Hey, nice article here. I myself am a yaoi fangirl and get that stereotypical reaction when I tell some people. I know there are some fangirls out there that shove it down your throat and scream and yell at you if you don't like it (Albeit, a small percentage) but people seem to lump us all together as acting like that. (We're sounding as bad as the Twilight fans)
I have my favorite pairings that my friends (all female) don't like. They aren't yaoi fangirls like me, but we all share a love of anime so we get along. They don't like yaoi, so I don't talk with them about it. I see no reason to shove my favorite pairings down someone else's throat. Not everyone likes the same thing.
I'm not much of a yoai/shonen-ai fangirl, but that doesn't mean that they should be hated. I honestly prefer fluff but I agree that fangirls that support yoai/shonen-ai shouldn't get hated like that.
I have a friend that's a female yaoi fan, and while I don't cringe at the mention of something shounen-ai (most gay guys are pretty cool in my experience, so I don't mind it though I'm not into it either), I do cringe at the mention of yaoi in particular, especially when it comes from a girl who enjoys reading it.
(For termonology's sake: Yaoi is "a form of hentai involving two or more males in a homosexual relationship" [http://www.allwords.com/word-yaoi.html] while shounen-ai is the same, minus the smut. I know it's not always as clean cut as that, but that's how I'm using the words.)
Now, gay guys who enjoy reading yaoi? No problem. Why? Because that's what they're into: Other guys! A guy who wants to be with a guy! But for girls who like yaoi, it just seems unnaturally perverted--the same goes for guys that like yuri.
I do, however, agree that people shouldn't try to scare or threaten either type of fan--that's just wrong. I'd never even try to dissuade a girl from reading/looking at yaoi, or judge them solely based on the fact they like it (that's a very small factor in much broader spectrum of what defines a person), but that's my take on it.
Last edited by Yuushoku37 at 1:15:22 AM EDT on April 10, 2009.
you stated allot of facts and I thought it was a great article.. as on forums on various websites and such I see tons of yaoi fangirl hate being thrown around and I think it's ridiculous. I understand how some people feel but I don't think they should criticize. What if we all did that to yuri fans, or loli, or shonen, or school life, or romance fans..? there would be so much hate going around and people hurt from having people telling them about how ridiculous they are for liking a genre of anime. Even more so then yaoi fangirls im a yaoi (fanboy) and I see so much hate going around..im sure you can imagine how hurtful people can be because of it..everyone..just enjoy your life and anime! we only have one life to live enjoy whatever you want..labels are for cans not people
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
You produced a well written essay that states some actual facts, well done. You have captured and presented the fact of the matter quite well.
Now, this stereotyping results in the nature of some art. Most often, a person will make a judgment on a single experience for an entire genre. If somebody watched caddy shack they will probably label all 1980 comedy films as a weapon of mass annoyance. If somebody encounters a picture of L and Light “fighting” they will probably think all other art is like that. The same can be said for written fiction, it only takes one bad experience to put somebody off of something. Sort of like a person might never eat cotton candy again after a bad day on the roller coaster. The sad thing being that the guy/girl might actually enjoy the subject/candy (My analogy is getting whacky, sorry) if they tried another variety. A happy customer will tell a couple of people, but an angry customer will tell everybody who can listen. That is how a common misunderstanding can spread like wild fire.
Now, that doesn’t mean that the genre is doomed to an eternity of “It burns my eyes!” reactions. To combat the prejudice you must simply show others the positive side of the matter. How fiction and art can complement each other to portray the story of a comically romantic couple. If enough people do that, the “killing” thing will stop.
You did rather bring up some of the points that have shone themselves. I am a very happy yaoi-fangirl, and so are some of my friends. We are not trying to sove it in others faces, but the ones who do and then jump you when you say that you dont like it are the ones that cause all this stuff to be said agenst us.
My sister likes yuri, and i am fine with it. I must agree with the people in that the yuri fanboys are not getting putdown by others. It is not fair that because of the fangirls that do freak that we all are looked at like crazy people.
Great wrighting!
Amazing article. Some yaoi fangirls do give us other fans a bad name. The ones that try to force what they like onto to people that don't like the fandom. I myself am a fan of yaoi, yuri, and het, so I'm quite open-minded. All my friends are into yaoi and yuri and actually, if you happen to like hetero couples, you're considered a little weird in our group XD I hate being stereotyped as an evil person though for liking what I like. I'm certainly not crazy and psychotic, but I do get flamed for drawing fanart of yaoi couples a lot unfortunately. Most of the yaoi fangirls I see at cons and stuff are 12-14 and can be very loud and obnoxious, but not all yaoi fangirls are like that. My yaoi fan friends (boys and girls) are all wonderful people (and a little strange, but hey, isn't everyone? =P). I'm really glad you wrote this essay. It brought up a lot of great points.
