-laughs- xD Thanks! And Yeah As Ikara - Chan Said Its His Demon Power Kinda Like How You've Seen Dante And Nero's IDT (( Infinate Devil Trigger )) =-= If Not I'll Post Those To So You Can See How Vergil's Corrupt Form Is Kinda Like Their Supers ;3
-laughs- xD Vergy Makes Me Mad To But He's Just Awsome That Way =-= I Hated Fighting Him When He Had The Beowulf Gauntlets And Greaves That Battle Was A Pain In The @$$ >_<;
It is one of the costumes for him. Corrupted Vergil I do believe. The aura is his demon power shining through with out the transformation... or at least that is my interpretation. He has infiniate DT with this costume but it doesn't regenerate health.
I know this was probably directed at Snatcher-chan, but yeah, what is done is done. >.>;
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/09 | Reply
@Chibi Grimmjow:
-laughs- xD Thanks! And Yeah As Ikara - Chan Said Its His Demon Power Kinda Like How You've Seen Dante And Nero's IDT (( Infinate Devil Trigger )) =-= If Not I'll Post Those To So You Can See How Vergil's Corrupt Form Is Kinda Like Their Supers ;3
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/09 | Reply
-laughs- xD Vergy Makes Me Mad To But He's Just Awsome That Way =-= I Hated Fighting Him When He Had The Beowulf Gauntlets And Greaves That Battle Was A Pain In The @$$ >_<;
Chibi Grimmjow
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
thanks^^ I've been trying to figure it out because I have the costume unlocked, I just didn't know what the difference was
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
@Chibi Grimmjow:
It is one of the costumes for him. Corrupted Vergil I do believe. The aura is his demon power shining through with out the transformation... or at least that is my interpretation. He has infiniate DT with this costume but it doesn't regenerate health.
I know this was probably directed at Snatcher-chan, but yeah, what is done is done. >.>;
Chibi Grimmjow
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
u have a devil may cry world?!
*bows down* u rock! >w<
in the pic, what's the purple aura mean?(._.)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
He made me mad in the third game...*Vergil pulls out Yamato* NOT AGAIN!!!