Hey everybody,
The Underworld is yet another world of darkness and dark desires.But the only difference is that it's a world of hate, anger, desperation, and a bit of jealousy.
The underworld is basically my haven and I love to write poetry,so there will be alot of poetry on this page and a few other things in this world. I hope you enjoy everything and if you want to see something other than poetry just let me know


How stupid
You thought to subdue me
You thought to outsmart me
Me of all people
I can't believe how stupid you can be
You thought to make me look bad
You thought to make me look like a total idiot
But it all backfired didn't it?
I didn't look bad
I didn't look like a total idiot
You were the one who looked bad
You were the one who looked like a total idiot
Man you must feel pretty dumb now
But I wouldn't know would I?
Because I'm supposed to be super smart right?
I'm supposed to be the good girl right?
Well your wrong
I'm none of those
I'm more of the rebellious type
I'm the kind of girl who wants to stand out from the rest of the crowd
And I do
I do a pretty good job of it too
But that doesn't matter
You are what matters
You have this personality about you
One I can't quite describe yet
But yeah your pretty rebellious in your own way you know
Yet you tried to hurt me
You tried to make me look like a total loser
You tried to make look stupid
In the end it all backfired
Your the who looked stupid
Your the one who everyone calls ignorant
