The Happenings

Hello there. Hope you are all having a great week. So, the other day I bought a DSi XL. I figure for: 20 dollars more why not get extra size? I am impressed with it too. It’s nice on my eyes, the sound on it is amazingly clear compared to the Lite. I still love my Lite though, I use it for GBA carts now. I am considering ordering some new stuff from Amazon like: Gameboy, GBA, DS and SNES games. One day I want to find, a cheap toploader NES 2. I drew a new Tegaki E in what, a year. I can’t believe that. I love Tegaki E. (Need to do more).

I really feel inspired to draw again, before I hit a rut. Depression made it tough, Worrying was killer, Fears brutally bad.

I am seeing a psychotherapist on my issues. Having someone to talk to is a powerful thing. Seeing a therapist makes me no weaker, than any person. Being out and in Amherst and practicing art again is giving me a new view on life.

I have an art trade to finish. New ideas I wanna do. I actually am coming up with a new male character. New Fan art concepts. Best crack pairing idea EVER. A fanart of Wild Guns that must be made (The game is truly amazing Clint Eastwood and Annie Oakley as Anime, in Wild wild west like world fighting people and robots).
Anyhow, see you all later.
