Hi everybody,
If you have visited The Drak Realm or The Undrworld, then you know what's gonna go in this world.For those who haven't visited my other world's then this is a world where all of my poems or other writings go.
I love to write poetry and love to write things down that I have on my mind.But this world is mostly for anything I want it to be.If you would like to see something other than poetry then all you have to do is recommend something and I'll ty and do something like it.

Untitled (yet again)

I lay here on the cold and broken tile floor
Exhausted beyond comprehension
My body feels like it has been taken through Hell and back again
I look up at the ceiling above
And begin to dream

As tears begin to form in my eyes
Memories from times long past pass before me
Making me long for the days that I could have found happiness while in this dark place
I can see my family: my little brother, my sister, my mom and dad
My mother and father stand before me, holding one another and smiling at me
I can picture my little brother laughing with my parents about some little prank he pulled
He stands behind me, merely taking in my posture and trying to evaluate how to help me get through whatever emotion or turmoil I'm facing
I can see my sister running towards me with her arms outstretched
She keeps running towards me with her open arms and tears streaming down her face
The abruptly passes through me and disappears along with my brother and my parents
I look around me, desperately trying to see where they are or where they went
But there is no trace of them
Its as if they had never been here with me in the first place
I keep calling for them, but there is no answer to be heard whatsoever
I give up and merely fall to my knees
Wrapping my arms around myself I let out a cry of despair and sorrow
The tears that I have long fought to keep from falling are now pouring down my cheeks like never ending waterfalls
I cry my heart out to the world around me
Hoping to let every inhabitant of this world feel my pain
But no one's here in this world to hear my cry of pain and loss
There is is only me in this miserable world of darkness
Its unbearable to be able to feel this way
I just wished I could leave this world and never come here again

As I awake from my slumber, I can barely see a small speck of light
A small speck that is gradually beginning to grow in size
I try to sit up, but cannot fore my arms nor my legs won't support my body's weight
So I just lay here on the cold and broken tile floor
Looking at the small light that has begun to get larger by the minute
I can do nothing more than merely watch as the light in this world of darkness gradually increases
As I look into the light, I see the most happiest, saddest and unmistakable site I've ever seen in my entire miserable existence in this world
I see my family standing in the center of the light
I begin to cry anew
Fore my family is smiling and outstretching their arms towards me
I try and reach for them but fail
My arms, legs and most of my body is entirely exhausted and cannot move
I cry out and look back up at the light in which surrounds my family
My sister and brother are looking at me with expectant expressions on their faces
While my dad is just looking down at with that knowing smile of his
My mom on the other hand is talking to me, but I cannot hear her words
I try and tell her this but cannot because my voice is rusty from disuse
She says something again, but this its something different
I look at her with a blank expression
She turns to my sister who looks down at me and repeats what my mom had said earlier
And this time I look at her lips so I can at least try and interpret what I need to do
What I find out is not unexpected but hard to do
My mom and sister tell me that all I have to do is let go of all the pain I've kept within myself
Only then will I be able to be with them
So I close my eyes and concentrate on letting go

When I open my eyes again, I see my dad looking down at me with a happy smile on his face
I feel his arms holding me so I look around me
To my left I see my brother and sister looking at me with tears in their eyes
I look to my right and see my mom looking at me also
But she isn't crying, she's smiling
Its then that I realize where I am
I feel tears begin to swell in my eyes because I can't believe what I had done
I actually did what my mother and sister had told me to do
I let go of the world around me, with all its pain, loss, misery, and sorrow
And now I am with my family eternally


Life isn't always easy
Especially when you don't have anyone to depend on
You look around at the people walking by
And see that they either have a friend or loved one with them
But you have no one by your side to talk to
Or confide in
It hurts,no it kills you
Every day you fight a never ending battle
To remind yourself that she's gone and won't ever be coming back
You always thought she would always be here by your side
Laughing and talking with you about her day
How she was doing
And how she felt
In the end you found out that she wouldn't always be here for you
She died in a horrible accident
An accident that you both didn't think could happen

