(World makeover pending)

You can call me Art or Artgrrl. My real name Allura but here I prefer Artgrrl

TheOtaku is my usual haunt but you can also find me at;
deviantart, mangamagazine

Date of Birth: October 5



Angel Painting

I sighed up for a painting activity in a place called Uptown Art. It's a community thing where you sigh up for a class and everyone paints the same picture with the guidance of a teacher. They offer snacks and drinks but I think that their popular because they sell beer and wine XD. (to the adults of course)
As you see here I painted an angel.
It was fun. I haven't painted in a LONG time. Real traditional paint. I've only been doing digital painting.
I want to take another class soon!

More favorite art work

This is more artwork by Cao Yong this one is titled "Cool Waters"