Very good job. This is a well-written article that I totally agree with. My friends like yaoi, and even though there are some people in this universe that can't get past that, that's not all there is to them, not personality-wise or ever in their choices in anime or manga. I'm glad to see an eloquent person address this issue. Many thanks.
Your absolutly right. People are really harsh when it comes to fangirls and the fanart, Fanfiction, etc. that the make. Instead of enjoying the fact that some Yoai/Yuri are well written and even thought provoking, they choose to flame that person for the fact that it has two guys/girls kissing. And the worst thing is that it doesn't stop there. Fangirls are stereotyped not only for being girls, but for there race as well. Someone one asked me, "Have you forgotten that your black?" The fact is, people should start repecting each other more, and writing stupid comments less.
That is so true! I don't get why people put us down so much! I mean so what if you think it's a sin?! I'm a yoai fangirl and damn proud of it too! I personally REALLY like the AkuRoku paring even though I'm a MAJOR Axel fan girl but it's still....or rather... THEY LOOK SOOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!!! okay i'm done... Good job!!
You've touched on a good topic here ^.^ I don't like yaoi or yuri. However, I think the reason that yuri fans aren't bothered so much is because a lot of them admit that what they're into is a form of porn/hentai material. When I was still learning about anime (many years ago, when I was an Inuyasha fan) I discovered yaoi, but I though "hentai" and "yuri" were the same thing because often they were classed together and yuri fans all admitted it was a form of hentai.
When I say it's a "form of hentai" I mean that the reader/viewer is getting some sort of pleasure out of it. I dunno anything of this pleasure so I'm not entirely sure about this... But the reader/viewer of the yuri/yaoi/hentai likes it because it makes them feel good in a relationship-like way (the way that makes those fans say things like: "squee!", "aww! they're so cute together!", and "wow! that's hot! *nosebleed*"). I'm gonna shut up now because I have no idea what I'm talking about... o.O; Will someone please inject me with some hormones or something!
The major problem I see with any yaoi/yuri/hentai material is that it's unrealistic. Generally the material doesn't fit in with the series' plot, character personalities, or series' story all together. There are a lot of forced relationships in these kinds of material, for example the characters are enemies in the original material but in the yaoi/yuri/hentai they're lovers...? Also there are a lot of "different versions" of the original material's events, such as a different character dying in another character's stead. Lastly, when the original material's story setting is changed, like going from a magical world in the original material to the real life world (this one) in the yaoi/yuri/hentai. I'm attacking fanfics a little more here, but you get the idea: if the fanfic isn't believable, then it's not very good. So far I haven't found any "good" yaoi/yuri/hentai fanfics (if you have, give kudos to the author because good fanfics in any fandom are terribly hard to find anyways).
I have no problem with yaoi/yuri/hentai fans, we're all great people. However, it's really annoying when yaoi/yuri fans accuse non-fans of being homophobes or discriminatory on a sexual preference basis. Maybe some non-fans are, but not all of us ^.~ Great essay though, you did hit some really good points! ^.^
I really agree w/ this stuff. Especially considering the fact that I'm surrounded by the nicest yaoi fangirls ever and also because I'm a male in a relationship w/ someone of the same sex. And its very unlike how those who don't like yaoi perceive it. Theres definitely more heart behind it not just "hawtt gay fuxx0rz". Though I cant say there isnt any in it. ;) You make some very valid points, Anime Dutchess. Though, I think yuri fanboys don't get that same discrimination because they mostly watch and view that stuff which tends to makes them jerk off and they're ashamed of it and don't want to share that. And theres also the fact that guys straight and/or perverted alike, probably dont even watch Anime, know what it is, or even know the terms 'yaoi', 'yuri', and 'hentai' etcetera. But they probably can't live w/out it. Even if they don't have specfic words and names like that. :) You know what I mean?
I agree completely with the Essay. I have friends of my own that are very against Yaoi (and are uncomfortable about gays, because of religious affiliations), and it is because they seem to think that all yaoi fans think that just because two guys are hot, they should be together. Weirdly enough, one of my friends is more okay with Yaoi then Shounen-Ai, because she doesn't get the cutsey stuff about the relationships. Those fans that think Hot + Hot = Sex are a lot of the problem that others have (not that I say they're bad, I do that too, at times). The thing that I don't get, is why do people just fume, but get over it when the pairing is a Het couple the don't like, but once it consists of two male characters, it is then labeled as "gross", "wrong", and the fangirls of such pairing are flamed? And why is it socially acceptable for guys to like girl pairings, but once girls like Guy pairings, it's weird?
