yep, I'm still admiring the coral. *hugs coral, but gets poked and sets it back down carefully*
well, I haven't been on here in a really long time... still having some trouble sleeping, but it's gotten better. but now one of my friends is in the hospital. she's already had one surgery, and will have to have a second one soon. even if everything goes well, it's going to be about 2 months b4 she's back on her feet. I'm so worried about her and her family... and the worry is certainly not going to help me sleep. it seems like the problems pile on. and I had some other stuff bothering me too, before this happened. too much stress... *sigh* well, as soon as I can get in to see her, I'm bringing her a cuddly stuffed animal and a nice card. I can't make her health problems go away, but I can visit her and bring her presents, at least.
hahaha, oh well. as long as he got a gift u loved right? and i will try decorating. and its too bad that he dont know what he is thinking half the time, but as he long his brains working right? *sounds of clinking and whirring machines*
LOL!! my dad's not even sure what he's thinking half the time, let alone what I am. *snicker* he prolly noticed I had some small pieces of coral on the counter before. so when he came across a larger piece, he would've known I liked coral because of what was already on the counter. it's very simple how his brain works, really. but the coral's great! I'm really glad I put the smaller pieces out, b/c if I hadn't, he might've just passed up the nice big piece, not realizing I'd like it since there was nothing similar to it on display anywhere in the house. :p he's really good at picking out cards tho. if I need to send a card to someone, but I don't have time to stop at the store and get one, I can ask him, and he'll get the perfect one, exactly the one I would've chosen.
I love decorating the house. it certainly doesn't look like a professional did it, but it looks good for having been done by someone like me who just picks stuff up at different stores and hopes it all matches. you should try decorating! as long as you like it, that's all that really matters.
that is cool how u have ur own little decoration on the counter....creative. i wish i could do something like that, but i dont think people will like it...
I found 2 cans of soup! one of them is tomato... but that's good too! I love to make toast with lots of butter on it and dip it in the soup. it's even better than crackers.
the rain wasn't as bad as the weather report said, so that was good.
hey!! my dad got me a present! it's a big piece of white coral, one of those round pieces with kinda short branches coming off it. the shape reminds me of a sea anemone. it's on the bathroom counter with a really pretty polished abalone shell. it looks great! I don't know how my dad did it. for the past several days, I'd been standing in the bathroom staring at the shells and stuff I had used to make my little decorative display on the counter, and I had decided (without mentioning it to him) that I really needed a nice big piece of coral. then my dad came home with it! lol!
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 1:10:51 AM EST on March 2, 2009.
hahaha, go raid ur cabinets and see if you can find some soup. i love the rain too, as well as the cold, but when u r sick, it aint the greatest thing...
my record was 2-3 days, then i just HAD to get on...
mmm... dessert. lol!
can u believe I haven't been on here in five days? I've been busy with all that other stuff I knew would pile up on me. and I still don't feel well. I've got a cold, or... something. I don't know what it is, but it's making me feel generally yucky, and it won't go away. :p it's been raining alot, and I love the rain, but it's not good for me right now. :( weird isn't it, that it's lingered for so long. well, it's going to be pouring rain for the next two days... I wonder if I have any chicken noodle soup left... I'm going to need it, lol!
wait, wait... *takes ur brain out of the Jell-o mold and puts whipped cream on top* there we go! good as new! lol!! and ur brain will now make a lovely centerpiece for the dessert table at any party. rofl!!
the cure for being brain dead is... wait, what was the question? lol! if I knew the cure, I wouldn't get writer's block so often. :p
*puts ur brain down*
yeah, a Zelda wall sounds good! I'm envisioning something colorful... I have to make walls vicariously(sp?) thru other ppl... lol!
*looks at ur brain again* hey... does ur brain look a little squishy now? ummm... must've shaken a little too hard. *carefully puts ur brain in a Jell-o mold* there... just leave it in there for a few hours, and you'll be good to go... honest! I do it for cases of Squishybrain all the time! lol!!
*glares in disgust at the evil economy pressing its ugly face against the windows* lol! if it thinks it's getting back in here, it's sadly mistaken.
ummm... wait for approval? sry, you lost me, lol. I've never submitted a wall. I'd be posting fiction if I could manage to write two stories at once. I used to do that. it was back when I was younger and had less on my mind. and I used to write for school assignments. I kinda had to have those turned in on time, lol!
sry your brain's not working. *pokes your brain* nope, you're right, it's really not working. I don't know where it's hidden the wallpapers, but it's hidden them well. they must be in there somewhere... *picks up your brain, turns it upside down and starts shaking it* they'll come out in a minute, I know it! lol!
lol. i DO think it will be hard to find a job. or go to college. hopefully it'll be better by the time i have ta apply.
*shuts door on evil economy*
ok. bad talk out. (economy) and good talk in! hehehe
well, i am running out of ideas for wallies. it sucks. i wanna submit enough to where i dont have to wait for a approval. but my brain went dead. *tries to revive brain, but it is a futile attempt*
that's a really good idea, doing graphic design as a job and writing on the side. you can write for a loooong time and not get anything published. you need a job to pay the bills while you're writing your way toward that one story that could be your big break. I might like to be working right now, but the economy's in the toilet, lol. not really funny, actually. it's really hard to find work where I live. there can be a few job openings at a company, but ppl are so desperate that hundreds of them show up to apply. I'm kinda in the middle of choosing between work or going back to school... or some other path. the economy may have made the decision for me, for right now anyway. jobs are near impossible to find, and colleges are raising tuition and taking on fewer students. *sigh* hey... reality's intruding on my nice little cyber world! *grabs fly swatter* get back!! get out of my World! there will be no bad economy here! BEGONE!! ...ok... I think we're good now... lol!
it's the same for me. I'm absolutely lousy at math. if anyone is worse at math than me, they prolly didn't stay in school past the 3rd grade, lol!
it's really important not to take on more college classes than you can reasonably handle. if you try to do too much, soon you aren't enjoying it anymore, and your grades start going down, and you might end up dropping out just from overwork and discouragement. or you graduate stressed out and with lower grades than you would've achieved if you'd paced yourself. if you like writing and graphic design equally, there's nothing wrong with tossing a coin to decide which you'll do. and then, after you've done one, you can always go back to school later on and do the other if you really want to. sometimes when I have a decision to make, and neither of the choices are jumping out at me, I just get a coin and toss it, lol. it gets the job done. sometimes, after the coin toss, when I'm faced with really making a commitment to one of my options, I realize that it's not really what I want to do, and the choices aren't equally appealing to me, you know? that's how I come to know that one path really is better for me than the other. nothing makes you realize that like taking that option away for a while, lol.
