Hello everyone,
I had so much fun posting earlier, that im back with some more stuff to post about lol. I already had these screenshots prepared for the next post for this world, so i thought id just go ahead and put them up today, even though i had already posted. Plus i wanted to post one of these matches up for a friend, because i remembered chatting with him about it a couple of times and i also remembered how much he enjoyed it himself :)
Here are 3 more matches for your pleasure :)

Wrestlemania 3 - March 29th, 1987
Intercontinental Championship Match
"Macho Man" Randy Savage(champion) VS. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
Im posting about this match for for my friend Xaos :) This is the match we have chatted about on multiple occasions and certainly for good reason :) Wrestlemania 3 is widely considered the greatest Wrestling event in history. As far as i know, it still holds the record for the largest indoor crowd attendance for a sporting event (93,173) - thats alot of people lol. This match is often recognized as "the match that stole the show" by most fans, and also became the inspiration for many other current wrestling stars today to become wrestlers themselves. Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat both wrestled a high speed, no limit style of match that was the first of it's kind in 1987 and set the bar for matches to come. It's one that has to be seen to be believed, especially after Ricky Steamboat survived the Macho Man's dreaded Top rope Flying Elbow Drop and illegal tactics with a instinctive roll-up pin for the win, and the Intercontinental Championship :)

WCW Slamboree - May 22nd, 1994
For the Vacant WCW World Heavyweight Title
Sting VS. Vader
This match was on the newest wrestling dvd that i just recently bought, and it quickly became one of my favorites. This match came to be shortly after Sting lost the title to Ravishing Rick Rude in Japan. A short time later, it became known that Rick Rude was injured and he couldnt defend the title, so he was stripped of the tile and WCW decided to have a match for the vacant title between the top 2 wrestlers at the time - Sting and Vader. This match pretty brutal because Vader is a smash-mouth type of wrestler. he is pretty agile for his size and he is feared all over the world because he is so powerful and aggressive. This match went back and forth for the most part, but Sting managed to capitalize on some missed top rope moves by Vader, as well as some ill-advised interference from Vader's manager Harley Race. After a top rope splash, Sting was the WCW World Heavyweight Champion once again.

ECW Living Dangerously - March 21st, 1999
ECW Television Championship Match
Rob Van Dam(champion) VS. Jerry Lynn
This is probably the greatest combination of "hardcore" wrestling and "pure" wrestling youll ever find lol. Before i had watched this match, i had never really been interested in ECW or the hardcore wrestling style, but after talking about ECW with a guy i work with, he informed me that alot of wrestlers in ECW were pretty innovative in their matches - especially with the use of chairs. Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn brought down the house with their daring combination of high risk moves and reversals with and without steel chairs, tables and anything else that wasnt nailed down lol. I have a few matches that i can watch over and over again and this is certainly one of them because what these 2 men do is so unbelievable. In the end they wrestled until the time limit expired, but when the fans kept chanting "5 more minutes!", the champion agreed and the match kept going. A couple of minutes later, Rob Van Dam was able to land his Five Star Frog Splash and retain his T.V. Title. Both men earned each other's respect though.
Well, i think that will be it for this post, i had alot of fun typing it up though :) I sure hope you all enjoy it thats for sure :) I thank you for visiting and i certainly look forward to posting more soon! :)
stay strong,