On a separate note, I have also only met one and a half (she's not completely converted yet) Yaoi fans in my life, and they happen to be amazing people, and absolutely a joy to know. I have found yaoi fans to be very interesting people, and very passionate about things that they like; which makes them a lot more fun to talk to then other people.
Once again, thank you so much for posting this article. Even if it doesn't sway people's opinions about Yaoi Fangirls, at least you did something to support the community.
That's very well written! And I agree! It may be the fact that I myself am a yaoi fangirl, but I agree nonetheless. We are wrongly stereotyped and, dare I say it, demonized!! My boyfriend doesn't like yaoi, or even yuri, but he doesn't think any less of me for liking yaoi. I don't see why people have to be judgemental! Props to you for writing this!!
I gotta say, this essay is compleatly true. I mean, we yaoi fan girls suffer the most. I mean, we also like boy X girl parrings to. For example, I like the yaoi parring IchiHana from Bleach. The thing is, I see the parring in a shonen ai way. Hana needs protection and Ichigo protects all of his friends. The other thing is I like the parring IchiRuki too. We're all so badly sterotyped. Fangirls aren't as bad as everybody says. We're innocent girls that show their love in a diffrent way. To be honnest, the yaoi half of us shows some of our creativity. You my dear girl have written a truthful article.
I think that the main reasons for the 'demonizing of yaoi fangirls' among non-yaoi fangirls, like myself, is that most people who hear about anime or the otaku world hear about the whole yaoi concept.It seems like steryo-typing the yaoi fangirls is the easiest way to deal with that problem. Another main problem I have with the whole yaoi stigmatism is that most people assume that almost every girl is into yaoi. I really like your point of view, though. And I do think that yaoi is stereotyped. But I think its a problem that won't go away soon.
I agree with you on this one. I'm constantly being ragged on for being open-minded about this sort of thing, and that's by people who aren't even otaku; the majority of people I know aren't, so their prejudice against homosexuality in any form is usually just their pigheaded american-ness rearing its ugly head.
The thing that hurts me the most about their arguments is that they all seem to think that gay people are obsessed with sex. I don't see how that makes sense, but everyone seems to think that.
Great article, hopefully it'll make some of those people change their minds on this matter!
You have good points. I myself don't like yaoi or yuri but I wouldn't kill someone because they like it. I actually have a friend who likes yaoi. Some ppl just get too emotional when it comes to differences.
This is a well written essay. I do agree that yaoi fangirls are always streotyped and that its not fair. I, myself, am a Yaoi Fangirl and proud of it. People should be more understanding about us. They don't have to agree with it, but that doesn't mean they can look as if they're going to be physically ill everytime it comes up in conversation. Even when you aren't talking to them it happens.
Anyway...Nice essay. Good job portraying our thoughts.
:D I'm proud to admit that I like Yaoi and Shounen-Ai. People have their own opinions and are entitled to them. If they don't like it then let it be. It's really just a waste of your and their time. But if people start to insult you for likeing something they don't, ignore because they are just not worth it.
The only thing that pisses me off about the yaoi fandom is that some fans will say they support gay rights (due to liking yaoi),but actually don't. Don't say something you don't really mean.
But this was a well-written article that I enjoyed very much.
I don't like yaoi. In fact, I kinda dislike yaoi. And the only confirmed "Yaoi Fangirl" I ever met jumped down my throat for being intolerant and homophobic for the exact words "It isn't really my thing, ya know?"
But I am going to give you a hug for a well written article with quite a few good points, because it is not your fault (nor the fault of the general community of yaoi fangirls) that I have a gift for running into People Who Suck.
I'm starting a new fad: Finding common ground. If you meet someone who doesn't share your taste/view/whatever discuss something you do share in interest it. I mean, we're all otaku here, right? There's GOT to be SOMETHING we have in common!
Im a Yaoi fangirl (Hey I for one like pairing boys) to compleat it Im also a Yuri fangirl and just plain straight fangirl. I mean I also like some Hentai and when I say that to people they automattically think I look at porno O-O I dont. Anyways fact is being a Yaoi fangil is finr theres nothing wrong with paring boys with boys and girls wit girls.