I really hope you don't drop out too. I wish I hadn't. maybe I wouldn't be living with my dad if I'd stayed in college. :/ I think I'm a pretty good writer now, but I was learning so much in class. when I think about how much better I could've been, I really start kicking myself. you don't want those kinds of regrets, trust me. *sigh* well, there's still time, if I want to take my older and wiser self back to school, lol.
yea, everyone tells me reading is what helped my voc.
english has always been my strong subject. its weird. math is my weakest subject. guess thats expected huh?
i plan on going to college, but i hope i wont drop out. i wanna either become an author or a graphic designer. i am lost on which one to choose tho. some peeps tell me to do both! im afraid of the stress load tho.
I wrote for 12 hours straight once... that's my record. and the weird thing is, that story didn't even turn out to be good, lol! isn't that strange? I've been meaning to go back and re-read it and see if there's any reason at all for me to even keep it. I usually keep all my stuff, but it's really that bad. but other stuff I wrote around the same time is good. funny how that works.
I usually remember my ideas. I normally don't have to write them down b/c I'll forget, I just get so excited about them that I have to see them on paper or on the computer screen! if it's just ideas, then I'll jot then down on paper, but if it's the actual writing of the story, I do that on the comp.
yeah, I'm good at english. it was always my best subject, and it was my major in college... till I dropped out to do something else. talk about decisions I regret now... anyway, reading is one of the best ways to improve your english skills. it really helped me. although I can't say reading was what made me want to write, b/c I started telling stories before I even learned how to read or write. my stories were about animals back then, and that's still what I really enjoy writing about now.
hahaha, yea, i know what ya mean by writing late into the night. one night, i was like, dreaming about something and it included the characters of my story (i gave up on it, i didnt know how to write the rest of it) but i woke up and just HAD to write everything i thought of. i got up and got a pen and paper out. i was writing away for like 15 to 20 minutes. maybe 30. i dont know. well, my mom came in and she was like, "what are you doing?" and im like, i just HAD to get all of that down. other wise, i would have forgotten. she said ok, but i had better hurry. thats how it is with me, once i have an idea, i have to write it down, whether its for a poem or for a story. cuz, an hour after i think of it, i will forget. its only a spur of the moment thing.
but, once i wrote in the margins and scribbled everywhere. and when i went back to it, i could barely read it. i had to sit there forever and try to understand my unintelligible writing. XD
btw, are you good at English? like, English class? it seems like u are, but im not sure. i am, i know that. i read alot and thats how i became good at it. then, i wanted to write my own stuff, and so thats how i got into writing. but i dont like writing too much with my hand and a piece of paper. it hurts my hand, fingers and arm. i like typing better. cuz even if i were to write it down on paper, i would just type it later cuz it looks neater. so i like to just type it.
*snicker* glad I'm not the only one who ends up practically clinging to the side of the bus as it starts to drive away, lol! I really should've run the last fifty feet or so to the bus stop... but my feet were killing me. and I was cold and wet... it's no wonder the driver opened the door in such a hurry! I prolly looked like I was about to either fall over or burst into tears, lol!
I can hardly believe I used to do all my writing with a pen and paper. a computer's so much easier! you can edit your work without scribbling things out and writing in the margins. I used to have tiny little writing going up the side of the paper because I suddenly discovered I wanted to add a new paragraph. it got so messy and confusing that after a while, even I had to sit and stare at it for a while before I could figure out what I'd been trying to do. you know, like the morning after one of those really intense writing sessions that goes on for hours into the night b/c if you don't get the ideas onto the paper, your head will explode, then when you drag yourself out of bed and go back and read it, you can only conclude that you must've been deranged. ah, the experiences writers have that nobody else would understand...
thanks so much for the e-card!!!!!!!! I love it!!! it's like, perfect for me! it suits my tastes purrfectly! lol!
two kitties!! yay!! thnx! *huggles both and gives one a ball and the other a furry mousie toy* aaand they're working again! lol... my computer's ready for the looney bin.
well, I was feeling better yesterday, so I went out. just in time to get caught in the pouring rain. it wouldn't have been bad at all, except the wind felt like it was going to turn my umbrella inside out. I love the rain, but that is a bit much. I was fighting my way thru the wind and the driving rain, slogging thru puddles, and could hardly see where I was going. it's a wonder I didn't get hit by a car. I almost missed the bus. the driver was just starting to pull away from the curb when I finally made it to the bus stop and knocked on the door. I must've looked half drowned and all forlorn, and he took pity on me and let me in. lol, what a day.
I'm a huge reader too. I could practically live at the library, lol! I love movies too. I'm fascinated with the two methods of telling a story. I'd be making movies myself if I could. it takes money. :p writing stories is cheaper. lol...
I love it when my friends give me book recommendations! that's how I got into Redwall. with Narnia, the 1st movie came out and then I wanted to read the books.
I'm sooo glad ur getting a shelter cat!! ur really all that kitty has...
I wish my computer would play video. or at least music. I was with friends yesterday, and we were watching videos on a cell phone. a puny cell phone has put my computer to shame. :p I can't even get it to do the smileys right now. again. *sigh* *huggles your kitty b/c my computer is USELESS and won't give me one* well, at least I got out yesterday. I haven't been feeling that great. that's why I've had more free time than I was anticipating. I don't feel really bad, just kinda... yucky. enough to keep me home most days. :p oh, well. free time!! :D
thnx! I was sitting here trying to think of a screen name for myself on this site, b/c I like to have a different one on each site that I go to, and I just couldn't come up with anything till I thought of my cat. I thought your sn was about Twilight. there was only a small chance you meant the time of day, lol! that series is so popular right now... I haven't read it. I like animal stories. I'm working on the Redwall series right now, and some others. I finished The Chronicles of Narnia a long time ago, and I really loved them! they're my favorite.
I hate it when property managers won't let you have pets. *sigh* that's like telling ppl they can't have kids. not the same, obviously, but my cats are like my kids. I'd dress them in clothes if they wouldn't hate me for it, and if that wouldn't get into crazy cat lady territory, lol! :p hope you're able to get a cat soon! plz consider adopting a shelter cat! the poor things just get put to sleep if no one comes for them. you'd be doing a really good thing. almost all the cats I've ever had have been rescued from uncertain fates, and I feel good about that, b/c they may not have made it otherwise.
i cant have a cat, tho, because the land lady dont allow it.
but its ok. i can still love kitties without having to have one. and i plan on getting one as soon as i can.
thats a pretty creative way to get ur name from tho. i got mine cuz i LOVE tigers and i love the book series, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. i just put it together and now i get some comments on it from time to time.
OH!! *huggles the animated kitty* thnx! my smileys seem to be working now tho... my computer's mental...
why can't u have cats?? that's so sad! are you allergic? I don't know what I'd do without the little furry ppl in the house. my girl kitty's name is Misty. that's where I got my screen name from. she's curled up on a furry leopard blanket now. she loves that blanket- it's her favorite.
hahaha, i know people like that, that take my foood and everything. finally i said, "look, this is mine, go get ur own" but it didnt work. well, it did, but to a point.
too bad about ur smileys...but at least u have REAL kitties at home...i dont have any. i want one but i cant have one.
oh, I have no problem whatsoever letting my dad know when he's crossed a line. he used to take my food all the time. it got so bad I had to buy a little fridge and put it in my room so he doesn't have all my food right there in front of him where he can get at it. he threw a fit at first, b/c he was used to wolfing down all of his food and then stealing mine when he got hungry again. I'd come out into the kitchen, and my dinner would be gone! or whatever meal it was... I asked him to stop over and over again, but finally, I had to just put my food where he couldn't get it. he's like the little kid who won't stop running off and finally ends up on a leash. I tried to reason with him... lol!
