-laughs- He Does Have His Moments Where He Really Does Piss Me Off But I Can't Help But Laugh At His Antics Especially The Way He Interacts With Dante And Vergil x3
Yeah, I try to do that on the ones I remember to put it on. >.< Sometimes I forget though. And question, can you a blue fiery one for Vergil? Just a thought.
Yeah, I finished it and ended up messing up and not being able to post it. >.< Thing went ****y~ Ducky~ on me again. But yeah...
@_@ Ehh True That Could Be One Thing I May Have Overlooked A bit >_< Guess My Whole Simple Wallpapers Shpeel Wouldn't Hold Up Like That -_- Guess I Need To Start Putting The Disclaimer On The Bottoms Now. The Whole " Devil May Cry Is The Soul Property Of Capcom " Thng >_< I Do, Do That And Try To Save My @$$ As Well As My Accounts So That I Don't End Up Somewhere In The States In A Court Of Law @-@... Many Appologiez To Capcom -.- Well Off To Make Some Firey Ones Of The DMC Guys Then xD Like Vergy For Once. I Still Haven't Made A Firey Wallpaper Of Him I Gotta Remedy That.
:3 Think I Like The Sounds Of That One ;D And I'll Maek Sure To Get Those Ones Up @_@ I Seem To Have Forgotten -runs off to quickly put up DMCA Dante wallpapers on DA- ;3 Can't Wait To See It When You're Done!
>:3 Yep. Bloody Palace + My Fourth Mix CD + Vergil Mode = CARNAGE!! Holy hell I love doing that. 4 hours of free anger management!! XD
I agree. Though, it could have come down to a copywrite issue. You didn't actually edit the image so it could not be legally classified as your work. SO with you haveing your name in the corner, it could be classifed as an unitended theft. :/ Places have to be careful with that kinda thing. I know I do, if I build a layout with something in it that I know the creator of, and if I can get a hold of them for a second, I always ask before I use it. Just to keep my @$$ straight and keep the cops off it.
^^ Thank you Snatcher-chan! I am grateful. And now! With my laptop back in working order! I shall be using some of them, as in teh one I told you of. Nothing brings back memories like a ride in the rain...
>:3 Yes A Good Beat Alawys Makes For A Good Song To Kill By -laughs- xD Least Dante Thought So When He Killed All Those Demons (( And His Jukebox )) In His Office x3
@_@ Well If That Is The Case Then They Should Make That A Manditory Thing Then Instead Of Just Removing Them Without So Much As A Warning To Edit Them Alittle More Then What They Are >_< I Mean If They Wanted Me To Add More To It Instead Of Just Making It A Close Up Then They Should Have Told Me And I Would Have Downloaded The Photo Editing Programe I Use To Use And Done More But I Didn't Even Get A PM About It They Were Just GONE @.@
Anyways Yeah Like I Said Everything Up To The First Flamed Dante Wallpapers Are Being Put On DA, With Some Exclusions For The Moment, But As It Was Here You're Welcome To Use Any Of The DMC Ones From Either Here And/Or DA To Tweak ^-^
Korn has a few good songs. Some of the beats are what I am refering to though. Catch a good one and go crazy. >:3
And they probably did that because there wasn't much actual 'editing' done to them to make them your own. Or at least that is my theory. And I probably will go check that out. ^^
-laughs- I Don't Care Much For Korn But I LOVE Godsmack >:3 -wicked grin-
Oh Man I Didn't Even Realize They Took Out My DMCA WAllies... =_= There Goes My Theory That They Only Removed The Ones I Ended Up Submitting To DA Aswell... Don't Think I Even Remotly Thought Of Putting Those Ones On There O_o I Had Emailed Someone To Find Out What It Was That Happend But So Far I Haven't Heard Anything Back nd That Email Was Sent Days Ago Now =-=... Oh Well I'll Just Submit My New Ones And See What Happens I May Just End Up Resubmitting The Ones That Were Removed But Then Again If They Were Removed Due To Some Infringment Or Something Like That I Should Probably Just Leave It For The Sake Of My Account >_<
But Yeah As I Was Gonna Say Some Of The Ones That Were Removed I Submitted To DA Under My Username The-Bone-Snatcher If You Want To Tweak One That Isn't Here Anymore YouCould Check There. If It's Not There Then Tell Me What One It Is ANd I'll Submit It To DA ^-^ >_> Thinking Maybe From Now On I Should Submit Them To Both Sites To Be Safe O.O
XD Yeah he should. I catch Korn or Godsmack on Sirus with my surround sound on high? He he... *grins with fang*
I found the screenshot, it wasn't the quality I wanted but I found it. It was the one with Dante watching after the girl and her mother, I think, from the anime. I found it on Devils-Lair.org after I realized they killed most of yours. >.< Evil people. Why did they do that? I don't know. They probably are doing that to things with no editing in them... which reminds me I need to take inventory of mine make sure they didn't do that to mine!! *darts through the closest door to the archives*
-falls over laughing- xD Beware The Music Vergy! x3
=-= Yes Some Were Removed Though I Couldn't Tell YOu Why I DOn't Even Know Myself I've Even Been Put Back Into A Moderation Cycle For My Wallpapers >_< Oh Well.. O.o Which One Was It You Wanted To Tweak I Could Just Email It To You I Still Have The Originals That I Made >w<
Yeah. I just got my lappy back today too!! WOOT!! ^^
Yeah, it pretty, but damn it hurts. >.< I'll beat him eventually. I'll catch the right song on the suround sound and whoops his ass faster than he can whoop mine.
XD Yesh it is at times... at others, not so much.
Also, is it just me or did some of your wallpapers go poof into thin air? oO I tried to find one to tweak that I had an idea for but couldn't work with and I couldn't find the darn thing! >.<
Last edited by ikara-o-kage at 8:45:18 PM EDT on May 8, 2009.
Really? >_< Aww That Sucks.... Well I Hope You Do Get It To Work Wheather It Be On Your Comp Or A Console At Somepoint
>w< -dances- Good Luck And Thanks ;D =-= Yeah I Had To Figure Out How Frustrating Yamato Was The Hard Way @_@ I Love Yamato But Not When It's Being Driven Through My Body By Vergil...
;D In A Way It's Kind Of A Good Thing... e.e I Couldn't Tell Yea What I Mean By That Though Just Because I Seem To Have Forgotten What I Ment By It In A Matter Of Secons @_@ Woohoo Go Me! That's A New Record xD -laughs- I'm Easily Distracted Most Some Of The Time So I End Up Forgetting Things If I Don't Stay Focused ^-^;
I have it. Just my main computer desided to glitch when it installed it. >.< So, I have the game, I just can't play it at the moment since my main computer is out like a light.
