Intro Image Coming Whenever I Feel Like It

This world is for organizing anime viewings in the theOtaku's community chat. Current or upcoming anime viewings are listed below with links to their main posts for farther details.

If you'd like to organize a viewing and be a guest poster, please message Desbreko.

Startin' Up Again

Right, so after having fun watching a few anime together with people in chat recently, I decided it was time to try and revive this thing.

The day of the week and time is still up in the air, though I'd prefer to keep the old Saturdays at 7:00 - 9:00 PM Pacific time slot. It's usually not feasible for me to start earlier, and also, Friday and Tuesday nights are unavailable for me. Sundays, likewise, are taken by Movie Sign. Please comment with times you'd be free if you'd like to participate.

As for what anime we'd watch, I have a few ideas, but that's not set in stone yet either. Feel free to post recommendations.

However, I do want to go back to watching only one anime at a time. I think having series drag on for two or three months ended up hurting interest more than having multiple shows simultaneously helped.

Preferably, I'd like to watch somewhere between four and six episodes per meeting so that we can get through a single season show in only two or three weeks. I'd also like to make the schedule more flexible, so that we can watch more episodes on nights when people have plenty of time and watch less if everyone needs to head out early or if a lot of people couldn't make it that week. Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of catching up people need to do on their own and keep interest from dropping off.

Let me know what you think.