I'd huggle the kitty too, but my smileys are not working. my mean computer won't let me have the kitty. well... =^.^= there... not as cute and not animated, but it'll have to do. *huggles* good thing I have real cats here... my little girl kitty is on the bed behind me. sometimes she comes up and starts tapping me on the shoulder with her paw when she thinks I've been paying too much attention to the computer and not enough to her. lol! she's cute and fuzzly.
mission accomplished! I have truffles. they just melt in my mouth- it's great! I think I'm going to have to hide them from my dad tho. :p he already poked his head in my room asking if he could have more. he's had his. *chases dad away from the truffles with a fly swatter* lol!
my plans for this evening didn't work out, so I get to be online again! it's cool when my plans fall thru. then my schedule isn't so crowded.
hahaha, i know how that feels. hope u get caught up on ur sleep. glad u liked my brother bear card, i tried to make it look good and i loved how it came out, so i posted it!
upon further review... no... no, you didn't say anything about walls. I'm just that tired, that it said cards, and I saw wallpapers. *falls over* ugh, it's been a hectic week, and guess what? I have to go out and hit it again 2morrow. I'm going to be dragging myself out the door like a zombie going, "Must... get... groceries!" lol! I should get myself something special, like some chocolates... make it worth it, you know?
I found your Brother Bear card. it was cool!
going to bed now... as much as I like my internet time, my bed is caling. *goes and curls up*
same here....i LOVE the Lion king and also, the Little Mermaid, and Mulan, and Anastasia, and the list goes on. but did i say anything about walls? hmmm.......
but yea, i posted a DISNEY: Brother Bear one. maybe if u look on my card gallery, u can find it....
Disney, yay!! *massive glomp* I LOVE Disney!! plz, post the walls! thnx! I tend to like sad and thoughtful better, but whatever, as long as the pictures are good. and text makes it more interesting, at least for me. like, an especially meaningful quote from the movie, like "Remember who you are" from The Lion King. that's my favorite Disney movie.
hahahha, well, at least ur trying to be helpful. i am too. i have LOTS of free time on my handsright now.....toomuch actually....
im thinking about doing a chain of DISNEY cards, like, the titles will be DISNEY: -insert name of movie here-
likeif i make a Brother Bear card it will look like DISNEY: Brother Bear and they will be funny or whatever. maybe sad and thoughtful......what do u think?
sorry! hope things look up for you soon! for me too, I hope, thanks!
yeah, I PMed 2 ppl, but one of them has multiple personalities, so I'm counting each personality I chat with as a separate individual... so that raises the count, lol! extra points, yay!! j/k
well, the only reason I have a little time to be online today is because my plans got pushed back... but I'll be off and running shortly. *sigh* Thursday is usually my internet day. I may only be online that day eventually. don't know at this point. oh, well. *eyeroll* I had a pretty good snicker at the idea of me mentoring a new member. I'm not here enough, lol! and I don't even do wallpapers and cards and stuff. I don't know where other ppl are getting all this free time...
thnx, I really hope it comes out well too. it has to. I want to get it published. that's why it's not on my list of things to post here, b/c I have other plans for it. I wish I could get the rest of it done without those annoying delays, but seriously... it's me. I'm like, the Queen Of Writer's Block. :p I've been busy with other things too, which is not good news for my work. it might get to a point where I only have time to come on here once every few days too... which would be a drag. mundane, everyday things have a way of pushing the more interesting stuff to the side. *sigh* have you seen the new introduction feature? apparently we're supposed to be PMing new members... do I have time for this?? lol!
well, I only get bad PMS once every few months. and after it's over, and my dad cautiously comes creeping out, he forgets all about it. lol!
I think I may have finally solved the problem that had me stuck on my other story. that'd be great! I'd love to get on with it after all this time. sheesh. *eyeroll* it's just been sitting there, bugging me because of the unfulfilled obligation it represents, you know? I hate it when I feel like I'm not making any progress. I actually was, because I was working on the problem in my head, but that wasn't anything tangible. I like to see pages.
my dad gets the worst of it when I'm all PMSin'. he gets positively shell-shocked after a while. then he goes and hides. LOL!! it's hilarious! for me anyway... I kinda pity the guys... they have no idea what's going on. *snicker*
well... I'm stuck on one of my stories, but I actually have new ideas for the one I was going to post on here. yay! well, lets see if it actually goes anywhere this time...
lol, I've found out the hard way too, altho it was alot harder on my unfortunate victims that it was on me. *snicker* thnx, hopefully the PMS will be done soon, then everyone can stop looking over their shoulder.
as for my computer, it has its moods too. it gets all glitchy for a while, then it's fine again...
I know! it is mean! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to hit it with something alot more substantial than a pillow. *grumble* a sledgehammer would do it... *evil grin* be afraid, mean computer... be very afraid. you have yet to feel my wrath... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
man, I'm really PMSin' right now...
well, there was supposed to be a nice long reply here, but my computer ate it. *sounds of cyber lips smacking* as if my computer would ever play video... it was a nice idea tho... thank you!
yea, maybe i will do that....hmmm...(starts thikin...)
i may have bad win in 1 chapter, then maybe1-2 chapters later, good wins........
or maybe not! no spoilers!!
thanks, i recently got in to Clannad, and they are the characters. its a really sweet anime. Karmira got me into it. bless her soul. i am gonna make a hmmmm....something.....and dedicate it to her!
if ya wanna watch, just go to and look on the anime index until u get to Clannad. and start from the beginning. its in Japanese w/ English subs, but it is sweet and HILARIOUS!!!
well, sometimes the bad guys win in my stories... not permanently, of course. just to add more drama. and action, because in the next battle, you know the good guys aren't there to take prisoners, lol!
omg, you got another avatar!! so cute!
yea, i try to do the same thing. i hint at it, but dont throw it out there randomly. like in my story MYSTERIOUS PAST, i already hinted that there will be a fight between the bad guys and the good guys. but i dont hint at what will happen, or who will win.
yeah, you don't want your readers to turn on you, lol. and that's not to say nothing bad ever happens in my stories, or that they're predictable, otherwise they'd be pretty boring. I just make sure ppl know when something big's coming, like characters getting killed off, even if they don't know who's going to get it till it happens. I actually haven't had the guts to kill off any characters in my current story. I was going to. I had the plot all worked out, and I sat down at my computer to write it and lost my nerve at the last minute. :p then I had to re-work the whole story. *sigh* I think it came out better though. it's kind of an odd thought that being gutless can put you in a better place, though.
