Unfortunately for the kids at the academy, Naruto was late. Of course, this was standard procedure; being that the blonde was not punctual in anything other than saving lives (and sometimes not even that) Sasuke usually had to pick up the slack.
Upon hearing Iruka's displeased outburst, he pushed the door open, peeking in only in an effort to give the chunnin peace of mind. "Umino...-san," he added the -san for extra measure because it would be odd to call him "sensei", "I'm here in his stead, if you don't mind."
Avenging Fire
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/25/13 | Reply
Unfortunately for the kids at the academy, Naruto was late. Of course, this was standard procedure; being that the blonde was not punctual in anything other than saving lives (and sometimes not even that) Sasuke usually had to pick up the slack.
Upon hearing Iruka's displeased outburst, he pushed the door open, peeking in only in an effort to give the chunnin peace of mind. "Umino...-san," he added the -san for extra measure because it would be odd to call him "sensei", "I'm here in his stead, if you don't mind."