Heh. If you hate Arkham, You'll really hate the second to last boss battle... x) But yeah, I'll try to get that stratagy worked out tonight. I am on Vergil one at the moment. >.< I forgot about how much of a pain in the arse Yamato is in the battle. So yeah, once I get past him, I will have your stratagy sent to you, possibly via PM.
XD I figured as much. Almost everyone I know on here is suprised when they hear that I am so young. I was running about the site at age 10 though. I deleted it and came back later on when my cousin re-introduced me to the backrooms. ^^ Surprisingly, some of them thought I was almost 18 when I was 12/13. Oo; M3m3nt0 M0ri and The Assassin included. Oo;;
>:3 Or The PC Version xD I'll Hopefully Be Gettign It Around The 20th This Month -triumphant smerk-
Yes I Am Very Eager To Try This Bloody Palace Mode @w@ If I Can Ever Beat Vergil For The Second Time That Is -laughs- But With Your Help I'm Sure I'll Beat Him Then It's Just That Pain In The @$$ Arkham... Who I Hate >_<;
O_o I Thought Maybe You Were 16/17 Maybe 18 Or 20 At The Most Just Cause Of The Way You Act >w< I Mean I'm 17 Yet I Tend To Act Like A Five Year Old Sometimes And Other Times I Act Almost Older Then My Mother @_@; Who Is 34 >_>;
Heh Heh Ehh I Never Really Noticed That It Changed Between Male And Female =-= Still Annoying As All Hell Though >_< And Now I Hear That Some Of The Boss Bttles In DMC4 Are Gonna Be A Pain In The @$$...
xD Devil Stars, Vital Stars, Yellow/Gold Orbs, Blue Orbs, Holywater... Anything Is Always To Expensive Cause I Spend The Red Ones Like They Grow On Friggin Trees xD Doesn't Matter How Many I Get They Dissapear Faster Then They Come In >w< -laughs-
O_O Whoa You're Only 15? =-= Jeeze And I Thought Being 17 Was Young But Now I'm Startin To Relize How Much Older I Am Even If It Is Only By A Few Years -laughs again- xD
XD Yeah the she version did. She was evil. I hated her with a passion even fiery than she was >.<
XD You ain't seen nothing yet. 60k for the last Blue orb. 50k for the last Purple. 30k for a Holy Water at max price. 20k for Gold at max price. When I said my Dante Data was 'maxed out', I wasn't kidding. I think my Devil Stars and Vital Star L's can go a little bit higher, but not much. My red orbs are teh only thing I don't have maxed out. That and the secret missions and challenge statues. >.<
And yeah, that was a long time ago... I was online with him the day he deleted the clan site. I still talk to him though. ^^ I got lucky to find a good friend like him. Even though he is 20 and I am 15...
O_O It Had A Whip? >_> Why Don't I Remember That... =-= Probably Cause I Was To Busy Dieing In The First Place -laughs- xD Anyways I'm Still Gonna Call It The Annoying Flamey Dude >w< Just For Good Measure
HAHA ^-^; Damage Count I Got A D On The Occasion When I Lost A Thousand Times In A Row >_> And As For Item Usage... O_O Probably The Same If I Had Any To Use, But Everythnig Else Is Always A B Or A C But Sometimes I Do Get An S In The Item Thing xD -laughs hysterically- Mainly Because I DON'T Have Any Items To Use Because There All So Bloody Expesive =-= My Blue Orbs Are At 10, 15 Or 20 Something I Think... My Yellow/Gold Orbs I Dare Not Even Look At The Price Just For The Sake Of What's Left Of My Shattered Ego And The Purple Orbs Are Starting To Get Expensive -awkward laugh- Holywater Is Always Out Of The Question Of Course x3
O.O Oh I See -laughs- I Really Don't Remember That Even Though I've Been On This Site Since Before 06. I Used To Make Multiple Accounts Because I Either Got Bored Of My Username Or I Couldn't Remember y PW Or The Email I Used So They Always Got Deleted Until I Made The Account I'm Useing Now -laughs again- And The Only Reason I Made It The Bone Snatcher Is Because The Username I Wanted Was Already In Use And EVERY Variation I Made Was Taken Aswell So I Made It TBS Out Of Anger xD And Then Of Course Around Late 06 Early 07 I Dissapeared Almost Nare To Return Until I Figured Ehh Why Not I Haven't Been Back On TheO In A While... I Had Actually Tried To Come Back At Somepoint Prior To My Official Return But The New Look Scared Me Off But Now I'm In The Swing Of It All xD And I'm Glad I Did Finally Get My Lazy @$$ Back Here There's Alota Awsome Things I Was Missing Out On -looks at post- >.> ^-^; Heh Heh... Uhhh... Talk Much Eh? I'll Shut Up Now >w<;
Yeah. Argosax was one evil little freaker. >.< I dread fighting him on hard mode. Despair killed me once after I came back the first time. Then I killed 'it'. It is actually a he and a she. It switches between the two. The sword wielder is the guy, the whip person is the lady. I dodged her, skinned him. XD
I get a few 'D's, mostly only when I end up having to use a gold orb, and then it is on the 'Damage' total. When the number is over 100k? Yeah, you know you tried about 5 times to beat one boss enemy and got stomped. ~.~; As for the challenge statues, well. I think I have beaten one or two of the 'SSS' level ones. Evil little freaker.
I have had to use quite a number of orbs for items, something I don't normally do, even on DMD mode. Now my golden orb cost at the moment... Let's just say 50k isn't a nice number to see siting there. My Holy Water total is about 30k.
The Assassin? Let's just say he was once number 3 on My Otaku. If you even run into a banner that says 'The Assassin Clan' on it, you know that person has yet to check their profile in about two years, or that they just don't care to remove it. I was the second in command of 'The Assassin Clan', second to only The Assassin himself. I could go on forever with fond memories of those times, but I doubt you want to hear it. So I shall now, Shut up.
HAHA Ehh Well Atleast I'm Not The Only One Who Had Problems With That Stupid Thing... =-= I Still To This Day Hate Fighting Argosax I Cannot Even Begin To Tell You How Many Times That Friggin Thing Killed Me... @-@ It Was A Mirical I Won And Then Of Course Te Stupoid Flameing Dude Jumpped Out Of It And I Died There As Soon As I Won But Atleast I Got To Start Over With Full Health! -triumphant smerk but it fades- =_= I Beat That Stupid Dude On The Second Try Whereas Argosax Killed Me About As Many Times As I Died In The Rings Of Pandora (( In God Of War ))...
