Hello Everyone, this is a world where I will keep you, the fan, updated on TheO Story. I will inform you of what anime is being written about, and exciting new changes that the writers have made. Of course you won’t get details. Just enough information to keep you hanging so when we complete the story…

You’ll come running back to read it… (:


History of TheO Story

Low Down on TheO Story


Drawing To An End...

It seems TheO Story is drawing to its end. I sent it out last week to Caesar and have not heard back from him if he got it or not. In cases like this I find that the writer overlook it and it has not been written in. In which case sets the story back. Either way, if I get something back or not by 10PM tomorrow I will be Emailing the story out to ItachiSasuke.

I hope you're ready for this beast, ItachiSasuke? After you it has two more writers to visit and then it is done with the writers. I will then go through it add what I think needs to be added and I will then send it off to our editor.

I will fill you all in on what is going with it as me and the editor work on it.

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted here. With surgery I was supposed to be taking it easy, but I pushed myself and posted in only one of my accounts on here. Puls right now the story is pretty much done anyway. My posts would have been repeats... lol.

See ya around TheO my friend...


Stand Still...

It seems TheO Story is at a stand still. My last two writers had a bout with ill fate. Neither of them were able to add to the story. Well Nana did, but her PC crashed and left her with NOTHING. Karmira is sick and unable to get around at the moment.

Anywho, I am kind of glad my surgery was pushed later in the month. Luic has it next. So lets all cross our fingers that she don't suffer any ill fate and can get some writing done on the story *has fingers crossed* ... As for my writers that were suffering.


Nana: I hope you got things fixed with your PC/Lappy, and all is running smoothly for you now.

Mira: Feel Well Soon. I know what it is like to have a summer illness... BLAH! *hugs* Get well soon...

Just so you two know (Mira and Nana) when the story has went through ALL the writers again. We do have 2 weeks open at the end. If either of you want to try again to get your parts added just drop me a line.

See ya around TheO my friend...


READ ME!!! TheO Story... Round 2...

Ok here it is Round 2 on TheO Story. Tot was unable to edit it so I did my VERY best and edited what I could... lol. I do hope everyone read the ending so you know what to build toward. Along with building toward the ending we ALL need to wrap up some things and add a little more detail to what we have. Thus far in the story there should be no changes in the MAJOR storyline. Changes yes, but MAJOR changes NO.

* Remember it is VERY IMPORTANT to make sure EVERYTHING you add/edit/change in the story is in YOUR COLOR.

If need be I will be writing every time the story is sent back to me from a writer. We have to build this story to the ending and fill in these blank ideas that were not finished, and if me going in to write every two weeks after a writer is done with it I will. If I have said it once I have said it 4,000 times. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ADD TO OR CHANGE ANOTHER WRITERS WRITING. It's what TheO Story is ALL ABOUT. You all have it in you. Your amazing writers. Now let me see more of that in this round.

Thank you and See ya around TheO my friends...



This goes back a bit and I am not going to go deep there would be too much to write to bring you all up to speed. So to make this simple.

I have a drawing of the OC Sepia, from our story we are writing this year. Lunastarz, a dear friend of mine here on TheO drew her for me us... I have the sketch of her and I plan on vectoring her.

On Luna's behalf of the drawing all I can say is Sepia is AWESOME! GREAT! STUPENDOUS! BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to start vectoring her. I don't want to mess up her beauty that Luna gave her, so it might take me some time to get her vectored. If anyone (writer wise) would like to see the sketch of Sepia drop me a PM and I will PM you the link of her.

Also if any of you are good at shading and detailing and want to help with the vectoring. Let me know. I am still learning all the fine details of that fun stuff. So someone helping which is knowledgeable is those goodies would be very helpful to me.

I am SO very excited about the drawing, and excited to see her in full color as well (: ... Thanks again Luna *hugs tight* She really is VERY BEAUTIFUL. Thank You ((:

Well with that said... See ya around TheO my friend...


(Modified) ERGENT!! Please Read

Ok I have been doing some thinking... I know that's some scary stuff in itself... lol, and in my modified post it hit me, and it hurt too *rubs head*. I am thinking of this all wrong. We can create the assassin(s) and have the characters in the anime hunt the assassin(s) downs. SOOOOOOOO… Here is a few more to add to the list that could do just that job, and the story A LOT of fun.

In my last post I mentioned I wanted to write this years TheO Story about Assassins. I only know a few Assassin Anime's. The ones I know are listed below. Sad thing is. We need 10 anime to start the voting down to 1 anime. Help me fill the last slot. Each writer and/or Fan can suggest 1 anime and I will pick the best one to fill in the remaining slot, or if you find one that I have in the list to be ‘not’ so interesting. Toss me another title and let me know what anime you think it would be better than in my list.

The anime’s I think would work well for an Assassin theme story:

1) Cowboy Bebop
2) Black Cat
3) Samurai X or Kenshin
4) Weiss Kreuz
5) Samurai Champloo
6) Devil May Cry
7) Gungrave
8) Peacemaker
9) Trugun
10) ??

That’s it for me. Any other’s out there that I am missing? It don’t matter if I have seen it or not. I can watch an anime rather quickly if it is not 40 million episodes long *cough, cough* Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach.

Help a writer out. We need our anime list before the 7th of December.



OH!! If you have not PMed me your Email. Please do so. I need to get everyone in order and in a group listing for Emailing.

We now have 8 writers for this years TheO Story, and I still need to get announcements and posts up in other worlds to find more. A little less then two weeks left. Any one getting excited yet... lol. I AM! To my writers this year… PLEASE! PLEASE! Check in here at least once a week even if you don’t see an update in your backroom. Once this story gets rolling I will be posting at least once a week in here and the day I usually post is on a Sunday evening around 9 PM Central time. Please stay up with what is going on. It really helps with NOT getting lost when it is time for you to write.
