hmm... > < Since my brain is halfhuman half fox, I have no idea what you just said! ^^ I think it was something like I cant get one... OK! ^^ *runs off to get her soul sucked out*
sadly no. note in the other comment before the reply that it is an anti-soul-sucking-Birthday-suit(i forgot to add the birthday part in the reply ^^'). which means you have to be born with it. the anit-soul-sucking-suit is slightly less effective. which means its suppose to have enough resistance to the soul-sucking for you to A) get away, or B) or kill the sons of whitches.
sadly no. note in the other comment before the reply that it is an anti-soul-sucking-Birthday-suit(i forgot to add the birthday part in the reply ^^'). which means you have to be born with it. the anit-soul-sucking-suit is slightly less effective. which means its suppose to have enough resistance to the soul-sucking for you to A) get away, or B) or kill the sons of whitches.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
hmm... > < Since my brain is halfhuman half fox, I have no idea what you just said! ^^ I think it was something like I cant get one... OK! ^^ *runs off to get her soul sucked out*
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
sadly no. note in the other comment before the reply that it is an anti-soul-sucking-Birthday-suit(i forgot to add the birthday part in the reply ^^'). which means you have to be born with it. the anit-soul-sucking-suit is slightly less effective. which means its suppose to have enough resistance to the soul-sucking for you to A) get away, or B) or kill the sons of whitches.
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
sadly no. note in the other comment before the reply that it is an anti-soul-sucking-Birthday-suit(i forgot to add the birthday part in the reply ^^'). which means you have to be born with it. the anit-soul-sucking-suit is slightly less effective. which means its suppose to have enough resistance to the soul-sucking for you to A) get away, or B) or kill the sons of whitches.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
lol, it was a joke. it was called the anit-soul-sucking-suit. :3
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/02/11 | Reply
I'm no scared of the teletubbies, just the creepy lion and bear... O_o
Anti-what now? XD I have no idea what that is, but if it helps....
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/11 | Reply
"come on, don't be afraid. We only want to eat your soul."
XD don't worry i hate them too, but i'm not afraid of them. :3 i was born with an anti-soulsucking birthday suit. XD lol.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/31/11 | Reply
I see where you're going... BUT IT CAME OUT OF NO WHERE!!! > < SCARY!!!
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/30/11 | Reply
Te baby was more like WTF to me. There are more of us. Don't worry! ^^ At least they stopped making it! ^^
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/30/11 | Reply
lol, you watched it? It was SO scary though! > <
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/30/11 | Reply
They are really creepy!! XD Esecially that baby as the sun lol. Glad to know I am not the only one