I'm almost glad you never watched Wolf's Rain. the ending was heartbreaking. I cried myself to sleep. it was that bad. it was like they suddenly decided to go all bloody and horrible and tragic at the end, and nothing they put in the show prior to that prepared me for it. I probably missed some clues. but in my stories, if something awful is going to happen, I make sure I use foreshadowing and give fair warning. if ppl are going to be crying reading my stuff, I'd like it to be because it's genuinely moving to them, not because I snuck up behind them and hit them over the head with a nasty plot twist.
i know how u feel. i wasted countell hours watching Pokemon then i never l iked it again. i hate when that happens. i never watched Wolfs Rain, so i cant say what u said. but iunderstand.
I hate it when I only get 2 or 3 eps into a show and lose interest. :p I just end up wasting a rental. and my time. and my energy trying to figure out what on earth the creators of the show were going for. but what may be even worse is when I get totally involved in a show and attached to the characters, and I follow the whole thing faithfully, and then I hate the ending. that happened with Wolf's Rain. after I was done with all the conniptions that caused, I just disowned the whole stupid ending as if it never happened, because there's no way I'm ever going to accept it. I don't end stories like that... *grumble*
yep. i watched pokemon, then sailor moon, then naruto, then fruits basket, then, more naruto, then rosario + vampire (leftt off on episode 3), then Ouran High School Host Club (left off Clannad(left off on ep. 2)
I think a alot of us started out with Pokemon because it was one of the first anime shows to really become popular in the U.S. that and Sailor Moon, but I never watched that, just kinda heard about it. then it was Adult Swim for me, and now I can get pretty much anything I want from Netflix. cool, huh?
well, actually i forgot about Pokemon. it was my first too. i didnt realize that that was anime. i thought that was a cartoon. well, let me correct myself; fruits basket was my second, Pokemon my first. it was all because of my bro.
cool. Pokemon was my first. I actually wish it'd been something a little more mature, you know? :p it got me interested in anime, but before I discovered Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, I got stuck watching kids' shows. it was lame...
i know. i hate it when that happens, when i run out things to talk about. but, yea. my avi's from Fruits Basket. That was the very first anime i ever watched and i loved it. after i watched that, i wanted to watch more anime and thats how i got interested. i have my frend to thank.
hey!! just noticed you got that new avi you wanted!! looks cool! now we've got something new to chat about... kinda ran out of steam there for a few days, lol. I don't recognize the anime ur avi's from, tho...
ur welcome! I've never searched that... I'll have to try it... I like your avatar, but I know what you mean. even cool avis get stale after you've had them a while.
cool. Well, thanks. i am getting tired of my avi and wanna change, but i didnt feel like searching around on photobucket any more. i just looked up "flash anime" and it brought up cool moving pics. but i want something else. well, THANKS
it was I'd post a link, but that only worked once... :p
it was kinda hard to find 100x100 avis on there that I liked. the O is picky about size... they do have Wolf's Rain avis, but if I can't use them here, then what good is that to me, you know? they might just as well not be there. lol...
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 12:22:09 AM EST on January 4, 2009.
told Stone you miss him. he drooled. I'm not sure what it meant. but I delivered the message. lol!
my new avatar is Haruko from FLCL. the avatar site I got it from didn't have any Wolf's Rain avis, which is what I was looking for, but oh, well. *sigh* I'll check out some others when I have time. this one will do for now.
I absolutely LOVE the Slim Jims with meat and cheese in one package. OMG... you take a bite of meat and cheese at the same time... and the meat is all spicy and the cheese has that kinda smoky flavor... *drools*
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 9:48:02 PM EST on January 2, 2009.
same here. well, guess ur wolf is gone..*tear falls* but i like ur new one. cute . now we need a naem for this one too.....*starts thinking, gets distracted and does a random dance...*
hey, changed my avatar, finally! :D about time! not that it matters now, but the name I chose for my previous avi is Yellowstone (Stone for short) after the park, of course. he's in a virtual kennel now with lots and lots of steak and ribs. but the Slim Jims are mine. lol. no, seriously. put them down and back away slowly.
okay, I guess we're chatting in here now instead of in my GB... makes it simpler, anyway.
I'm working on a name for my avi... I always either get hung up on names, or I just don't care. names in my stories, or for pets... whatever. it doesn't matter. sometimes it has to be perfect, and I obsess for weeks, other times, I could practically open a phone book, close my eyes and point and go with whatever name my finger lands on. it's weird... this seems to be one of those obsessing times...
I'll get to your story... sometimes I go for a long time without even looking at my own stuff, lol. it's all on my to-do list.
its ok. i had to figure out to add cool stuff to my worlds. but yea. i just go one chapter at a time and see what comes out, and if it is good and makes sense, then i put out here for everyone to read! hope u like it whenever u DO read it.. and dont feel bad. i gave my stpry to a few of my frends, but they hardly have time to read stuff, so i understand. LATERS
thnx! I've actually lost interest in this story for the time being in favor of working on another one. I have a few going at the same time. whichever one I feel like writing, that's the one I do. it's pretty convenient actually. I can pick the story that suits my mood. nearly all of my stories are novels, or have the potential to be, so I'll be busy with them for years. *sighs in deep contentment*
I popped into one of your Worlds and looked over your story that you mentioned, but I haven't had time to read it yet. the parts I skimmed over look good tho! I love the backgrounds and pics you're using in there. I don't know how to add that stuff to my World... as you can see, it's just all plain-looking... haven't had time to really check out all the stuff I can do on this site.
okay, when i wrote my story, i went random. that is how i write. i jsut start thinking about what my story would be about, the character's names, then start writing. i write one chapter at a time, see what comess out of my head, and surprise myself. i dont know what is gonna happen in ch.5 of my story, MYSTERIOUS PAST, except for one main thing. i come up w/ one main thing that will happen, then write, and subtly slip my goal in there.
like, gaaragirl suggested maybe in ch.4 Sora can meet Yami's parents, so i had to figure out how they would come up w/ that idea, and so i just sat down and wrote, and it came pouring out of me. a stream of ideas like water sprouting out of a fountain.
so, if in doubt, just try to go random w/ at least one idea of what will happen, and the character's names. and you might surprise yourself!
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
yep, I'm still admiring the coral.
