no it's not an RPG game :D It's sorta like guitar hero.. or sumthin. [clicky] see the link :3 though the sound isn't really clear in that vid XD [clicky again]<-- for some rpg games x) I'm on Godswar online and tales of pirates :3
My avi is by Ritona Raito =D she makes badass icons xD
Last edited by SarahPatricia at 5:51:01 AM CDT on May 21, 2011.
Dim Rain is pure epicness! ^^ Whats Jam Legend??? Is it an RPG??? soz, im seaching for new RPGs to play other than FF and KH.
Love the Big Windup avi btw!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
Just read SunfallE's post. //sigh. too bad >.>
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
what?! seriously?! I didn't know... maybe I should confirm it..
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
Yeah, but I heard she got banned...
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
You're welcome :3
She's good with detailed things x)
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
ok, thakies! ^^
Yeah I know. I love her cards too! Shes awesome at that stuff!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
no it's not an RPG game :D It's sorta like guitar hero.. or sumthin.
[clicky] see the link :3 though the sound isn't really clear in that vid XD
[clicky again]<-- for some rpg games x) I'm on Godswar online and tales of pirates :3
My avi is by Ritona Raito =D she makes badass icons xD
Last edited by SarahPatricia at 5:51:01 AM CDT on May 21, 2011.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
Dim Rain is pure epicness! ^^ Whats Jam Legend??? Is it an RPG??? soz, im seaching for new RPGs to play other than FF and KH.
Love the Big Windup avi btw!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/11 | Reply
=O I love listening to Dimrain's music. I used to repeatedly play infernoplex in a game called JamLegend XD