yeah, it is really cool! ^^ it's cool your a fan of him :)
i just went through the routine 3 times....O.O you want me to send you the video for the dance??
it's not exactally a's a flash mob...:) they look so fun
like this
but it is to a song that promotes excersize in american children :D our school was asked to do it from the presaden't wife...:3
and awww..don't ruin your eyes compleatly! >//< just you know....ummmm....
awwww...that sucks....^^ it should get better though...:) then you will be able to watch MORE anime
<3 tee hee...don't mind me, i am just a little tired and excited for a dance workout at my school.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
oh ok. It's nice you offered! ^^
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
it's more a workout than a dance! ^^ also, I don't have to do it, they took volunters! :D very fun
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
I dont mind really. Im just glad I dont have to do it! I hate dancing...
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
yeah, it is really cool! ^^ it's cool your a fan of him :)
i just went through the routine 3 times....O.O you want me to send you the video for the dance??
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
WHO CARES! OBAMA MAN! OBAMAAA!!! XD Soz, Im a huge fan of Obama, but still its impressive
Last edited by Romanos Vixen at 10:13:16 AM CDT on April 20, 2011.
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
we were one of the many schools asked to do it...i think...really i don't know too much about it myself! ^^'
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/18/11 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/18/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
it's not exactally a's a flash mob...:) they look so fun
like this
but it is to a song that promotes excersize in american children :D our school was asked to do it from the presaden't wife...:3
and awww..don't ruin your eyes compleatly! >//< just you know....ummmm....
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/18/11 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
just wait for them to heal then ruin them again is what ur saying! XD school dance??? Oh yeah, they're popular in America... Have fun! ^^
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/18/11 | Reply
awwww...that sucks....^^ it should get better though...:) then you will be able to watch MORE anime
<3 tee hee...don't mind me, i am just a little tired and excited for a dance workout at my school.