Good day, Everyone! This World will update everyone and anyone on what is going on in the D.Gray-Man series, and not to mention criticism on every chapter and such. It should be pretty interesting. I will start with Chapter 1, then work my way up, then I should catch up eventually. XD; I hope you do enjoy it, and feedback is loved. Thank you!

TOO FREAKING LONG! My Apologies. 193rd Night: Friend

Hey Everyone!

I have FINALLY been released from the hospital (ugh, don't ask what happened) and it has come to my attention that several chapters were released in my absence. So, to celebrate, we're going to review CHAPTER 193 WHICH WAS THE CREEPIEST THING EVER. (Well, it wasn't as bad as chapter 192, but I'll review that later. This is a special, after all.)

The first page itself should tip you off on what's going to come. You see Alma standing in the middle of a white page. And with cheesy writing. And with a chapter entitled 'Friend'. Do I see a woobie-trip in the making? I do think so, good sir!

Next page is darkness. And then darkness. And Kanda basically thinking (or Yuu. Wait just a second-- KANDA IS THINKING?! WHAT. WHAT IS THIS TRAVESTY.) to himself even though he's supposed to be dead. Whee. So we get a flashback of some crazy girl and possibly Kanda talking about flowers and when they'll become grandma's and grandpa's.



KANDA YUU, the ASSHOLE OF D.GRAY-MAN, LIKING someone, and BECOMING A GRANDPARENT?! There is several problems with this! One! There is NO WAY Kanda would love anyone-- Hell! He doesn't even LIKE anyone! How does this even work!? Two! The only way to get Kanda to have kids is if he's DRUNK. And we see that as often as we see Cross SOBER.

Moving on. Crazy stuff happens with the Innocence and Kanda, surprise surprise, wakes up and is all like, 'What.' This is the point where the reader is making the same face. Because at this point, Kanda is yelling, "WHY CAN'T I THROW AWAY THIS FEELING OF LONGING?!"



Wait, WHAT? KANDA YUU-- Yeah, I think I made this point already.

So the Innocence does MOAR crazy stuff and a sword, outta no where, appears. It's probably Mugen, but no one really knows as of late (and if someone does I'm obviously not informed!) And then Kanda is yelling at the Innocence, asking why it's coming out, and then...

We get to see him walking out of the room, bleeding, contemplating whether or not he should kill anyone. THAT'S more in character. THAT'S the Kanda Yuu we all know.

So he walks into a room where the lovable Noise Marie is practically dead on the table and Kanda recognizes him, so he approaches him and some of his blood gets on him and Marie wakes up.


MARIE restored 33 HP.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY-- Yeah, okay, I'm done now.

So then Kanda ends up dragging Marie through an air vent and ends up back in the room eventually, where Alma-- Yeah, you know, cute little Alma? The kid who we all said 'D'AWWWWW!' when he talked to the other Exorcist peoples? Yeah. We see him, with an Innocence, STANDING AMONG DEAD BODIES AND SMILING. Edgar, that scientist dude, is also dead and Kanda has a short Blue Screen of Death moment.

Then the fighting ensues. "I'm going to have to kill you, Yuu."


I can't think of a Phoenix Wright reference that even covers my shock-and-awe moment.


So Alma says that they should die together. Kanda. Dying. NO. NONE OF THAT. But Kanda decides, "Oh hey, I wanna live" and cuts Alma in two.




There's your basic synopsis.

Morale of this Chapter? Little kids who are cute ARE BLOODY MASS MURDERERS. End of story.



Chapter 191 is OUT! Go check it out:


The Guitarist

For the Horror-Poem Thing: (Is free-verse, sorry...) The Guitarist A curling gasp of twenty lungs. They stretch out through the forgotten alleyways, The tattered rooftops, the crumbling chimneys. Stain glass of reds...

Read the full post ยป

First Night: Opening

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Ah, yes. Brings back memories, doesn't it? Alright, so what we got here during the first chapter is the introduction of everything. Go figure, huh? When you take a look at it, you think it's going to be about this kid whose all about saving the world. And --shocker!-- it is.

On the next page, it reads something of how a church is haunted, and how people who go in there never come out. Very spooky, if not cliche, but a very interesting way to open up the series. Two characters, both of which you think are maybe going to be important later on, with the names of Charles and Moore. (This gives the indication that this story, like many others, is not located in Japan. Which gives it a C+ off the bat.) Charles is terrified, going, "OH NOEZ A CHURCH THAT'S HAUNTED I'M GONNA DIE!" and Moore is acting like the "cool-cop", saying, "Come on, let's go."

...Can I just smell the problems that are going on here? Oh, yes, yes I can.

