“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Update, yo

Indigo Sea has had two pages added to it today. Aya has not been updated lately. I wanted to put some banner/links in my introduction, but version vibrant is so bloody brilliant you can't even embed or html more than one picture into the intro... or posts :)
this place is screwed.
anyway, for people who read Indigo Sea, here's the fancy-schmancy link banner that i worked on for quite a while url:

Lachrimae Rerum (The Tears that are in All Things)

A decaying tree that reaches out,
With heavy arms beckoning imaginings forth
It's a hazard.
Strap on red-tape bracelets,
We'll make it safe for our children to play.
A weedy jungle of discarded treasure,
The old parking lot
It's a waste of space.
Slap down high-rise apartments,
We'll make good money.
A strange metaphor in the child's story,
From the heart/mind/soul
It's unnecessary.
We need to simplify and purify.
Your elders know better, because