Haha Yeah That Woulda Been Nice >w<
>.>; O.O ^-^; Heh Heh.. Yeah That Sounds Like My Data Alright Always A B Or A C Rarely An A Or An S But I Rarely If Ever Get Anything Worse Then A C Atleast... -awkward smile- Those God Damned Status There's ONE In That Stupid Evlavator Room Where You Go Through To Get The Crystal Skull That Just Pisses Me Off To No End! I Get As Far As One Flame Left And Then It Says On No You Can't Have This Now Cause You Did This So I'll Light Three More Flames... =_= I Swear I'm Waiting For It To Say Somethin Like That To Me As I Swing Away Endlessly For Nothing e_e... Far As I Can Remember That Is The Only One That Has Eluded Me...
-_- I'm ALways Useing Up My Orbs For Things Like The Vital Stars And Devil Stars And The Occasional Purple/Blue Orb When I Can Afford It Other Then That I Rely On Chance Findings In The Game For Holywaters Or Yellow/Gold Orbs...
The Assassin O_o -clueless for some reason- Is That Something I Should Know About? -laughs- Or Am I Just Paranoid? x3
lol I beat Lucia Disc a long time before I finally managed to beat Dante Disc. I beat my friend's copy before I beat mine and then I just blazed right through mine. He was missing 4/8 orbs!! *dramatic sigh* But I managed to beat the crazed stationary monster before I moved on to Despair Embodied. He smushed me flat in less than 45 seconds and I had to come back to kill him. O.O; It was pretty, but it hurt...
DMC1 I beat on easy mode before I did anything else. Got the hang of the control systems and now I am running back and beating normal mode, I just wish I could use the Sparda that I earned in my first data!! >.<
I had 4/10 on my main Dante data. I only have one on yours, Secret Mission 1 : The Exorcist. As for Destructible, I never could find all of the items! I had all but 3 at one point and I couldn't find those three. The challenge statues, as I call them, are way too tempting for me. I am having to be careful what I spend my orbs on though so I can replicate your data. >.< I like the green bar to be as long as possible so I know I can't die. And I am amazed at how many 'B' and 'C' rankings I have on the item use. Oo; I normally have a pretty red 'S' sitting there.
The Gold/Yellow orbs, I don't bye them unless I know I will need it. But I love one certain all area killer. *cough*HolyWater*cough* ^^;
And no problem! ^^ I'm here to help. I have been on Otaku since the days of 'The Assassin'. Most people have probably forgotten him... But since I have been here so long I might as well share the knowledge I have gained, right?
-laughs- Ehh I Beat Dante's Disc In Normal Mode Then Got In His Diesel Outfit And Now I'm In The Proccess Of Beating Lucia's .___. But I Stopped When I Got The Information I Needed To Beat Okami -laughs again- xD As For The First DMC I Was On Normal Until I Got To The First Phantom Battle (( Mind You This Was The First Time I'd Ever Played DMC )) And Had To Switch To Easy >_>; Now That I Know The Game Better I'm Playing Through On Normal -_-;
-falls over- >w< Ha Really? Wow I Only Beat One Secret Mission So Far... >_> I Just Can't Remember What One It Is I Think It Was The One Where You Had To Kill Every Demon Within The Time Limit O.O =_= I Came Close To Beating The Destroyer One But I Ran Out Of Time When I Was Standing Infront Of The Last 2 Destructable Objects I Was So Mad!! -shreds newspaper- And I'm Still Mad -laughs- xD Anyways... O.O Ooo Really? >:3 Do Share When You Figure It Out xD I'm Terrible For Those Yellow/Gold Orbs I Get One After FInally Saving Up Enough Red Orbs And I Die The Next Boss Battle And Need It Right Away... -cough- Nevan -cough- >.>
Alrighty :3 Thanks Alot Eh I Really Appreciate The Help ;3 I Loved The Cerberus Battle >:3 Bye Bye IceDoggy xD
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 10:40:59 PM EDT on May 3, 2009.
XD I don't know about playing as Sparda in DMC1, I'll have to find out myself. I played through on Easy mode first, going back and beating normal mode to unlock stuffs. I just beat(as in less than an hour ago) DMC2 Lucia Disc on hard mode. @@ Good lord I hate the little tri-headed freak. That thing is a royal pain in my arse. I got to mission 6 or 7 on Dante Disc hard mode before I had to stop and let my fingers rest.
Alrighty. ^^ lol I know that bar gets really big. O_O If you beat all of the Secret missions and the challenge statues, you end up with two full bars. I have 1 and half on my Dante data... I can't find all the missions and can't beat some of them. *cough*Destroyer*cough*
And as for the gold/yellow thing, I always choose gold, especially since I am going to try and figure something out that does not get you killed so you don't have to use a gold/yellow orb.
I'll get to work on it tomorrow, the data is there, I just have to get it upgraded so I can smash a certain ice dog's skull and then I can blaze through to Vergil v2.
Yeah I Saw Gameplay Where Someone Was Playing As Sparda He Had Yamato With Him I Was Like AHH! You Jerks Why Ddin't You Mention That In The First Place I Woulda Put More Effort Into Beating Mundus!! -laughs- Anyways x3
Yesh That Seems About Right...
-checks- >_< Just To Be Sure
So I've Got:
~ Maxed Out Rebellion
~ Level 2 Ebony & Ivory
~ Level 2 Gunslinger
~ Level 2 Trickster
~ +3 Runes To Base DT Gauge
~ O_o If Your Counting All The Little Bars Within The Big One I Have 10 Bars Of HP Or Just 1
~ And If It Means Anything When It Asks You To Pick Yellow Or Gold I Picked Gold O_o;
LOL! Yeah, supposedly you can. I don't know, I have yet to unlock all of the modes to DMC1 and I have hard mode unlocked on DMC2. DMC3 is my addiction and, as a result, is the one I am best at.
So, that is...
- Maxed out Rebellion
- Level 2 Ebony & Ivory
- Level 2 Gunslinger
- Level 2 Trickster
- +2 runes to base DT Gauge
- +4-5 bars of health
-laughs- Unfortunatly That Was The One Thing I Never Managed To Do Was Get Past Hard Mode I Got To The Last Level... Died... Tried Again Another Five Thousand Times... And Died And Said Screw It I'm Getting DMC2 So I Can Check It Out -laughs- e.e Then I Relized That If I'd Tried Again I Coulda Played As My Usually Unmentioned Favorite Character Sparda At Somepoint.... GRRRR Curse You And Your Law Murphy...