*hugs coral, but gets poked and sets it back down carefully* 
she's already had one surgery, and will have to have a second one soon. even if everything goes well, it's going to be about 2 months b4 she's back on her feet. I'm so worried about her and her family...
and the worry is certainly not going to help me sleep. it seems like the problems pile on. and I had some other stuff bothering me too, before this happened. too much stress... *sigh* well, as soon as I can get in to see her, I'm bringing her a cuddly stuffed animal and a nice card. I can't make her health problems go away, but I can visit her and bring her presents, at least. 
well, I haven't been on here in a really long time... still having some trouble sleeping, but it's gotten better. but now one of my friends is in the hospital.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/04/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahaha, oh well. as long as he got a gift u loved right? and i will try decorating.
and its too bad that he dont know what he is thinking half the time, but as he long his brains working right? *sounds of clinking and whirring machines*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/04/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
LOL!! my dad's not even sure what he's thinking half the time, let alone what I am. *snicker* he prolly noticed I had some small pieces of coral on the counter before. so when he came across a larger piece, he would've known I liked coral because of what was already on the counter. it's very simple how his brain works, really. but the coral's great! I'm really glad I put the smaller pieces out, b/c if I hadn't, he might've just passed up the nice big piece, not realizing I'd like it since there was nothing similar to it on display anywhere in the house. :p he's really good at picking out cards tho. if I need to send a card to someone, but I don't have time to stop at the store and get one, I can ask him, and he'll get the perfect one, exactly the one I would've chosen.
it certainly doesn't look like a professional did it, but it looks good for having been done by someone like me who just picks stuff up at different stores and hopes it all matches. you should try decorating! as long as you like it, that's all that really matters. 
I love decorating the house.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/03/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
maybe ur dad read ur mind...?
that is cool how u have ur own little decoration on the counter....creative. i wish i could do something like that, but i dont think people will like it...
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I found 2 cans of soup!
one of them is tomato... but that's good too! I love to make toast with lots of butter on it and dip it in the soup. it's even better than crackers.
it's a big piece of white coral, one of those round pieces with kinda short branches coming off it. the shape reminds me of a sea anemone. it's on the bathroom counter with a really pretty polished abalone shell. it looks great! I don't know how my dad did it. for the past several days, I'd been standing in the bathroom staring at the shells and stuff I had used to make my little decorative display on the counter, and I had decided (without mentioning it to him) that I really needed a nice big piece of coral. then my dad came home with it! lol! 
the rain wasn't as bad as the weather report said, so that was good.
hey!! my dad got me a present!
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 1:10:51 AM EST on March 2, 2009.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/01/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahaha, go raid ur cabinets and see if you can find some soup. i love the rain too, as well as the cold, but when u r sick, it aint the greatest thing...
my record was 2-3 days, then i just HAD to get on...
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/01/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
mmm... dessert. lol!
I've been busy with all that other stuff I knew would pile up on me. and I still don't feel well. I've got a cold, or... something. I don't know what it is, but it's making me feel generally yucky, and it won't go away. :p it's been raining alot, and I love the rain, but it's not good for me right now. :( weird isn't it, that it's lingered for so long. well, it's going to be pouring rain for the next two days... I wonder if I have any chicken noodle soup left... I'm going to need it, lol!
can u believe I haven't been on here in five days?
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/25/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
exactly! thats why i wanted to know, so writers block will be history!
yay! now i have dessert whereever i go!! hahahaha.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/23/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
wait, wait... *takes ur brain out of the Jell-o mold and puts whipped cream on top* there we go! good as new!
lol!! and ur brain will now make a lovely centerpiece for the dessert table at any party.
the cure for being brain dead is... wait, what was the question? lol! if I knew the cure, I wouldn't get writer's block so often. :p
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/21/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
*few hours pass* can i open the fridge now? hopefully my brain is back to normal....
what is the cure for being brain dead? is there a way to revive it? =P
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
*puts ur brain down*
I'm envisioning something colorful... I have to make walls vicariously(sp?) thru other ppl... lol!
yeah, a Zelda wall sounds good!
*looks at ur brain again* hey... does ur brain look a little squishy now? ummm... must've shaken a little too hard. *carefully puts ur brain in a Jell-o mold* there... just leave it in there for a few hours, and you'll be good to go... honest! I do it for cases of Squishybrain all the time! lol!!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
O_O my brain!! *rattle, rattle*
*idea comes pouring out*
i've got it! *light bulb comes on*
a Zelda Wallie!!
what do ya think?
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/18/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
*glares in disgust at the evil economy pressing its ugly face against the windows* lol! if it thinks it's getting back in here, it's sadly mistaken.
ummm... wait for approval? sry, you lost me, lol. I've never submitted a wall. I'd be posting fiction if I could manage to write two stories at once. I used to do that. it was back when I was younger and had less on my mind. and I used to write for school assignments. I kinda had to have those turned in on time, lol!
sry your brain's not working. *pokes your brain* nope, you're right, it's really not working. I don't know where it's hidden the wallpapers, but it's hidden them well. they must be in there somewhere... *picks up your brain, turns it upside down and starts shaking it* they'll come out in a minute, I know it! lol!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
lol. i DO think it will be hard to find a job. or go to college. hopefully it'll be better by the time i have ta apply.
*shuts door on evil economy*
ok. bad talk out. (economy) and good talk in! hehehe
well, i am running out of ideas for wallies. it sucks. i wanna submit enough to where i dont have to wait for a approval. but my brain went dead. *tries to revive brain, but it is a futile attempt*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
that's a really good idea, doing graphic design as a job and writing on the side.
you can write for a loooong time and not get anything published. you need a job to pay the bills while you're writing your way toward that one story that could be your big break. I might like to be working right now, but the economy's in the toilet, lol. not really funny, actually. it's really hard to find work where I live. there can be a few job openings at a company, but ppl are so desperate that hundreds of them show up to apply. I'm kinda in the middle of choosing between work or going back to school... or some other path. the economy may have made the decision for me, for right now anyway. jobs are near impossible to find, and colleges are raising tuition and taking on fewer students. *sigh* hey... reality's intruding on my nice little cyber world! *grabs fly swatter* get back!! get out of my World! there will be no bad economy here! BEGONE!! ...ok... I think we're good now... lol!

twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yea, i think im gonna take graphic design. i LOVE working with the comp. and i love taking an image and transforming it.
i dont plan on taking more than i can handle the thought is scary.
i mightdo writin on the side. and have graphic designing be my job. then, if i end up writin something good, i could try to get it published.
too bad u droppd out. i plan on going to college the full tme i have ta.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
it's the same for me. I'm absolutely lousy at math. if anyone is worse at math than me, they prolly didn't stay in school past the 3rd grade, lol!
sometimes when I have a decision to make, and neither of the choices are jumping out at me, I just get a coin and toss it, lol. it gets the job done. sometimes, after the coin toss, when I'm faced with really making a commitment to one of my options, I realize that it's not really what I want to do, and the choices aren't equally appealing to me, you know? that's how I come to know that one path really is better for me than the other. nothing makes you realize that like taking that option away for a while, lol.
it's really important not to take on more college classes than you can reasonably handle. if you try to do too much, soon you aren't enjoying it anymore, and your grades start going down, and you might end up dropping out just from overwork and discouragement. or you graduate stressed out and with lower grades than you would've achieved if you'd paced yourself. if you like writing and graphic design equally, there's nothing wrong with tossing a coin to decide which you'll do. and then, after you've done one, you can always go back to school later on and do the other if you really want to.