Three years have passed since then
And I've been here for you ever since then
But you don't seem to notice
You keep living each day like you have since her death
I keep living each day like I don't care or notice how you act
But I do
And I keep trying to hide that fact
In the end it doesn't seem to work
Because you always find me in my favorite spot crying
You take one look at me every time
Then you walk over to where I sit
And simply hold me in your arms while I cry
I don't have the courage to tell you why I'm crying
I just let you hold me and comfort me for as long as you are able to
Once I'm done crying you help me up
And walk with me back to your place
I try and keep my thoughts to myself
But the latter wins and I ask you
"Why do you keep acting like you have no one to depend on?"
You stop walking with me and simply look at me
I'm always the one who ends up trying to change the subject after that
But this time your the one who says something
You tell me
"Because I lost the one I truly held close to my heart."
I look back at you then back at the sidewalk in front of me
I turn and keep walking knowing what you said was the truth

Today is like any other day
But your not doing what you usually do
Your sitting across from me watching me intently
Like I'm some kind of freak show or some kind of science experiment
I look away from your eyes
And out at the ocean
You get up from your seat and come to sit beside me
I know your right beside me but don't bother to look back at you
Because I don't know what to do
Or how to react
I just simply stare out at the ocean
You say my name and I can't do anything but look at you
Your sitting so close I can hear your heart beating within your chest
I look up at your face
You simply lean down and kiss me
I pull back and ask you
"What was that for?"
You pull me in a close embrace and tell me
"Because I love you!"

Thank You

It is so contagious
I can hardly breathe
It is so unconditional
I don't know how to fathom it
It is so full of life and joy
That not even the most vilest and evil person cannot be come near without weeping with unbound joy
It is beyond my comprehension
I have yet to understand it's meaning
It is only for those you hold close to your heart
For they are the ones you would protect and cherish with your life
It has no boundaries
For it is always reaching for everything and everyone
I know no such thing
For it was never taught to me
I have never once known what it was called
Now I do
And that is only because of you
You and only you
You have captured me and made me yours forever
And you only did that with your love
Your love
It's so contagious I can scarcely fathom it
Yet I know the meaning of love
And with all due respect
I think it's the most amazing feeling anyone can ever have
It is unconditional and given freely
Without a single reservation
It is all things good and bad
It it all happiness and everything sad
It is all laughter and love
But that's because it is love
And love is a part of life
As you've just shown me
I thank you for what joy and happiness you've brought into my life
Thank you

A thousand Tears have been shed

A thousand tears have been shed
From the day you were born to the day you died
I cry for your happiest moments
Your saddest moments
Your funny moments
Your angry moments
Even the moments you seemed to be the cutest thing in my life
I cry because I loved you
I cry because you were mine
I cry because I miss you
I cry because I remember the times I shared with you
My happy moments
My sad moments
My funny moments
The moments when I thought I wouldn't be able to go on
But you made it possible
You made everything in my life possible
It hurts to admit that your gone from my life
It hurts even more that I felt a very deep attachment to you
But at least I know your in a better place
And that I'll get to see you again the day I die
Only then will you and I be reunited

A thousand tears have been shed for you my love
Becuase you were such a treasure to me when you were born


It's cloudy outside
Not a single clearing in sight
Snow silently falls to the ground
Like the ancient civilizations of ages long past
The ruins lie deep beneath the Earth's surface
Waiting to be discovered yet again
While they lie in wait for discovery
Some one walks along the silent and long abandoned streets
This person has just recently found refuge here
And she isn't about to leave just yet
She walks in and out of the houses
Sensing something that shouldn't be there
But what?
She looks and looks
But she can't find anything
She stops looking for whatever it is that caused her so much turmoil
She begins to walk the lonely streets of the abandoned city
Thinking about her old life
The life in which she had a family
The life in which she loved and adored her little sister and brother
The life in which she would do anything to protect her mother and father
The life in which was taken from her
Her old life had been taken from her by the ages of time
She was an ancient
She was a powerful immortal
She was more than just a girl
She was a force to be reckoned with,
And if you dared to disturb her haven of solitude
You would find yourself facing her wrath,
She was...the last of her people
And if she died
So would the memory of her people
Nothing would change that
And nothing could stop it
She was willing to embrace it
She wouldn't run from it
She would simply embrace it as though it were a part of her
Nothing more
Nothing less