-laughs- No Worries I Never Woulda Thought That's What You Were Implying x3 At The Moment I've Got Both Levels Of Stinger For Rebellion As Well As Drive And Air Hike, I Don't Have Anything For Agni & Rudra Or Nevan And Ebony & Ivory Are At Level 2. My Trickster Style Is At Level 2 As Is My Gunslinger Style And I Think I've Only Got Two Upgrades To My DT With The Purple Orbs And Two Ta Three For My Health That I Bought With The Red Orbs And I Only found 2 So Far I Believe O.O... -falls over laughing now- xD Haa Well It Sucks That I Can't Frigin Beat Vergil On Th Second Battle But Atleast I've Got Friends On TheO Who Can Help Me! -gets up and dances then cracks up again at yet another pittiful attempt to beat Vergy-
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 7:41:20 AM EDT on May 1, 2009.
lol! I like fighting her to an extent, as long as she doesn't get ahold of me... f*cking vampire... But yeah. And after you beat Vergil V2, you get them at the start of the next mission. ^^ I lvoe those things. Ifrit was good too, but I liked Sparda. Sword to scythe in one move. (tell me I am not the only one that has noticed that?)
And alright. I'll do that. I just need to know what you have as far as upgrades. Blue and Purple orbs mainly. That and the attacks you have for your four weapons. Replicate the data so the only thing standing in the way is the difference in player styles and skillz. ^^ (I am, in no way, a master- so no I am not saying that. I just know what he does better than you do at the moment)
-laughs- I Just Like To Watch Dante Rock Out On That Thing I Hated That Stupid B***H When I Had To Fight Her >x< xD And I'm Aiming To Get The Beowulf Gauntlets And Greaves Only Because I Love To Use Them To Kick Some Serious **S -laughs again- I Loved The Ifrit Gauntlets And Greaves Dante Has In DMC1 Those Ones Were Freakin Awsome >w<
:3 Really? That'd Be Helpfull Thanks Alot ;D >w< I Think The Only Game I Could Do That With Right Now Is The First God Of War xD
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 6:58:59 AM EDT on May 1, 2009.
XD I hate Nevan. >.< I can't use that thing for my life. I like running around with the Air Raid abilities I get from it though. My Dante data is maxed out in every category except that I need to get every Secret Mission beaten so I can max out my health. I've beaten it on Easy, Heaven & Hell, and I am half way through DMD mode.You think Vergil is hard in the second battle in Normal? I haven't gotten to him in DMD, but dear God I don't want to see how badly he butchers me... But anywho!! As for the styles, I prefer Trickster, but that is just how I play. Fast and Furious, take a lot of damage, but deal enough to blow my opponent away. X3 Probably why I like Beowulf.
But I can play through that mission with a base level Dante and try to figure something out for you? I have the mission line memorized so it takes me very little time to blaze through 1-17. Then I have issues getting past a certain puzzle. (I'll let you discover it's awesome evilness on your own ;] ) >.< So yeah, I can't rememeber much about that battle with Dante, as I haven't played in so long. @_@ I'll try to think up something for you to try that doesn't involve running easy mode to get all the weapons and max eveything out before you goi in a kill him. XD That is what I did.
>_< Oh If Only This Weren't My First Attempt At Beating DMC3... e_e I Just Bought The Game Not That Long Ago So I Only Have Rebellion (( Love )), Cerberus ( Love )), Agni & Rudra (( Hate )) And Nevan (( Love )) Along With Dantes Guns (( Uber Love Ebony & Ivory -falls over laughing- ))... >x< I Curse This Blasted Quicksilver I Just Wish Trickster Would Work I'm So Much Better With That But Damn It All Vergy Is Just So Friggin Fast With Beowulf, THAT And He Uses His DT On Me And I'm Like Dead In Two Hits Cause I Forget To Heal Before I Go Fight Or I Don't Have Any Items To Heal Myself During The Battle -dies- I Really Like Vergil But I DON'T Like Fighting Him... At All... @_@ I'll Have To Try Again At Some Point In Time But For Now I Think I'll Just Suffer Defeat... At Least I Died Against Someone Cool Instead Of At The Hands Of Jester, Much As I Think He's Funny I Don't Like Being Killed By A Freakin Clown... -bruised ego now-
Aw Really? x3 Ehh I'll Find A Way Around That Only Cause I Love Yamato >w< -laughs-
XD I fight him for the heck of it. Sometimes it is mandatory, so I might as well get the practice of fighting when I don't have to. Besides, the orbs I get off him are pretty nice. X3
As for the Vergil's second form. DT is your best friend, Quicksilver did nothing for me as he is still fast as all get out, and find a weapon you are comfy with and just go to town when you can. Hit him once and just lay into him with your weapon of choice. Beowulf is a really nice weapon to challenge him with, I love spamming Lunar Phase and Rising Sun/Star Fall combos in Vergil mode X3. Though, weapons with a high after combo delay, like Vergil's Yamato(1) are not recommended weapons. I think when I beat him with Dante the first time I was using Cerberus... That or Agni & Rudra. I don't remember honestly, as I normally only play as Vergil now and I haven't re-done my Dante data in only God knows how long. He didn't get overwritten by Mother's Yankee Idiot Boyfriend... But anywho!!! Yeah, enough of this. I'll shut up now. ^^;
-- Ikara-o-Kage
(1) - The lag at the end of his combo makes it nearly impossible for me to use. I use it for going long distances fast, or when I am fighting for DT.
Go Boom In Ya Face? xD -laughs- Argh!!! I Know He Killed Me So Many Times In The Second Boss Battle That I Just Said You Know What The Hell With You That's Not A Mandatory Battle So I Don't Have To Fight You xD Then I Died Against Vergil Again Anyways Later On >x< I'm Stuck On The Second Vergil Battle Actually Damed Quicksilver Thing Works For Crap But It Does Get Me Further Then Trickster... e.e I Just Need More Items -falls over laughing now- Anyways x3 I'll Stop Talking Now >w<
lol I agree. He is funny. But I think the main reason some, if not most, of the DMC3:SE players hate him, is because later in the game he gets this giant ball that he stands on. Evil thing likes to, as Jin from Yu Yu Hakusho (in his Dark Tournament battle versus Yuuske Uremeshi) said, 'go boom in ya face'. Hit it once or twice and it goes boom. I hate that thing, and thus hate Jester in the boss battles. I love the act he plays though, quite funny. I would never have thought of doing that. oO;
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/19/09 | Reply
-laughs- He Does Have His Moments Where He Really Does Piss Me Off But I Can't Help But Laugh At His Antics Especially The Way He Interacts With Dante And Vergil x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/19/09 | Reply
He's funny when he first shows up, but he can still piss you you off...
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/18/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
^^ Yay. Thank you.
XD Don't we all!
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/18/09 | Reply
-laughs- I Can Try Never Really Thought About A Blue Firey Wallpaper Before But I'll Try My Best ^-^
x3 Ehh Well At Least You Got Soemthing Up ^-^ -wishes electronics would work if you fixed them Dante style-
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/16/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
Yeah, I try to do that on the ones I remember to put it on. >.< Sometimes I forget though. And question, can you a blue fiery one for Vergil? Just a thought.
