Due to a lack of communication, the fault being primarily my own, we aren't exactly prepared to launch the plot twist just yet. Which is good for you all so you have time to post. And you should. Seriously. Please.
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From: [CCC]
[√] I understand, you have my permission. I wish to join the club.
Character's Full Name: Emery Lucian Goth
Pronunciation: Loosh-Anne/loosh-uhn, however you choose to say it.
Species: Werewolf, raised to life as a churchgrim.
Abilities: He's quite strong, and he can turn into a werewolf regardless of the mooncycle (because he's a churchgrim)
Age: 19 (looks in his early twenties)
Height: 6' 3"
Hair: Auburn to blonde ombre. Buzzed sides, medium top either sticking up or under a black knit hat. (In wolf form, his fur is black.)
Eye Color(s): grey
Skin Color(s) Very tan (like a Mediterranean skin tone)
Personality: Emery is a total chill guy. People mistake him for a stoner, but he's just high on life. He LOVES to pick fights, but he never actually goes through with them. His favorite thing to say is, "OH, you wanna go? Well, I don't." His speech pattern is relatively lewd, as he doesn't "watch his words". (Hypocritically, he scolds other men for swearing when ladies/children are present).
He also loves to party, and meet people; he does not respect personal space, and is a big fan of bro-hugs. He's not particularly interested in girls, or sex, period. He's just into having fun, partying, pixie stick challenges, and forcing others to enjoy themselves.
(He's also the type to say "swag", "dope", and "fresh to death". Just sayin'.)
Looks: Hips, tongue, right eyebrow and lowbret piercings; a big brushburn scar on his back, and a fudgeload of random tattoos.
Appearance: An average young idiot who went through a crazy inking phase that he probably regrets.
Outfit/Style: Kind of a toned-down punk with some swag and school boy mixed in. (Reds, greys, blacks, relatively tight jeans, band shirts, the like)
Likes: being in other people's personal space, his drum machine, dubstep, pixie sticks, getting people worked up, freestyle rapping with people who have no idea what they're doing, initiating group hugs
Dislikes: seriousness of any kind (in any grave situations he still manages to be ridiculously sarcastic), the word "choice" (ESPECIALLY when repeated), being denied of physical contact (ie being slapped away when he tries to affectionately squish someone's face)
Strengths: He doesn't really get worked up too easily, he's pretty strong
Weaknesses: He tends to irritate others, doesn't think things through, thinks with his heart not his head, doesn't listen to other's opinions, never notices when someone genuinely dislikes him.
Fears: everyone will be raptured and leave him behind.
***Relationships: He adores people, and tends to think any hate coming from them is a joke. If someone is bitter towards him, he's all "lol, aw you~" and continues following them around and trying to hug them. He's shameless, but otherwise sweet and loves to get up in other's grills, helping with emotion issues.
Most people find him idiotic, loud, and irresponsible, but a trustworthy and loving friend.
***Family: not really remembered.
Father Farley Walker
Sister Josephine and Sister Albina
Brother Samuel
***History: Emery was found dead in wolf form, and was the first cadaver buried in St. Paul Church of God's graveyard (as per the traditions of the Church Grim).
To Father Walker's disappointment and dismay, Emery arose, perfectly living and human, speaking with a thick American standard accent (which was odd because the church is located in the United Kingdom, and he had absolutely no memory of life prior to being raised from the dead.) Over a period of time, Emery gradually shifted to using more of a Trans-Atlantic dialect.
Emery assumed the role of church protector, but was forbidden from entering the church during the service because he often "acted out" (sighing audibly in boredom, making 'pinkies up' comments when communion was served, the like). The sweet dummy never noticed he got on Farley's nerves and always considered him to be a father figure.
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