Awesome, I agree with your point of view. I lose respect for those who are quick to judge and I disagree with stereotypes. Personally, I don't like any yoai or yuri, but that doesn't hinder a person's personality.
One more thing: ...and yet I've never seen yuri fanboys get the smackdown.
Girls liking yoai does seem to get more glaring looks than guys liking yuri. Sadly, people seem to think it's more acceptable for a guy to like yuri, just because they're guys. That's another weirdo stereotype…
Good essay! For the most part, I'm live and let live when it comes to yaoi fangirls. I'm not one, but I've known plenty and I've enjoyed actual yaoi manga like Fake. My biggest problem is when they are pretending characters are gay or getting angry at legatimite het fan fictions.
And my biggest pet peeve? If someone tries to say I'm a homophobe because I don't like yaoi. Guess what, not the same thing -_-.
Interesting article. Well I don't like yoai and only gave a few shonen-ai's a chance. But I do have friends who like it and they are as you said pretty cool people.
However some yoai fans get bad rep because there are just some fans who are really ridiculous and rude. Like saying there yoai paring is perfectly connon and treating with disrespect because you don't like what they like. Anyway nice article.
oh yeah, i know that variety. ^^;;; i think we're all guilty of that at some point, though. Also, those are the kinda fans that start flame wars sometimes, yah know? I agree with you 100%. ^^
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Nice essay. One thing I want to add, though:
most writers of these fics haven't had the romantic experience to write something on a lemon level
Depends on what you're reading and where you're looking for it. My current fandom is chock full of smut fic, but many fans are around college student age and up. (So a good number of them probably have experience to back it up.)
Which is something that I think applies to all stereotypes about fic in general; of course yaoi fanfiction as a whole is going to seem horrid if people are only exposed to the horrid fic.
umm...i really like your article myself and theres a group of yaoi fangirls who get thrash by yuri fan boys and people who think its weird to like anime at all...i have half a mind to print this out and shove this in their faces but it probley wouldnt work...but i agree with your article and im dedicating my high school years to stop the demonization of yaoi and yuri fanpeople!!!!...im very weird ain't I...
You make very valid points, and I commend you on your ability to not attack back against those who do not agree with your fandoms. Sadly, thats the state of the world. People seem to be very unaccepting of other peoples fandoms, and feel the need to vocalize that dislike very loudly. Being married to a Yaoi Fan, I have actually taken the time to learn as much as possible about that genre of Anime/Manga, and actually have learn to resopect a lot of the work.
Also, the Yaoi fandom is getting quite a bad rap due to the underage crop of fangirls. When I say underage, I am refering to the 12-14 year olds. They are the ones who tend to be the more obnoxious and outspoken. They also are very unaccepting of other peoples fandoms, and even other peoples OTP for that matter. In the end, it all comes down to being who you are, and enjoy what you like, and to hell with anyone elses oppinions.
Why this is seen as a problem (like it can actually be "solved") most likely stems from plain old terrible writing! No heart is placed into their work and it shows in the complete lack of depth. This equally applies to professionals who seem to be more interested in pushing a product, rather than presenting something that makes you think: "What just happened?" It's not a feeling that you can easily put into words, for to properly use words in this context, we have to use words to push us beyond words. Now, isn't that something that we all struggle with when we feel that maddening affect known as love? Isn't that the thing that we are aiming for, rather than getting hung-up on genders?
To see the surface of the situation is to not see at all; rather, it is to willingly shield your eyes, shut your emotions, deny your own emotions. And that is not something which makes us true human beings.
I loved your article (I'm a big fan of yaoi)and agree with you one hundred percent. I do however, have something to add. Sometimes, certain said "fangirls" tend to go "overboard" with their love...meaning they expect everyone to love what they love or face death. It is sometimes this that leads to certain people just bluntly hating the fandom...because sometimes their met with hostility from fans who can't accept the fact that not everyone is going to like what they like. So basically, fans shouldn't also try to impose their likes onto someone else and hold a knife to their throat if they happen to say "I don't like that..". fans should also be responsible enough to behave accordingly when met with someone who doesn't think Gravitation is the best thing ever invented. :D
Queen of Anime
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/31/09 | Reply
Hey, nice article here. I myself am a yaoi fangirl and get that stereotypical reaction when I tell some people. I know there are some fangirls out there that shove it down your throat and scream and yell at you if you don't like it (Albeit, a small percentage) but people seem to lump us all together as acting like that. (We're sounding as bad as the Twilight fans)
I have my favorite pairings that my friends (all female) don't like. They aren't yaoi fangirls like me, but we all share a love of anime so we get along. They don't like yaoi, so I don't talk with them about it. I see no reason to shove my favorite pairings down someone else's throat. Not everyone likes the same thing.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
I'm not much of a yoai/shonen-ai fangirl, but that doesn't mean that they should be hated. I honestly prefer fluff but I agree that fangirls that support yoai/shonen-ai shouldn't get hated like that.