Yeah, I finished it and ended up messing up and not being able to post it. >.< Thing went ****y~ Ducky~ on me again. But yeah...
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/09 | Reply
-laughs- WOOHOO Go Free Angermanagment xD
@_@ Ehh True That Could Be One Thing I May Have Overlooked A bit >_< Guess My Whole Simple Wallpapers Shpeel Wouldn't Hold Up Like That -_- Guess I Need To Start Putting The Disclaimer On The Bottoms Now. The Whole " Devil May Cry Is The Soul Property Of Capcom " Thng >_< I Do, Do That And Try To Save My @$$ As Well As My Accounts So That I Don't End Up Somewhere In The States In A Court Of Law @-@... Many Appologiez To Capcom -.- Well Off To Make Some Firey Ones Of The DMC Guys Then xD Like Vergy For Once. I Still Haven't Made A Firey Wallpaper Of Him I Gotta Remedy That.
:3 Think I Like The Sounds Of That One ;D And I'll Maek Sure To Get Those Ones Up @_@ I Seem To Have Forgotten -runs off to quickly put up DMCA Dante wallpapers on DA- ;3 Can't Wait To See It When You're Done!
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
>:3 Yep. Bloody Palace + My Fourth Mix CD + Vergil Mode = CARNAGE!! Holy hell I love doing that. 4 hours of free anger management!! XD
I agree. Though, it could have come down to a copywrite issue. You didn't actually edit the image so it could not be legally classified as your work. SO with you haveing your name in the corner, it could be classifed as an unitended theft. :/ Places have to be careful with that kinda thing. I know I do, if I build a layout with something in it that I know the creator of, and if I can get a hold of them for a second, I always ask before I use it. Just to keep my @$$ straight and keep the cops off it.
^^ Thank you Snatcher-chan! I am grateful. And now! With my laptop back in working order! I shall be using some of them, as in teh one I told you of. Nothing brings back memories like a ride in the rain...
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
>:3 Yes A Good Beat Alawys Makes For A Good Song To Kill By -laughs- xD Least Dante Thought So When He Killed All Those Demons (( And His Jukebox )) In His Office x3
@_@ Well If That Is The Case Then They Should Make That A Manditory Thing Then Instead Of Just Removing Them Without So Much As A Warning To Edit Them Alittle More Then What They Are >_< I Mean If They Wanted Me To Add More To It Instead Of Just Making It A Close Up Then They Should Have Told Me And I Would Have Downloaded The Photo Editing Programe I Use To Use And Done More But I Didn't Even Get A PM About It They Were Just GONE @.@
Anyways Yeah Like I Said Everything Up To The First Flamed Dante Wallpapers Are Being Put On DA, With Some Exclusions For The Moment, But As It Was Here You're Welcome To Use Any Of The DMC Ones From Either Here And/Or DA To Tweak ^-^
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/11/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
Korn has a few good songs. Some of the beats are what I am refering to though. Catch a good one and go crazy. >:3
And they probably did that because there wasn't much actual 'editing' done to them to make them your own. Or at least that is my theory. And I probably will go check that out. ^^
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/09 | Reply
-laughs- I Don't Care Much For Korn But I LOVE Godsmack >:3 -wicked grin-
Oh Man I Didn't Even Realize They Took Out My DMCA WAllies... =_= There Goes My Theory That They Only Removed The Ones I Ended Up Submitting To DA Aswell... Don't Think I Even Remotly Thought Of Putting Those Ones On There O_o I Had Emailed Someone To Find Out What It Was That Happend But So Far I Haven't Heard Anything Back nd That Email Was Sent Days Ago Now =-=... Oh Well I'll Just Submit My New Ones And See What Happens I May Just End Up Resubmitting The Ones That Were Removed But Then Again If They Were Removed Due To Some Infringment Or Something Like That I Should Probably Just Leave It For The Sake Of My Account >_<
But Yeah As I Was Gonna Say Some Of The Ones That Were Removed I Submitted To DA Under My Username The-Bone-Snatcher If You Want To Tweak One That Isn't Here Anymore YouCould Check There. If It's Not There Then Tell Me What One It Is ANd I'll Submit It To DA ^-^ >_> Thinking Maybe From Now On I Should Submit Them To Both Sites To Be Safe O.O
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
XD Yeah he should. I catch Korn or Godsmack on Sirus with my surround sound on high? He he... *grins with fang*
I found the screenshot, it wasn't the quality I wanted but I found it. It was the one with Dante watching after the girl and her mother, I think, from the anime. I found it on Devils-Lair.org after I realized they killed most of yours. >.< Evil people. Why did they do that? I don't know. They probably are doing that to things with no editing in them... which reminds me I need to take inventory of mine make sure they didn't do that to mine!! *darts through the closest door to the archives*
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Yeay! -dances-
-falls over laughing- xD Beware The Music Vergy! x3
=-= Yes Some Were Removed Though I Couldn't Tell YOu Why I DOn't Even Know Myself I've Even Been Put Back Into A Moderation Cycle For My Wallpapers >_< Oh Well.. O.o Which One Was It You Wanted To Tweak I Could Just Email It To You I Still Have The Originals That I Made >w<
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
Yeah. I just got my lappy back today too!! WOOT!! ^^
Yeah, it pretty, but damn it hurts. >.< I'll beat him eventually. I'll catch the right song on the suround sound and whoops his ass faster than he can whoop mine.
XD Yesh it is at times... at others, not so much.
Also, is it just me or did some of your wallpapers go poof into thin air? oO I tried to find one to tweak that I had an idea for but couldn't work with and I couldn't find the darn thing! >.<
Last edited by ikara-o-kage at 8:45:18 PM EDT on May 8, 2009.
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Really? >_< Aww That Sucks.... Well I Hope You Do Get It To Work Wheather It Be On Your Comp Or A Console At Somepoint
>w< -dances- Good Luck And Thanks ;D =-= Yeah I Had To Figure Out How Frustrating Yamato Was The Hard Way @_@ I Love Yamato But Not When It's Being Driven Through My Body By Vergil...
;D In A Way It's Kind Of A Good Thing... e.e I Couldn't Tell Yea What I Mean By That Though Just Because I Seem To Have Forgotten What I Ment By It In A Matter Of Secons @_@ Woohoo Go Me! That's A New Record xD -laughs- I'm Easily Distracted
MostSome Of The Time So I End Up Forgetting Things If I Don't Stay Focused ^-^;ikara-o-kage
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
I have it. Just my main computer desided to glitch when it installed it. >.< So, I have the game, I just can't play it at the moment since my main computer is out like a light.
