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Is it a sin?

Is it a sin?

If you're wondering what I'm referring to with that title, it would be this article here: Is it a sin? Christian words deleted from Oxford dictionary I read it and was surprised to realize that they were stripping out words like Sin in a dictionary aimed for younger learners and replacing it with words like chatroom and blog. o_O

Uh... younger audience or not, I find it a bit sad that they're stripping out words that would actually be relevant for a kid doing homework and putting in words that do nothing to cover what was taken out.

If that's their idea of making a dictionary more relevant for the times. I think I'll stick with my regular dictionary and avoid the so-called junior addition or any dictionary made for the younger generation.



They say laughing is good for you right? If so, then what better way than to visit a site like lolcats. The whole thing is nothing more than silly pictures of cats with captions on them, like this:

External Image

There are other pictures there too and I usually visit the site several times a week for a good laugh. OtakuBoards even has it's own silly caturday thread where members post ones that they find amusing.

So how about all of you? Do you visit that site and if you do, do you have any favorites? Personally, I love all the ones of Basement Cat. XD Those just make me smile. ^_^

Black Friday Death

Black Friday Death

If there is one thing I really hate, it's stupidity. When I read about how someone was trampled to death since people were in such a hurry to shop on Black Friday, all I could think was how stupid those people were. Not only did they kill someone, but instead of leaving when asked too, they just kept shopping as if nothing had happened.

I don't understand this kind of stupidity and I really hope I never do. There is no toy, or accessory or ANYTHING that is worth a person's life. There is no amount of money that makes it acceptable either.

Anyway, I normally do like Black Friday shopping, just because usually everyone I know has the day off and we can get together and have some fun, in spite of the crowds. How about the rest of you? Crazy stories to tell? Or did you even go out this year?