Hello Everyone and welcome to the grand opening of The Noodle House!

This is a place where random things takes place. It can be about food,anime and etc. Too bad I can't serve you all a great bowl of hot ramen to go! Oh well, hopefully that day will come soon.

The Noodle House is now Officially open!

Thanks for coming by and please visit often.

The3Citrusteers Shop @Etsy

Follow me @The3Citrusteers


( Tumblr, Instagram and Etsy accounts, I shared with my sis and cousin :D)

The3Citrusteers @ Etsy.com

YOu ALL Must agree....unless you don't want too :)

I haven't read a legit manga in a very long time. Almost a 1 1/2 -2 years....?

But last night I felt like reading something manga-ish and saw a couple of the kimi ni todoke volumes, so I read 1 of them. It was the weirdest thing, to hold the book in my hands and just read, it was awesome :)

Nowadays I just read manga online, so it's really not the same as holding one in your hands. They are different experiences. Yep

I have to say manga in a book form are way better than reading it off a screen that can potentially hurt your eyes

(Unless you have a kindle or e-readers, and do they have mangas?! I don't know how that would be...but still)

HAve a good one everyone