Heh. If you hate Arkham, You'll really hate the second to last boss battle... x) But yeah, I'll try to get that stratagy worked out tonight. I am on Vergil one at the moment. >.< I forgot about how much of a pain in the arse Yamato is in the battle. So yeah, once I get past him, I will have your stratagy sent to you, possibly via PM.
XD I figured as much. Almost everyone I know on here is suprised when they hear that I am so young. I was running about the site at age 10 though. I deleted it and came back later on when my cousin re-introduced me to the backrooms. ^^ Surprisingly, some of them thought I was almost 18 when I was 12/13. Oo; M3m3nt0 M0ri and The Assassin included. Oo;;
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
>:3 Or The PC Version xD I'll Hopefully Be Gettign It Around The 20th This Month -triumphant smerk-
Yes I Am Very Eager To Try This Bloody Palace Mode @w@ If I Can Ever Beat Vergil For The Second Time That Is -laughs- But With Your Help I'm Sure I'll Beat Him Then It's Just That Pain In The @$$ Arkham... Who I Hate >_<;
O_o I Thought Maybe You Were 16/17 Maybe 18 Or 20 At The Most Just Cause Of The Way You Act >w< I Mean I'm 17 Yet I Tend To Act Like A Five Year Old Sometimes And Other Times I Act Almost Older Then My Mother @_@; Who Is 34 >_>;
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
Supposedly. I just have to get a PS3 and find out...
That's why I like Bloody Palace Mode. ^^ You'll get it when you beat the game once.
And yeah. How old did you think I was?
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
Heh Heh Ehh I Never Really Noticed That It Changed Between Male And Female =-= Still Annoying As All Hell Though >_< And Now I Hear That Some Of The Boss Bttles In DMC4 Are Gonna Be A Pain In The @$$...
xD Devil Stars, Vital Stars, Yellow/Gold Orbs, Blue Orbs, Holywater... Anything Is Always To Expensive Cause I Spend The Red Ones Like They Grow On Friggin Trees xD Doesn't Matter How Many I Get They Dissapear Faster Then They Come In >w< -laughs-
O_O Whoa You're Only 15? =-= Jeeze And I Thought Being 17 Was Young But Now I'm Startin To Relize How Much Older I Am Even If It Is Only By A Few Years -laughs again- xD
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
XD Yeah the she version did. She was evil. I hated her with a passion even fiery than she was >.<
XD You ain't seen nothing yet. 60k for the last Blue orb. 50k for the last Purple. 30k for a Holy Water at max price. 20k for Gold at max price. When I said my Dante Data was 'maxed out', I wasn't kidding. I think my Devil Stars and Vital Star L's can go a little bit higher, but not much. My red orbs are teh only thing I don't have maxed out. That and the secret missions and challenge statues. >.<
And yeah, that was a long time ago... I was online with him the day he deleted the clan site. I still talk to him though. ^^ I got lucky to find a good friend like him. Even though he is 20 and I am 15...
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
O_O It Had A Whip? >_> Why Don't I Remember That... =-= Probably Cause I Was To Busy Dieing In The First Place -laughs- xD Anyways I'm Still Gonna Call It The Annoying Flamey Dude >w< Just For Good Measure
HAHA ^-^; Damage Count I Got A D On The Occasion When I Lost A Thousand Times In A Row >_> And As For Item Usage... O_O Probably The Same If I Had Any To Use, But Everythnig Else Is Always A B Or A C But Sometimes I Do Get An S In The Item Thing xD -laughs hysterically- Mainly Because I DON'T Have Any Items To Use Because There All So Bloody Expesive =-= My Blue Orbs Are At 10, 15 Or 20 Something I Think... My Yellow/Gold Orbs I Dare Not Even Look At The Price Just For The Sake Of What's Left Of My Shattered Ego And The Purple Orbs Are Starting To Get Expensive -awkward laugh- Holywater Is Always Out Of The Question Of Course x3
O.O Oh I See -laughs- I Really Don't Remember That Even Though I've Been On This Site Since Before 06. I Used To Make Multiple Accounts Because I Either Got Bored Of My Username Or I Couldn't Remember y PW Or The Email I Used So They Always Got Deleted Until I Made The Account I'm Useing Now -laughs again- And The Only Reason I Made It The Bone Snatcher Is Because The Username I Wanted Was Already In Use And EVERY Variation I Made Was Taken Aswell So I Made It TBS Out Of Anger xD And Then Of Course Around Late 06 Early 07 I Dissapeared Almost Nare To Return Until I Figured Ehh Why Not I Haven't Been Back On TheO In A While... I Had Actually Tried To Come Back At Somepoint Prior To My Official Return But The New Look Scared Me Off But Now I'm In The Swing Of It All xD And I'm Glad I Did Finally Get My Lazy @$$ Back Here There's Alota Awsome Things I Was Missing Out On -looks at post- >.> ^-^; Heh Heh... Uhhh... Talk Much Eh? I'll Shut Up Now >w<;
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Yeah. Argosax was one evil little freaker. >.< I dread fighting him on hard mode. Despair killed me once after I came back the first time. Then I killed 'it'. It is actually a he and a she. It switches between the two. The sword wielder is the guy, the whip person is the lady. I dodged her, skinned him. XD
I get a few 'D's, mostly only when I end up having to use a gold orb, and then it is on the 'Damage' total. When the number is over 100k? Yeah, you know you tried about 5 times to beat one boss enemy and got stomped. ~.~; As for the challenge statues, well. I think I have beaten one or two of the 'SSS' level ones. Evil little freaker.
I have had to use quite a number of orbs for items, something I don't normally do, even on DMD mode. Now my golden orb cost at the moment... Let's just say 50k isn't a nice number to see siting there. My Holy Water total is about 30k.
The Assassin? Let's just say he was once number 3 on My Otaku. If you even run into a banner that says 'The Assassin Clan' on it, you know that person has yet to check their profile in about two years, or that they just don't care to remove it. I was the second in command of 'The Assassin Clan', second to only The Assassin himself. I could go on forever with fond memories of those times, but I doubt you want to hear it. So I shall now, Shut up.
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
HAHA Ehh Well Atleast I'm Not The Only One Who Had Problems With That Stupid Thing... =-= I Still To This Day Hate Fighting Argosax I Cannot Even Begin To Tell You How Many Times That Friggin Thing Killed Me... @-@ It Was A Mirical I Won And Then Of Course Te Stupoid Flameing Dude Jumpped Out Of It And I Died There As Soon As I Won But Atleast I Got To Start Over With Full Health! -triumphant smerk but it fades- =_= I Beat That Stupid Dude On The Second Try Whereas Argosax Killed Me About As Many Times As I Died In The Rings Of Pandora (( In God Of War ))...