And, much to Charles dismay, (if he were wearing a red shirt, I would SO be making that reference to Star Trek), a flood of bats comes and takes Moore away, leaving him alone with nothing but this thing called an "Akuma".

But we don't see that. Instead, we see a kid grabbing the cop saying, "I won't you get away this time." Yeah. Okay. No, as a matter of fact, he is NOT going after the Akuma, he is going after a cat. A freaking cat that belonged to some dude, but because it ate his little golden snitch called "Timcanpy", he was looking for it.

"Cool-cop-at-this-point-possible-love-interest" Moore arrests him and basically attaches him to the wall. Given with the artwork, one would guess his age around twelve. He's actually fifteen. (The art quality could be better. IT does get better later on.) He explains the situation, and, just as Moore said to wait, a huge scream is unleashed.

And, as Charles feared, he ended up dead. But since the readers don't know him, the readers really don't care. XD But even so. He explodes after the stars, which is a curse of Akuma, spread out across his body, causing him to explode. We will call this stuff "pixie-dust" for the time being. So, the pixie dust killed him quickly, and soon it is spread throughout the air. Moore can't breathe, and so the hero-whose-name-cannot-be-said comes and saves the day, but the woman passes out and everything goes black.

Then she wakes up again, back at the police station of doom. (They all should be wearing red shirts at this point.) She goes in where the kid is being interviewed, and we finally get to learn his name.


...Okay, that is possibly the most original names of all manga characters there could possibly be. I love it.

He has, I quote, an "Unknown address", is "underage, and from an unknown country." So, he's homeless, he can't drink, and could be a anarchist for all we know. He has a strange hand that the head officer thinks is covered in blood, even though he has black nails and it's all wrinkly like elephant ears.

OH! And not to mention the CROSS embedded in his hand. Yeah, definitely blood, all right... T_T

Eventually, the guy comes to his senses and calls our beloved hero who shall not be named a psychopath and yells at him to take better care of his body. This manga is obviously against cutters, which is great. Then he turns and yells at his own officer for passing out and not seeing the culprit.

The boy who shall not be named says that the thing that killed the officer was called an "Akuma" and that he sees them often. Then he explains what "Exorcists" are. They go off and kill Akuma after getting missions. I like to call them the "Churches Hitmen".

It cuts off there to a scene of a man with an umbrella walking past a group discussing what happened two years ago at the church of which plot devices are introduced. The story was something like this: A priest and a nun were married. The nun died, and so the priest wanted to bring her back to life again... so he called upon this guy:

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...And he became an Akuma. Yeah...

So the "Cool-Cop" Moore comes home, and the boy who shall not be named is under house arrest, apparently, due to the fact that he is still a suspect. So the two of them are stuck in the house with the Akuma. Yeah. I smell with my little eyes that something bad is gonna happen. (Wait. I spy... not I smell... XD) And it does! Because the Akuma-Dude, whose name is Mark, comes in and says, "Let me kill", and tries to kill Moore. He goes through an insanely creepy transformation process, and turns into the offspring of Freddy and Jason. I tell you, these Akuma are CREEPY.

So, said Akuma proceeds to blow up the house, but the boy who shall not be named saves the day by grabbing Moore and leaving quickly. This kid grabbed the bullet as they were blown away into the church, where they were not supposed to go. Then, the idiot-brigade of cops come out to investigate, they see the Akuma, and then proceed to shoot it.


So. The Idiot-Brigade gets shot and they all turn into magical pixie dust. YAAAAAYYY.... Again, nobody really cares. So Moore tries to yell at the monster... And that brings us to Rule #6 of all Manga:


Obviously, Moore did not read the Manga Codebook. Anyways. Allen (whoops, said his name) then proceeds to tell possible plot-devices and explains what an Akuma really is. Basically, another poor, unfortunate soul ending up in a situation they don't want to be in. So, we go over the past of Moore, and we start to think she may be important later on, but as it turns out later on in the series, she isn't.

So, Moore's sister and the priest were married, and then one day, a huge metal cross of doom (Cross Motif much? XD) broke off the rope and literally SKEWERED the nun. And then she died. So thus, the sorrow of Mark gave birth to the Akuma... Or something along those lines.

So after the back story, the boy who shall not be named went off and killed the Akuma, making everything all happy again... (Well, not exactly, but hey.) And so he explains the Millennium EAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLL (Sorry, had to quote Teh Exorcist) and how he wants to destroy mankind.

And after all those 60 pages of highly tedious reading, you finally go through it and say to yourself, "What?". Trust me, it gets a LOT better... Eventually.

That concludes First Night: Opening! Come back for chapter 2 and I'll destroy it even more!