I really hope you don't drop out too. I wish I hadn't. maybe I wouldn't be living with my dad if I'd stayed in college. :/ I think I'm a pretty good writer now, but I was learning so much in class. when I think about how much better I could've been, I really start kicking myself. you don't want those kinds of regrets, trust me. *sigh* well, there's still time, if I want to take my older and wiser self back to school, lol.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/13/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yea, everyone tells me reading is what helped my voc.
english has always been my strong subject. its weird. math is my weakest subject. guess thats expected huh?
i plan on going to college, but i hope i wont drop out. i wanna either become an author or a graphic designer. i am lost on which one to choose tho. some peeps tell me to do both! im afraid of the stress load tho.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/13/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I wrote for 12 hours straight once... that's my record. and the weird thing is, that story didn't even turn out to be good, lol! isn't that strange? I've been meaning to go back and re-read it and see if there's any reason at all for me to even keep it. I usually keep all my stuff, but it's really that bad.
but other stuff I wrote around the same time is good. funny how that works.
if it's just ideas, then I'll jot then down on paper, but if it's the actual writing of the story, I do that on the comp.
it was always my best subject, and it was my major in college... till I dropped out to do something else. talk about decisions I regret now...
anyway, reading is one of the best ways to improve your english skills. it really helped me.
although I can't say reading was what made me want to write, b/c I started telling stories before I even learned how to read or write. my stories were about animals back then, and that's still what I really enjoy writing about now. 
I usually remember my ideas. I normally don't have to write them down b/c I'll forget, I just get so excited about them that I have to see them on paper or on the computer screen!
yeah, I'm good at english.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/13/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahaha, yea, i know what ya mean by writing late into the night. one night, i was like, dreaming about something and it included the characters of my story (i gave up on it, i didnt know how to write the rest of it) but i woke up and just HAD to write everything i thought of. i got up and got a pen and paper out. i was writing away for like 15 to 20 minutes. maybe 30. i dont know. well, my mom came in and she was like, "what are you doing?" and im like, i just HAD to get all of that down. other wise, i would have forgotten. she said ok, but i had better hurry. thats how it is with me, once i have an idea, i have to write it down, whether its for a poem or for a story. cuz, an hour after i think of it, i will forget. its only a spur of the moment thing.
but, once i wrote in the margins and scribbled everywhere. and when i went back to it, i could barely read it. i had to sit there forever and try to understand my unintelligible writing. XD
btw, are you good at English? like, English class? it seems like u are, but im not sure. i am, i know that. i read alot and thats how i became good at it. then, i wanted to write my own stuff, and so thats how i got into writing. but i dont like writing too much with my hand and a piece of paper. it hurts my hand, fingers and arm. i like typing better. cuz even if i were to write it down on paper, i would just type it later cuz it looks neater. so i like to just type it.
ok, glad u like the card!


neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/13/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
*snicker* glad I'm not the only one who ends up practically clinging to the side of the bus as it starts to drive away, lol! I really should've run the last fifty feet or so to the bus stop... but my feet were killing me. and I was cold and wet... it's no wonder the driver opened the door in such a hurry! I prolly looked like I was about to either fall over or burst into tears, lol!
I love it!!!
it's like, perfect for me! it suits my tastes purrfectly! lol!

I can hardly believe I used to do all my writing with a pen and paper. a computer's so much easier! you can edit your work without scribbling things out and writing in the margins. I used to have tiny little writing going up the side of the paper because I suddenly discovered I wanted to add a new paragraph. it got so messy and confusing that after a while, even I had to sit and stare at it for a while before I could figure out what I'd been trying to do. you know, like the morning after one of those really intense writing sessions that goes on for hours into the night b/c if you don't get the ideas onto the paper, your head will explode, then when you drag yourself out of bed and go back and read it, you can only conclude that you must've been deranged. ah, the experiences writers have that nobody else would understand...
thanks so much for the e-card!!!!!!!!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/12/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yea, that happens to me alot. i love the rain but when i have to fight my way to walk, its irritating.
the same happens with the bus too. i almost miss it, and have to knock on the door.
i LOVE to read, but also to watch good movies and playing video games.
i know, writing is WAY cheaper. just paper and pen. or computer and fingers (thats the way i do it)
*huggles kitty*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/12/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
two kitties!! yay!! thnx! *huggles both and gives one a ball and the other a furry mousie toy*
aaand they're working again! lol... my computer's ready for the looney bin.
it wouldn't have been bad at all, except the wind felt like it was going to turn my umbrella inside out. I love the rain, but that is a bit much. I was fighting my way thru the wind and the driving rain, slogging thru puddles, and could hardly see where I was going. it's a wonder I didn't get hit by a car. I almost missed the bus. the driver was just starting to pull away from the curb when I finally made it to the bus stop and knocked on the door. I must've looked half drowned and all forlorn, and he took pity on me and let me in. lol, what a day.
I could practically live at the library, lol! I love movies too. I'm fascinated with the two methods of telling a story. I'd be making movies myself if I could. it takes money. :p writing stories is cheaper. lol...
well, I was feeling better yesterday, so I went out. just in time to get caught in the pouring rain.
I'm a huge reader too.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/10/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
ah, too bad. thats too bad ur comp. is acting how a tiny cell can do more than ur comp.
hope ya feel better.
my frends do some book recommending, but i do most of it. i aam a HUGE reader!
tho, they hardly read, so.....but oh well!
i try.
well, i am now on episode 24 out of 26. i am pretty sure im gonna finish today. YAY!
too bad u cant watch vids. 
well, ciao!
*huggles kitty*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/09/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I love it when my friends give me book recommendations! that's how I got into Redwall. with Narnia, the 1st movie came out and then I wanted to read the books.
I'm sooo glad ur getting a shelter cat!! ur really all that kitty has...
I wish my computer would play video. or at least music. I was with friends yesterday, and we were watching videos on a cell phone. a puny cell phone has put my computer to shame. :p I can't even get it to do the smileys right now. again. *sigh* *huggles your kitty b/c my computer is USELESS and won't give me one* well, at least I got out yesterday. I haven't been feeling that great. that's why I've had more free time than I was anticipating. I don't feel really bad, just kinda... yucky. enough to keep me home most days. :p oh, well. free time!! :D
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/08/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yep, one of my frends read that book and i saw it at the store, and im like, i am SO gonna read. and i got hooked!
i DO plan on getting a cat from a shelter. i feel sooooo bad for those kitties.
well, im gonna go now, watching Ouran High School Host Club online. on episode 15. and there are 26 episodes. less than halfway done.
*huggles kitty*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/08/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I was sitting here trying to think of a screen name for myself on this site, b/c I like to have a different one on each site that I go to, and I just couldn't come up with anything till I thought of my cat.
I thought your sn was about Twilight. there was only a small chance you meant the time of day, lol! that series is so popular right now... I haven't read it. I like animal stories.
I'm working on the Redwall series right now, and some others. I finished The Chronicles of Narnia a long time ago, and I really loved them!
they're my favorite.
plz consider adopting a shelter cat! the poor things just get put to sleep if no one comes for them.
you'd be doing a really good thing.
almost all the cats I've ever had have been rescued from uncertain fates, and I feel good about that, b/c they may not have made it otherwise. 