Haha Yeah That Woulda Been Nice >w<
>.>; O.O ^-^; Heh Heh.. Yeah That Sounds Like My Data Alright Always A B Or A C Rarely An A Or An S But I Rarely If Ever Get Anything Worse Then A C Atleast... -awkward smile- Those God Damned Status There's ONE In That Stupid Evlavator Room Where You Go Through To Get The Crystal Skull That Just Pisses Me Off To No End! I Get As Far As One Flame Left And Then It Says On No You Can't Have This Now Cause You Did This So I'll Light Three More Flames... =_= I Swear I'm Waiting For It To Say Somethin Like That To Me As I Swing Away Endlessly For Nothing e_e... Far As I Can Remember That Is The Only One That Has Eluded Me...
-_- I'm ALways Useing Up My Orbs For Things Like The Vital Stars And Devil Stars And The Occasional Purple/Blue Orb When I Can Afford It Other Then That I Rely On Chance Findings In The Game For Holywaters Or Yellow/Gold Orbs...
The Assassin O_o -clueless for some reason- Is That Something I Should Know About? -laughs- Or Am I Just Paranoid? x3
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
lol I beat Lucia Disc a long time before I finally managed to beat Dante Disc. I beat my friend's copy before I beat mine and then I just blazed right through mine. He was missing 4/8 orbs!! *dramatic sigh* But I managed to beat the crazed stationary monster before I moved on to Despair Embodied. He smushed me flat in less than 45 seconds and I had to come back to kill him. O.O; It was pretty, but it hurt...
DMC1 I beat on easy mode before I did anything else. Got the hang of the control systems and now I am running back and beating normal mode, I just wish I could use the Sparda that I earned in my first data!! >.<
I had 4/10 on my main Dante data. I only have one on yours, Secret Mission 1 : The Exorcist. As for Destructible, I never could find all of the items! I had all but 3 at one point and I couldn't find those three. The challenge statues, as I call them, are way too tempting for me. I am having to be careful what I spend my orbs on though so I can replicate your data. >.< I like the green bar to be as long as possible so I know I can't die. And I am amazed at how many 'B' and 'C' rankings I have on the item use. Oo; I normally have a pretty red 'S' sitting there.
The Gold/Yellow orbs, I don't bye them unless I know I will need it. But I love one certain all area killer. *cough*HolyWater*cough* ^^;
And no problem! ^^ I'm here to help. I have been on Otaku since the days of 'The Assassin'. Most people have probably forgotten him... But since I have been here so long I might as well share the knowledge I have gained, right?
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
-laughs- Ehh I Beat Dante's Disc In Normal Mode Then Got In His Diesel Outfit And Now I'm In The Proccess Of Beating Lucia's .___. But I Stopped When I Got The Information I Needed To Beat Okami -laughs again- xD As For The First DMC I Was On Normal Until I Got To The First Phantom Battle (( Mind You This Was The First Time I'd Ever Played DMC )) And Had To Switch To Easy >_>; Now That I Know The Game Better I'm Playing Through On Normal -_-;
-falls over- >w< Ha Really? Wow I Only Beat One Secret Mission So Far... >_> I Just Can't Remember What One It Is I Think It Was The One Where You Had To Kill Every Demon Within The Time Limit O.O =_= I Came Close To Beating The Destroyer One But I Ran Out Of Time When I Was Standing Infront Of The Last 2 Destructable Objects I Was So Mad!! -shreds newspaper- And I'm Still Mad -laughs- xD Anyways... O.O Ooo Really? >:3 Do Share When You Figure It Out xD I'm Terrible For Those Yellow/Gold Orbs I Get One After FInally Saving Up Enough Red Orbs And I Die The Next Boss Battle And Need It Right Away... -cough- Nevan -cough- >.>
Alrighty :3 Thanks Alot Eh I Really Appreciate The Help ;3 I Loved The Cerberus Battle >:3 Bye Bye IceDoggy xD
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 10:40:59 PM EDT on May 3, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/02/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
XD I don't know about playing as Sparda in DMC1, I'll have to find out myself. I played through on Easy mode first, going back and beating normal mode to unlock stuffs. I just beat(as in less than an hour ago) DMC2 Lucia Disc on hard mode. @@ Good lord I hate the little tri-headed freak. That thing is a royal pain in my arse. I got to mission 6 or 7 on Dante Disc hard mode before I had to stop and let my fingers rest.
Alrighty. ^^ lol I know that bar gets really big. O_O If you beat all of the Secret missions and the challenge statues, you end up with two full bars. I have 1 and half on my Dante data... I can't find all the missions and can't beat some of them. *cough*Destroyer*cough*
And as for the gold/yellow thing, I always choose gold, especially since I am going to try and figure something out that does not get you killed so you don't have to use a gold/yellow orb.
I'll get to work on it tomorrow, the data is there, I just have to get it upgraded so I can smash a certain ice dog's skull and then I can blaze through to Vergil v2.
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
Yeah I Saw Gameplay Where Someone Was Playing As Sparda He Had Yamato With Him I Was Like AHH! You Jerks Why Ddin't You Mention That In The First Place I Woulda Put More Effort Into Beating Mundus!! -laughs- Anyways x3
Yesh That Seems About Right...
-checks- >_< Just To Be Sure
So I've Got:
~ Maxed Out Rebellion
~ Level 2 Ebony & Ivory
~ Level 2 Gunslinger
~ Level 2 Trickster
~ +3 Runes To Base DT Gauge
~ O_o If Your Counting All The Little Bars Within The Big One I Have 10 Bars Of HP Or Just 1
~ And If It Means Anything When It Asks You To Pick Yellow Or Gold I Picked Gold O_o;
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
LOL! Yeah, supposedly you can. I don't know, I have yet to unlock all of the modes to DMC1 and I have hard mode unlocked on DMC2. DMC3 is my addiction and, as a result, is the one I am best at.
So, that is...
- Maxed out Rebellion
- Level 2 Ebony & Ivory
- Level 2 Gunslinger
- Level 2 Trickster
- +2 runes to base DT Gauge
- +4-5 bars of health
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
-laughs- Unfortunatly That Was The One Thing I Never Managed To Do Was Get Past Hard Mode I Got To The Last Level... Died... Tried Again Another Five Thousand Times... And Died And Said Screw It I'm Getting DMC2 So I Can Check It Out -laughs- e.e Then I Relized That If I'd Tried Again I Coulda Played As My Usually Unmentioned Favorite Character Sparda At Somepoint.... GRRRR Curse You And Your Law Murphy...