Otakuite | Posted 04/10/09 | Reply
I have a friend that's a female yaoi fan, and while I don't cringe at the mention of something shounen-ai (most gay guys are pretty cool in my experience, so I don't mind it though I'm not into it either), I do cringe at the mention of yaoi in particular, especially when it comes from a girl who enjoys reading it.
(For termonology's sake: Yaoi is "a form of hentai involving two or more males in a homosexual relationship" [http://www.allwords.com/word-yaoi.html] while shounen-ai is the same, minus the smut. I know it's not always as clean cut as that, but that's how I'm using the words.)
Now, gay guys who enjoy reading yaoi? No problem. Why? Because that's what they're into: Other guys! A guy who wants to be with a guy! But for girls who like yaoi, it just seems unnaturally perverted--the same goes for guys that like yuri.
I do, however, agree that people shouldn't try to scare or threaten either type of fan--that's just wrong. I'd never even try to dissuade a girl from reading/looking at yaoi, or judge them solely based on the fact they like it (that's a very small factor in much broader spectrum of what defines a person), but that's my take on it.
Last edited by Yuushoku37 at 1:15:22 AM EDT on April 10, 2009.
Otakuite | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
you stated allot of facts and I thought it was a great article.. as on forums on various websites and such I see tons of yaoi fangirl hate being thrown around and I think it's ridiculous. I understand how some people feel but I don't think they should criticize. What if we all did that to yuri fans, or loli, or shonen, or school life, or romance fans..? there would be so much hate going around and people hurt from having people telling them about how ridiculous they are for liking a genre of anime. Even more so then yaoi fangirls im a yaoi (fanboy) and I see so much hate going around..im sure you can imagine how hurtful people can be because of it..everyone..just enjoy your life and anime! we only have one life to live enjoy whatever you want..labels are for cans not people
Mr Sword
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
You produced a well written essay that states some actual facts, well done. You have captured and presented the fact of the matter quite well.
Now, this stereotyping results in the nature of some art. Most often, a person will make a judgment on a single experience for an entire genre. If somebody watched caddy shack they will probably label all 1980 comedy films as a weapon of mass annoyance. If somebody encounters a picture of L and Light “fighting” they will probably think all other art is like that. The same can be said for written fiction, it only takes one bad experience to put somebody off of something. Sort of like a person might never eat cotton candy again after a bad day on the roller coaster. The sad thing being that the guy/girl might actually enjoy the subject/candy (My analogy is getting whacky, sorry) if they tried another variety. A happy customer will tell a couple of people, but an angry customer will tell everybody who can listen. That is how a common misunderstanding can spread like wild fire.
Now, that doesn’t mean that the genre is doomed to an eternity of “It burns my eyes!” reactions. To combat the prejudice you must simply show others the positive side of the matter. How fiction and art can complement each other to portray the story of a comically romantic couple. If enough people do that, the “killing” thing will stop.
A simple but long process, don’t you think?
Otakuite | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
You did rather bring up some of the points that have shone themselves. I am a very happy yaoi-fangirl, and so are some of my friends. We are not trying to sove it in others faces, but the ones who do and then jump you when you say that you dont like it are the ones that cause all this stuff to be said agenst us.
My sister likes yuri, and i am fine with it. I must agree with the people in that the yuri fanboys are not getting putdown by others. It is not fair that because of the fangirls that do freak that we all are looked at like crazy people.
Great wrighting!
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
Amazing article. Some yaoi fangirls do give us other fans a bad name. The ones that try to force what they like onto to people that don't like the fandom. I myself am a fan of yaoi, yuri, and het, so I'm quite open-minded. All my friends are into yaoi and yuri and actually, if you happen to like hetero couples, you're considered a little weird in our group XD I hate being stereotyped as an evil person though for liking what I like. I'm certainly not crazy and psychotic, but I do get flamed for drawing fanart of yaoi couples a lot unfortunately. Most of the yaoi fangirls I see at cons and stuff are 12-14 and can be very loud and obnoxious, but not all yaoi fangirls are like that. My yaoi fan friends (boys and girls) are all wonderful people (and a little strange, but hey, isn't everyone? =P). I'm really glad you wrote this essay. It brought up a lot of great points.
raging psyco
Otakuite | Posted 04/02/08 | Reply
Very good job. This is a well-written article that I totally agree with. My friends like yaoi, and even though there are some people in this universe that can't get past that, that's not all there is to them, not personality-wise or ever in their choices in anime or manga. I'm glad to see an eloquent person address this issue. Many thanks.