I hate it when property managers won't let you have pets. *sigh* that's like telling ppl they can't have kids. not the same, obviously, but my cats are like my kids. I'd dress them in clothes if they wouldn't hate me for it, and if that wouldn't get into crazy cat lady territory, lol! :p hope you're able to get a cat soon!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
aaaw, how cute!
i love it when kitties curl up.
i cant have a cat, tho, because the land lady dont allow it.
but its ok. i can still love kitties without having to have one. and i plan on getting one as soon as i can.
thats a pretty creative way to get ur name from tho. i got mine cuz i LOVE tigers and i love the book series, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. i just put it together and now i get some comments on it from time to time.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
OH!! *huggles the animated kitty* thnx!
my smileys seem to be working now tho...
my computer's mental...
are you allergic? I don't know what I'd do without the little furry ppl in the house. my girl kitty's name is Misty. that's where I got my screen name from.
she's curled up on a furry leopard blanket now. she loves that blanket- it's her favorite. 
why can't u have cats?? that's so sad!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahaha, i know people like that, that take my foood and everything. finally i said, "look, this is mine, go get ur own" but it didnt work. well, it did, but to a point.
too bad about ur smileys...but at least u have REAL kitties at home...i dont have any. i want one but i cant have one.
well, ciao!
*gives u a animated kitty*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/04/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
oh, I have no problem whatsoever letting my dad know when he's crossed a line. he used to take my food all the time. it got so bad I had to buy a little fridge and put it in my room so he doesn't have all my food right there in front of him where he can get at it. he threw a fit at first, b/c he was used to wolfing down all of his food and then stealing mine when he got hungry again. I'd come out into the kitchen, and my dinner would be gone! or whatever meal it was... I asked him to stop over and over again, but finally, I had to just put my food where he couldn't get it. he's like the little kid who won't stop running off and finally ends up on a leash. I tried to reason with him... lol!
I'd huggle the kitty too, but my smileys are not working. my mean computer won't let me have the kitty. well... =^.^= there... not as cute and not animated, but it'll have to do. *huggles* good thing I have real cats here... my little girl kitty is on the bed behind me. sometimes she comes up and starts tapping me on the shoulder with her paw when she thinks I've been paying too much attention to the computer and not enough to her. lol! she's cute and fuzzly.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
i dont really like it when i have chocolate and everyone wants it...
im like "ITS MINE!" but i am too nice to actually say it...
*grabs a fly swatter and gets ready...* *chuckles*
thats cool that u get to get on...i tend to be glued to this thing *points to computer* but, i cant stop going on...*shakes my head*
*huggles kitty*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/02/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
mission accomplished! I have truffles. they just melt in my mouth- it's great! I think I'm going to have to hide them from my dad tho. :p he already poked his head in my room asking if he could have more. he's had his. *chases dad away from the truffles with a fly swatter* lol!
my plans for this evening didn't work out, so I get to be online again! it's cool when my plans fall thru. then my schedule isn't so crowded.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/02/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahaha, i know how that feels. hope u get caught up on ur sleep. glad u liked my brother bear card, i tried to make it look good and i loved how it came out, so i posted it!
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/02/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
upon further review... no... no, you didn't say anything about walls. I'm just that tired, that it said cards, and I saw wallpapers. *falls over* ugh, it's been a hectic week, and guess what? I have to go out and hit it again 2morrow.
I'm going to be dragging myself out the door like a zombie going, "Must... get... groceries!" lol! I should get myself something special, like some chocolates... make it worth it, you know?

I found your Brother Bear card. it was cool!
going to bed now... as much as I like my internet time, my bed is caling. *goes and curls up*
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/01/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
same here....i LOVE the Lion king and also, the Little Mermaid, and Mulan, and Anastasia, and the list goes on. but did i say anything about walls? hmmm.......
but yea, i posted a DISNEY: Brother Bear one. maybe if u look on my card gallery, u can find it....
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/01/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Disney, yay!! *massive glomp* I LOVE Disney!! plz, post the walls! thnx! I tend to like sad and thoughtful better, but whatever, as long as the pictures are good. and text makes it more interesting, at least for me. like, an especially meaningful quote from the movie, like "Remember who you are" from The Lion King. that's my favorite Disney movie.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahahha, well, at least ur trying to be helpful. i am too. i have LOTS of free time on my handsright now.....toomuch actually....
im thinking about doing a chain of DISNEY cards, like, the titles will be DISNEY: -insert name of movie here-
likeif i make a Brother Bear card it will look like DISNEY: Brother Bear and they will be funny or whatever. maybe sad and thoughtful......what do u think?
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
sorry! hope things look up for you soon! for me too, I hope, thanks!
yeah, I PMed 2 ppl, but one of them has multiple personalities, so I'm counting each personality I chat with as a separate individual... so that raises the count, lol! extra points, yay!!
well, the only reason I have a little time to be online today is because my plans got pushed back... but I'll be off and running shortly. *sigh* Thursday is usually my internet day. I may only be online that day eventually. don't know at this point. oh, well. *eyeroll* I had a pretty good snicker at the idea of me mentoring a new member. I'm not here enough, lol! and I don't even do wallpapers and cards and stuff. I don't know where other ppl are getting all this free time...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/30/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
aaaw, that sucks! hope time will be on ur side!
i DID see that new feature. i only PMed one person. i wonder if u have time....
i hope thingss will go ur far, they arent going mine...T.T
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
thnx, I really hope it comes out well too. it has to. I want to get it published. that's why it's not on my list of things to post here, b/c I have other plans for it. I wish I could get the rest of it done without those annoying delays, but seriously... it's me. I'm like, the Queen Of Writer's Block. :p I've been busy with other things too, which is not good news for my work. it might get to a point where I only have time to come on here once every few days too... which would be a drag. mundane, everyday things have a way of pushing the more interesting stuff to the side. *sigh* have you seen the new introduction feature? apparently we're supposed to be PMing new members... do I have time for this?? lol!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
i know how it is. whenever i am not writing for a long time, i feel irritated. i dont like not making progress on anything.
but glad u can get started on ur story again.
hope it comes out like u want it too.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
well, I only get bad PMS once every few months. and after it's over, and my dad cautiously comes creeping out, he forgets all about it. lol!
that'd be great! I'd love to get on with it after all this time. sheesh. *eyeroll* it's just been sitting there, bugging me because of the unfulfilled obligation it represents, you know? I hate it when I feel like I'm not making any progress. I actually was, because I was working on the problem in my head, but that wasn't anything tangible. I like to see pages. 