-laughs- No Worries I Never Woulda Thought That's What You Were Implying x3 At The Moment I've Got Both Levels Of Stinger For Rebellion As Well As Drive And Air Hike, I Don't Have Anything For Agni & Rudra Or Nevan And Ebony & Ivory Are At Level 2. My Trickster Style Is At Level 2 As Is My Gunslinger Style And I Think I've Only Got Two Upgrades To My DT With The Purple Orbs And Two Ta Three For My Health That I Bought With The Red Orbs And I Only found 2 So Far I Believe O.O... -falls over laughing now- xD Haa Well It Sucks That I Can't Frigin Beat Vergil On Th Second Battle But Atleast I've Got Friends On TheO Who Can Help Me! -gets up and dances then cracks up again at yet another pittiful attempt to beat Vergy-
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 7:41:20 AM EDT on May 1, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
lol! I like fighting her to an extent, as long as she doesn't get ahold of me... f*cking vampire... But yeah. And after you beat Vergil V2, you get them at the start of the next mission. ^^ I lvoe those things. Ifrit was good too, but I liked Sparda. Sword to scythe in one move. (tell me I am not the only one that has noticed that?)
And alright. I'll do that. I just need to know what you have as far as upgrades. Blue and Purple orbs mainly. That and the attacks you have for your four weapons. Replicate the data so the only thing standing in the way is the difference in player styles and skillz. ^^ (I am, in no way, a master- so no I am not saying that. I just know what he does better than you do at the moment)
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
-laughs- I Just Like To Watch Dante Rock Out On That Thing I Hated That Stupid B***H When I Had To Fight Her >x< xD And I'm Aiming To Get The Beowulf Gauntlets And Greaves Only Because I Love To Use Them To Kick Some Serious **S -laughs again- I Loved The Ifrit Gauntlets And Greaves Dante Has In DMC1 Those Ones Were Freakin Awsome >w<
:3 Really? That'd Be Helpfull Thanks Alot ;D >w< I Think The Only Game I Could Do That With Right Now Is The First God Of War xD
Last edited by The Bone Snatcher at 6:58:59 AM EDT on May 1, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/30/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
XD I hate Nevan. >.< I can't use that thing for my life. I like running around with the Air Raid abilities I get from it though. My Dante data is maxed out in every category except that I need to get every Secret Mission beaten so I can max out my health. I've beaten it on Easy, Heaven & Hell, and I am half way through DMD mode.You think Vergil is hard in the second battle in Normal? I haven't gotten to him in DMD, but dear God I don't want to see how badly he butchers me... But anywho!! As for the styles, I prefer Trickster, but that is just how I play. Fast and Furious, take a lot of damage, but deal enough to blow my opponent away. X3 Probably why I like Beowulf.
But I can play through that mission with a base level Dante and try to figure something out for you? I have the mission line memorized so it takes me very little time to blaze through 1-17. Then I have issues getting past a certain puzzle. (I'll let you discover it's awesome evilness on your own ;] ) >.< So yeah, I can't rememeber much about that battle with Dante, as I haven't played in so long. @_@ I'll try to think up something for you to try that doesn't involve running easy mode to get all the weapons and max eveything out before you goi in a kill him. XD That is what I did.
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/09 | Reply
Ahh I See Yes The Orbs Are Nice x3
>_< Oh If Only This Weren't My First Attempt At Beating DMC3... e_e I Just Bought The Game Not That Long Ago So I Only Have Rebellion (( Love )), Cerberus ( Love )), Agni & Rudra (( Hate )) And Nevan (( Love )) Along With Dantes Guns (( Uber Love Ebony & Ivory -falls over laughing- ))... >x< I Curse This Blasted Quicksilver I Just Wish Trickster Would Work I'm So Much Better With That But Damn It All Vergy Is Just So Friggin Fast With Beowulf, THAT And He Uses His DT On Me And I'm Like Dead In Two Hits Cause I Forget To Heal Before I Go Fight Or I Don't Have Any Items To Heal Myself During The Battle -dies- I Really Like Vergil But I DON'T Like Fighting Him... At All... @_@ I'll Have To Try Again At Some Point In Time But For Now I Think I'll Just Suffer Defeat... At Least I Died Against Someone Cool Instead Of At The Hands Of Jester, Much As I Think He's Funny I Don't Like Being Killed By A Freakin Clown... -bruised ego now-
Aw Really? x3 Ehh I'll Find A Way Around That Only Cause I Love Yamato >w< -laughs-
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
XD I fight him for the heck of it. Sometimes it is mandatory, so I might as well get the practice of fighting when I don't have to. Besides, the orbs I get off him are pretty nice. X3
As for the Vergil's second form. DT is your best friend, Quicksilver did nothing for me as he is still fast as all get out, and find a weapon you are comfy with and just go to town when you can. Hit him once and just lay into him with your weapon of choice. Beowulf is a really nice weapon to challenge him with, I love spamming Lunar Phase and Rising Sun/Star Fall combos in Vergil mode X3. Though, weapons with a high after combo delay, like Vergil's Yamato(1) are not recommended weapons. I think when I beat him with Dante the first time I was using Cerberus... That or Agni & Rudra. I don't remember honestly, as I normally only play as Vergil now and I haven't re-done my Dante data in only God knows how long. He didn't get overwritten by Mother's Yankee Idiot Boyfriend... But anywho!!! Yeah, enough of this. I'll shut up now. ^^;
-- Ikara-o-Kage
(1) - The lag at the end of his combo makes it nearly impossible for me to use. I use it for going long distances fast, or when I am fighting for DT.
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
Go Boom In Ya Face? xD -laughs- Argh!!! I Know He Killed Me So Many Times In The Second Boss Battle That I Just Said You Know What The Hell With You That's Not A Mandatory Battle So I Don't Have To Fight You xD Then I Died Against Vergil Again Anyways Later On >x< I'm Stuck On The Second Vergil Battle Actually Damed Quicksilver Thing Works For Crap But It Does Get Me Further Then Trickster... e.e I Just Need More Items -falls over laughing now- Anyways x3 I'll Stop Talking Now >w<
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
lol I agree. He is funny. But I think the main reason some, if not most, of the DMC3:SE players hate him, is because later in the game he gets this giant ball that he stands on. Evil thing likes to, as Jin from Yu Yu Hakusho (in his Dark Tournament battle versus Yuuske Uremeshi) said, 'go boom in ya face'. Hit it once or twice and it goes boom. I hate that thing, and thus hate Jester in the boss battles. I love the act he plays though, quite funny. I would never have thought of doing that. oO;
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
-laughs hysterically- Poor Jester x3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/28/09 | Reply
*stabs him from behind* fucking clown...