READ ME!!! TheO Story... Round 2...

Ok here it is Round 2 on TheO Story. Tot was unable to edit it so I did my VERY best and edited what I could... lol. I do hope everyone read the ending so you know what to build toward. Along with building toward the ending we ALL need to wrap up some things and add a little more detail to what we have. Thus far in the story there should be no changes in the MAJOR storyline. Changes yes, but MAJOR changes NO.

* Remember it is VERY IMPORTANT to make sure EVERYTHING you add/edit/change in the story is in YOUR COLOR.

If need be I will be writing every time the story is sent back to me from a writer. We have to build this story to the ending and fill in these blank ideas that were not finished, and if me going in to write every two weeks after a writer is done with it I will. If I have said it once I have said it 4,000 times. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ADD TO OR CHANGE ANOTHER WRITERS WRITING. It's what TheO Story is ALL ABOUT. You all have it in you. Your amazing writers. Now let me see more of that in this round.

Thank you and See ya around TheO my friends...