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/01/08 | Reply
Your absolutly right. People are really harsh when it comes to fangirls and the fanart, Fanfiction, etc. that the make. Instead of enjoying the fact that some Yoai/Yuri are well written and even thought provoking, they choose to flame that person for the fact that it has two guys/girls kissing. And the worst thing is that it doesn't stop there. Fangirls are stereotyped not only for being girls, but for there race as well. Someone one asked me, "Have you forgotten that your black?" The fact is, people should start repecting each other more, and writing stupid comments less.
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/29/08 | Reply
That is so true! I don't get why people put us down so much! I mean so what if you think it's a sin?! I'm a yoai fangirl and damn proud of it too! I personally REALLY like the AkuRoku paring even though I'm a MAJOR Axel fan girl but it's still....or rather... THEY LOOK SOOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!!!
okay i'm done... Good job!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
You've touched on a good topic here ^.^ I don't like yaoi or yuri. However, I think the reason that yuri fans aren't bothered so much is because a lot of them admit that what they're into is a form of porn/hentai material. When I was still learning about anime (many years ago, when I was an Inuyasha fan) I discovered yaoi, but I though "hentai" and "yuri" were the same thing because often they were classed together and yuri fans all admitted it was a form of hentai.
When I say it's a "form of hentai" I mean that the reader/viewer is getting some sort of pleasure out of it. I dunno anything of this pleasure so I'm not entirely sure about this... But the reader/viewer of the yuri/yaoi/hentai likes it because it makes them feel good in a relationship-like way (the way that makes those fans say things like: "squee!", "aww! they're so cute together!", and "wow! that's hot! *nosebleed*"). I'm gonna shut up now because I have no idea what I'm talking about... o.O; Will someone please inject me with some hormones or something!
The major problem I see with any yaoi/yuri/hentai material is that it's unrealistic. Generally the material doesn't fit in with the series' plot, character personalities, or series' story all together. There are a lot of forced relationships in these kinds of material, for example the characters are enemies in the original material but in the yaoi/yuri/hentai they're lovers...? Also there are a lot of "different versions" of the original material's events, such as a different character dying in another character's stead. Lastly, when the original material's story setting is changed, like going from a magical world in the original material to the real life world (this one) in the yaoi/yuri/hentai. I'm attacking fanfics a little more here, but you get the idea: if the fanfic isn't believable, then it's not very good. So far I haven't found any "good" yaoi/yuri/hentai fanfics (if you have, give kudos to the author because good fanfics in any fandom are terribly hard to find anyways).
I have no problem with yaoi/yuri/hentai fans, we're all great people. However, it's really annoying when yaoi/yuri fans accuse non-fans of being homophobes or discriminatory on a sexual preference basis. Maybe some non-fans are, but not all of us ^.~ Great essay though, you did hit some really good points! ^.^
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
I really agree w/ this stuff. Especially considering the fact that I'm surrounded by the nicest yaoi fangirls ever and also because I'm a male in a relationship w/ someone of the same sex. And its very unlike how those who don't like yaoi perceive it. Theres definitely more heart behind it not just "hawtt gay fuxx0rz". Though I cant say there isnt any in it. ;) You make some very valid points, Anime Dutchess. Though, I think yuri fanboys don't get that same discrimination because they mostly watch and view that stuff which tends to makes them jerk off and they're ashamed of it and don't want to share that. And theres also the fact that guys straight and/or perverted alike, probably dont even watch Anime, know what it is, or even know the terms 'yaoi', 'yuri', and 'hentai' etcetera. But they probably can't live w/out it. Even if they don't have specfic words and names like that. :) You know what I mean?
Otakuite | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
I agree completely with the Essay. I have friends of my own that are very against Yaoi (and are uncomfortable about gays, because of religious affiliations), and it is because they seem to think that all yaoi fans think that just because two guys are hot, they should be together. Weirdly enough, one of my friends is more okay with Yaoi then Shounen-Ai, because she doesn't get the cutsey stuff about the relationships. Those fans that think Hot + Hot = Sex are a lot of the problem that others have (not that I say they're bad, I do that too, at times). The thing that I don't get, is why do people just fume, but get over it when the pairing is a Het couple the don't like, but once it consists of two male characters, it is then labeled as "gross", "wrong", and the fangirls of such pairing are flamed? And why is it socially acceptable for guys to like girl pairings, but once girls like Guy pairings, it's weird?
