Stand Still...

It seems TheO Story is at a stand still. My last two writers had a bout with ill fate. Neither of them were able to add to the story. Well Nana did, but her PC crashed and left her with NOTHING. Karmira is sick and unable to get around at the moment.

Anywho, I am kind of glad my surgery was pushed later in the month. Luic has it next. So lets all cross our fingers that she don't suffer any ill fate and can get some writing done on the story *has fingers crossed* ... As for my writers that were suffering.


Nana: I hope you got things fixed with your PC/Lappy, and all is running smoothly for you now.

Mira: Feel Well Soon. I know what it is like to have a summer illness... BLAH! *hugs* Get well soon...

Just so you two know (Mira and Nana) when the story has went through ALL the writers again. We do have 2 weeks open at the end. If either of you want to try again to get your parts added just drop me a line.

See ya around TheO my friend...

