Hi everybody,
If you have visited The Drak Realm or The Undrworld, then you know what's gonna go in this world.For those who haven't visited my other world's then this is a world where all of my poems or other writings go.
I love to write poetry and love to write things down that I have on my mind.But this world is mostly for anything I want it to be.If you would like to see something other than poetry then all you have to do is recommend something and I'll ty and do something like it.
- Created By Darkgoddess17
I can't breathe
It feels like something is squeezing my lungs
I can feel my heart begin to shatter into a million fragments
But it doesn't matter anymore
Because my only reasons for living are no longer with me
They lay before me covered in blood
They lay there stiff and pale
They don't look like they used to
They don't even look like the people I remember
I sit here beside them
Crying my heart out
Tears fall unchecked down my face
Making little spots on the ground
Why is this happening?
Why them and not me?
Why did it have to end this way?
I loved them so much and to have them taken from me
Oh God!
It hurts so much I can't bear to feel this way
My life lays here before me
Making me realize just how much I took it for granted
I thought I could have them with me forever
But I thought wrong
I couldn't have them forever
They were taken for granted as well
But it didn't really register until now
How stupid!
I should have learned
I should have known better
But I didn't
I couldn't
I was just some selfish little girl trying to make things work in the world
Where did that get me?
No where!
I sit here crying still more
Tears fall unchecked down my face
Nothing can make me happy anymore
Nothing can make me feel like I'm alive anymore
All anything or anyone can do
Is make me feel more miserable than I already am
Ela of the Earth
She stands there in all her glory
Untouched by time itself
Looking like a goddess with the promise of death surrounding her
Beckoning lost or fallen soldiers to her side
Bringing about their untimely end
She looks out over the horizon
And then down on the lands that lay below
She sees the destruction
The chaos
The decay man has left in his wake
Man has rid her homeland of its life force
Making it seem like an empty shell
With nothing but decaying ruins laying upon its lands
She won't take it much longer
She'll wait until the time comes
The time that comes for man's untimely demise
She will be the one to deliver the final killing blow
And end the dmoinance of man
For she is death itself
Wrapped in a neat package until she delivers the killing blow
Only then will she show her true form
A form that no man can describe
For she is called Ela;Earth
Without you
So much for love
You said you would be there for me when I needed you
But you weren't
You said we would still be together no matter what happened
You lied
You said you loved
You lied
You said I was the only one in your life
You lied
You lied about everything
Now your with her
And she says she wants to be with you
That she'll never be like me
But I know she's lying to you
Because you won't be the only one in her life
There will always be another
Then you'll be trying to come back to me
And ask if I forgive you
But I won't be there waiting for you to come back to me
I'll be moving on in my life
Without you in it
A thousand Tears have been shed
A thousand tears have been shed
From the day you were born to the day you died
I cry for your happiest moments
Your saddest moments
Your funny moments
Your angry moments
Even the moments you seemed to be the cutest thing in my life
I cry because I loved you
I cry because you were mine
I cry because I miss you
I cry because I remember the times I shared with you
My happy moments
My sad moments
My funny moments
The moments when I thought I wouldn't be able to go on
But you made it possible
You made everything in my life possible
It hurts to admit that your gone from my life
It hurts even more that I felt a very deep attachment to you
But at least I know your in a better place
And that I'll get to see you again the day I die
Only then will you and I be reunited
A thousand tears have been shed for you my love
Becuase you were such a treasure to me when you were born
Happy B-Day Mom^^
Today is my mother's b-day.She turns 43 years old.Not bad for a mother of three adorable and naughty teenage girl's and a twelve year old boy.Although I think she quite enjoys getting mad at us.
Happy B-day mom!I hope you enjoy yourself.