On a separate note, I have also only met one and a half (she's not completely converted yet) Yaoi fans in my life, and they happen to be amazing people, and absolutely a joy to know. I have found yaoi fans to be very interesting people, and very passionate about things that they like; which makes them a lot more fun to talk to then other people.
Once again, thank you so much for posting this article. Even if it doesn't sway people's opinions about Yaoi Fangirls, at least you did something to support the community.
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
That's very well written! And I agree! It may be the fact that I myself am a yaoi fangirl, but I agree nonetheless. We are wrongly stereotyped and, dare I say it, demonized!! My boyfriend doesn't like yaoi, or even yuri, but he doesn't think any less of me for liking yaoi. I don't see why people have to be judgemental! Props to you for writing this!!

gir inu12
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
I gotta say, this essay is compleatly true. I mean, we yaoi fan girls suffer the most. I mean, we also like boy X girl parrings to. For example, I like the yaoi parring IchiHana from Bleach. The thing is, I see the parring in a shonen ai way. Hana needs protection and Ichigo protects all of his friends. The other thing is I like the parring IchiRuki too. We're all so badly sterotyped. Fangirls aren't as bad as everybody says. We're innocent girls that show their love in a diffrent way. To be honnest, the yaoi half of us shows some of our creativity. You my dear girl have written a truthful article.
*gir inu12*
Otakuite | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
I think that the main reasons for the 'demonizing of yaoi fangirls' among non-yaoi fangirls, like myself, is that most people who hear about anime or the otaku world hear about the whole yaoi concept.It seems like steryo-typing the yaoi fangirls is the easiest way to deal with that problem. Another main problem I have with the whole yaoi stigmatism is that most people assume that almost every girl is into yaoi. I really like your point of view, though. And I do think that yaoi is stereotyped. But I think its a problem that won't go away soon.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
I agree with you on this one. I'm constantly being ragged on for being open-minded about this sort of thing, and that's by people who aren't even otaku; the majority of people I know aren't, so their prejudice against homosexuality in any form is usually just their pigheaded american-ness rearing its ugly head.
The thing that hurts me the most about their arguments is that they all seem to think that gay people are obsessed with sex. I don't see how that makes sense, but everyone seems to think that.
Great article, hopefully it'll make some of those people change their minds on this matter!
Otakuite | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
You have good points. I myself don't like yaoi or yuri but I wouldn't kill someone because they like it. I actually have a friend who likes yaoi. Some ppl just get too emotional when it comes to differences.
Otakuite | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
This is a well written essay. I do agree that yaoi fangirls are always streotyped and that its not fair. I, myself, am a Yaoi Fangirl and proud of it. People should be more understanding about us. They don't have to agree with it, but that doesn't mean they can look as if they're going to be physically ill everytime it comes up in conversation. Even when you aren't talking to them it happens.
Anyway...Nice essay. Good job portraying our thoughts.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
:D I'm proud to admit that I like Yaoi and Shounen-Ai. People have their own opinions and are entitled to them. If they don't like it then let it be. It's really just a waste of your and their time. But if people start to insult you for likeing something they don't, ignore because they are just not worth it.
The only thing that pisses me off about the yaoi fandom is that some fans will say they support gay rights (due to liking yaoi),but actually don't. Don't say something you don't really mean.
But this was a well-written article that I enjoyed very much.
Zero System
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
I don't like yaoi. In fact, I kinda dislike yaoi. And the only confirmed "Yaoi Fangirl" I ever met jumped down my throat for being intolerant and homophobic for the exact words "It isn't really my thing, ya know?"
But I am going to give you a hug for a well written article with quite a few good points, because it is not your fault (nor the fault of the general community of yaoi fangirls) that I have a gift for running into People Who Suck.
I'm starting a new fad: Finding common ground. If you meet someone who doesn't share your taste/view/whatever discuss something you do share in interest it. I mean, we're all otaku here, right? There's GOT to be SOMETHING we have in common!
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Im a Yaoi fangirl (Hey I for one like pairing boys) to compleat it Im also a Yuri fangirl and just plain straight fangirl. I mean I also like some Hentai and when I say that to people they automattically think I look at porno O-O I dont. Anyways fact is being a Yaoi fangil is finr theres nothing wrong with paring boys with boys and girls wit girls.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Awesome, I agree with your point of view. I lose respect for those who are quick to judge and I disagree with stereotypes. Personally, I don't like any yoai or yuri, but that doesn't hinder a person's personality.
