What:Brayan is building something and now it is complete...and a bit out of the ordinary.
When:as long as it takes.
Who:Brayan,playback,cresh anyone who cares to join
Where:brayan's forges and afterwards if the plot demands it we may move to a testing area.
Have fun :)
Open to:magic
(Eh, my other RP died so I wanted to do this one.)
Kenszhin has tracked down the ninja that had killed him. Slowly his memories have been returning to him, but they have been incredibly blurry. However, he has tracked him down and has planned a raid on the Hidden Sound Village and to settle the score with the ninja that killed him earlier.
It is a dangerous mission and he needs help.
When: This weekend
Type: Magic
Here's the plan. There are three teams, Alpha, Beta, and Theta.
Alpha team will attack in a spread pattern from the North of the village, Beta team and Theta team will come from Southeast and Southwest in a direct pattern. The Sound Village is a dark and dangerous place, be very careful. After causing high alert, all teams will meet at the back of the government mansion and wait for the Kage to leave.
When this happens Al will call for an attack drone to distract them, then all teams will burn the mansion to the ground.
Deadly force is highly encouraged, but refrain from killing a VIP character; Shiruzen Ishidate
he is the ninja that killed Kenszhin, so Kenszhin must fight him alone.
Do not give away any of their positions via headset after the alert is tripped.
Wat:a huge raven flock has entered the area and Brayan and friends need to find a way to stop the big head raven with glowing red eyes from you guessed it take over cresh's house*insert m.bison from the street fighter live action movie saying "of course" here*
when:for as long as it takes.
Who:Brayan,playback,cresh,play,hazel,Edson and anyone who cares to join.
Where:for now cresh's house on the base floor and the location may change up to the raven's nest base thing.
Have fun.
Thank you to everyone who participated
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I think that if everyone makes a square icon of their oc (s), we can squish them together to make a banner? or i can gather everyone's oc pictures and make it into a banner like the old one?http://www.icongenerators.net/square.html
if anyone has any other ideas please contribute! C: