muramasa game is great. Tastsunoko Vs. Capcom one of few fighters I love to death and Mega Man 10 is amazing nostalgia feel. On Sunday, I accidentally fell downstairs and hurt myself on my left arm joint and butt. Metal pieces tripped me up. I uploaded a new piece of art finally. I need to upload more, but Job experience is bogging my time down. I can't complain 4 day weekend. I had a Chocolate bunny today it was good. Tomorrow I ahve Volunteer work, so yeah. On DA I upload scraps I worked on of concepts from my head. The more I draw from my head the easier it becomes. I am working on KH: On DS as well and got Pokemon SS. Life is going well. I saw a Dr. to evaluate me to a psychologist. and he thinks I should. The disease I have sometimes makes me feel twitchy, and had some bad past experiences that at times bog me down. I feel like I am trying to find myself again. I think getting out of house, and doing things helps. So I'll wrap this up. Happy Easter.