One more thing:
...and yet I've never seen yuri fanboys get the smackdown.
Girls liking yoai does seem to get more glaring looks than guys liking yuri. Sadly, people seem to think it's more acceptable for a guy to like yuri, just because they're guys. That's another weirdo stereotype…
Great article and I thank you for writing it
Queen of Skaia (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Very good essay. I'm rly not a Yaoi fangirl at all, but I am a fangirl, and the points u made r very well put. Great job.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Good essay! For the most part, I'm live and let live when it comes to yaoi fangirls. I'm not one, but I've known plenty and I've enjoyed actual yaoi manga like Fake. My biggest problem is when they are pretending characters are gay or getting angry at legatimite het fan fictions.
And my biggest pet peeve? If someone tries to say I'm a homophobe because I don't like yaoi. Guess what, not the same thing -_-.
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Interesting article. Well I don't like yoai and only gave a few shonen-ai's a chance. But I do have friends who like it and they are as you said pretty cool people.
However some yoai fans get bad rep because there are just some fans who are really ridiculous and rude. Like saying there yoai paring is perfectly connon and treating with disrespect because you don't like what they like. Anyway nice article.
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
oh yeah, i know that variety. ^^;;; i think we're all guilty of that at some point, though. Also, those are the kinda fans that start flame wars sometimes, yah know? I agree with you 100%. ^^
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
hm...*nod nod* yeah, i understand yah. I'm glad you liked the article! ^^
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
oh wow...ah, thank you! ^^ wow, first comment...lucky you! ^^ the ranting is fine; go ahead and rant! that's what makes things fun!
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Nice essay. One thing I want to add, though:
most writers of these fics haven't had the romantic experience to write something on a lemon level
Depends on what you're reading and where you're looking for it. My current fandom is chock full of smut fic, but many fans are around college student age and up. (So a good number of them probably have experience to back it up.)
Which is something that I think applies to all stereotypes about fic in general; of course yaoi fanfiction as a whole is going to seem horrid if people are only exposed to the horrid fic.
Dark angel 0000
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
umm...i really like your article myself and theres a group of yaoi fangirls who get thrash by yuri fan boys and people who think its weird to like anime at all...i have half a mind to print this out and shove this in their faces but it probley wouldnt work...but i agree with your article and im dedicating my high school years to stop the demonization of yaoi and yuri fanpeople!!!!...im very weird ain't I...
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
You make very valid points, and I commend you on your ability to not attack back against those who do not agree with your fandoms. Sadly, thats the state of the world. People seem to be very unaccepting of other peoples fandoms, and feel the need to vocalize that dislike very loudly. Being married to a Yaoi Fan, I have actually taken the time to learn as much as possible about that genre of Anime/Manga, and actually have learn to resopect a lot of the work.
Also, the Yaoi fandom is getting quite a bad rap due to the underage crop of fangirls. When I say underage, I am refering to the 12-14 year olds. They are the ones who tend to be the more obnoxious and outspoken. They also are very unaccepting of other peoples fandoms, and even other peoples OTP for that matter. In the end, it all comes down to being who you are, and enjoy what you like, and to hell with anyone elses oppinions.
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Why this is seen as a problem (like it can actually be "solved") most likely stems from plain old terrible writing! No heart is placed into their work and it shows in the complete lack of depth. This equally applies to professionals who seem to be more interested in pushing a product, rather than presenting something that makes you think: "What just happened?" It's not a feeling that you can easily put into words, for to properly use words in this context, we have to use words to push us beyond words. Now, isn't that something that we all struggle with when we feel that maddening affect known as love? Isn't that the thing that we are aiming for, rather than getting hung-up on genders?
To see the surface of the situation is to not see at all; rather, it is to willingly shield your eyes, shut your emotions, deny your own emotions. And that is not something which makes us true human beings.
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
I loved your article (I'm a big fan of yaoi)and agree with you one hundred percent. I do however, have something to add. Sometimes, certain said "fangirls" tend to go "overboard" with their love...meaning they expect everyone to love what they love or face death. It is sometimes this that leads to certain people just bluntly hating the fandom...because sometimes their met with hostility from fans who can't accept the fact that not everyone is going to like what they like. So basically, fans shouldn't also try to impose their likes onto someone else and hold a knife to their throat if they happen to say "I don't like that..". fans should also be responsible enough to behave accordingly when met with someone who doesn't think Gravitation is the best thing ever invented. :D