I think I may have finally solved the problem that had me stuck on my other story.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/23/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
ur poor dad......well, thats one thing that keeps guys on their toes. dont mess with a girl.
i do feel bad 4 ur dad,, having to go hide....
its funny when i am mad and i take it out on the guys at school. hahahhaa
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/23/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
my dad gets the worst of it when I'm all PMSin'. he gets positively shell-shocked after a while. then he goes and hides. LOL!! it's hilarious! for me anyway... I kinda pity the guys... they have no idea what's going on. *snicker*
well... I'm stuck on one of my stories, but I actually have new ideas for the one I was going to post on here. yay! well, lets see if it actually goes anywhere this time...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
hahhahaa, good luck!
with the comp. i mean.
as for the emotions n victims, they will just have to deal *sly grin*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
lol, I've found out the hard way too, altho it was alot harder on my unfortunate victims that it was on me. *snicker* thnx, hopefully the PMS will be done soon, then everyone can stop looking over their shoulder.
as for my computer, it has its moods too. it gets all glitchy for a while, then it's fine again...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/21/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
ROFL! dont worry. maybe ur comp. will ease up. and i hope u feel better. dont let ur emotions get the best of u. i found that out the hard way.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/21/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I know! it is mean! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to hit it with something alot more substantial than a pillow. *grumble* a sledgehammer would do it... *evil grin* be afraid, mean computer... be very afraid. you have yet to feel my wrath... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
man, I'm really PMSin' right now...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/20/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
oh, well....oh well. at least i tried to tell ya about it.....i tried.
well, ur comp. is mean *takes pillow and starts a fight Round 1*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
well, there was supposed to be a nice long reply here, but my computer ate it. *sounds of cyber lips smacking* as if my computer would ever play video... it was a nice idea tho... thank you!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yea, maybe i will do that....hmmm...(starts thikin...)
i may have bad win in 1 chapter, then maybe1-2 chapters later, good wins........
or maybe not! no spoilers!!
thanks, i recently got in to Clannad, and they are the characters. its a really sweet anime. Karmira got me into it.
bless her soul. i am gonna make a hmmmm....something.....and dedicate it to her!
if ya wanna watch, just go to and look on the anime index until u get to Clannad. and start from the beginning. its in Japanese w/ English subs, but it is sweet and HILARIOUS!!!

neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/18/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
well, sometimes the bad guys win in my stories... not permanently, of course. just to add more drama. and action, because in the next battle, you know the good guys aren't there to take prisoners, lol!
so cute! 
omg, you got another avatar!!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/16/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yea, i try to do the same thing. i hint at it, but dont throw it out there randomly. like in my story MYSTERIOUS PAST, i already hinted that there will be a fight between the bad guys and the good guys. but i dont hint at what will happen, or who will win.
but yea, i understand.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/14/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
yeah, you don't want your readers to turn on you, lol. and that's not to say nothing bad ever happens in my stories, or that they're predictable, otherwise they'd be pretty boring. I just make sure ppl know when something big's coming, like characters getting killed off, even if they don't know who's going to get it till it happens. I actually haven't had the guts to kill off any characters in my current story. I was going to. I had the plot all worked out, and I sat down at my computer to write it and lost my nerve at the last minute. :p then I had to re-work the whole story. *sigh* I think it came out better though.
it's kind of an odd thought that being gutless can put you in a better place, though. 
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
i know what u mean, cuz im the same way. if i wanna change the plot line, i make sure i put something in the newest chapter warning aboutit.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/13/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I'm almost glad you never watched Wolf's Rain. the ending was heartbreaking.
I cried myself to sleep. it was that bad. it was like they suddenly decided to go all bloody and horrible and tragic at the end, and nothing they put in the show prior to that prepared me for it. I probably missed some clues. but in my stories, if something awful is going to happen, I make sure I use foreshadowing and give fair warning. if ppl are going to be crying reading my stuff, I'd like it to be because it's genuinely moving to them, not because I snuck up behind them and hit them over the head with a nasty plot twist.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
i know how u feel. i wasted countell hours watching Pokemon then i never l iked it again. i hate when that happens. i never watched Wolfs Rain, so i cant say what u said. but iunderstand.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/12/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I hate it when I only get 2 or 3 eps into a show and lose interest. :p I just end up wasting a rental. and my time. and my energy trying to figure out what on earth the creators of the show were going for. but what may be even worse is when I get totally involved in a show and attached to the characters, and I follow the whole thing faithfully, and then I hate the ending.
that happened with Wolf's Rain. after I was done with all the conniptions that caused, I just disowned the whole stupid ending as if it never happened, because there's no way I'm ever going to accept it. I don't end stories like that... *grumble* 
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
yep. i watched pokemon, then sailor moon, then naruto, then fruits basket, then, more naruto, then rosario + vampire (leftt off on episode 3), then Ouran High School Host Club (left off Clannad(left off on ep. 2)
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I think a alot of us started out with Pokemon because it was one of the first anime shows to really become popular in the U.S. that and Sailor Moon, but I never watched that, just kinda heard about it. then it was Adult Swim for me, and now I can get pretty much anything I want from Netflix. cool, huh?
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
well, actually i forgot about Pokemon. it was my first too. i didnt realize that that was anime. i thought that was a cartoon. well, let me correct myself; fruits basket was my second, Pokemon my first. it was all because of my bro.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/11/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
cool. Pokemon was my first. I actually wish it'd been something a little more mature, you know? :p it got me interested in anime, but before I discovered Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, I got stuck watching kids' shows.
it was lame...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
i know. i hate it when that happens, when i run out things to talk about. but, yea. my avi's from Fruits Basket. That was the very first anime i ever watched and i loved it. after i watched that, i wanted to watch more anime and thats how i got interested. i have my frend to thank.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/09/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
hey!! just noticed you got that new avi you wanted!! looks cool!
now we've got something new to chat about... kinda ran out of steam there for a few days, lol. I don't recognize the anime ur avi's from, tho... 
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
ur welcome!
I've never searched that... I'll have to try it... I like your avatar, but I know what you mean. even cool avis get stale after you've had them a while.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/04/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
cool. Well, thanks. i am getting tired of my avi and wanna change, but i didnt feel like searching around on photobucket any more. i just looked up "flash anime" and it brought up cool moving pics. but i want something else. well, THANKS

neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/03/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
it was
I'd post a link, but that only worked once... :p
it was kinda hard to find 100x100 avis on there that I liked. the O is picky about size... they do have Wolf's Rain avis, but if I can't use them here, then what good is that to me, you know? they might just as well not be there. lol...
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 12:22:09 AM EST on January 4, 2009.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/03/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
coolness. Waht was the website u got that from?
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
told Stone you miss him. he drooled. I'm not sure what it meant. but I delivered the message.
the avatar site I got it from didn't have any Wolf's Rain avis, which is what I was looking for, but oh, well. *sigh* I'll check out some others when I have time. this one will do for now. 
my new avatar is Haruko from FLCL.
I absolutely LOVE the Slim Jims with meat and cheese in one package. OMG... you take a bite of meat and cheese at the same time... and the meat is all spicy and the cheese has that kinda smoky flavor... *drools*
Last edited by neko Misty kitten at 9:48:02 PM EST on January 2, 2009.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
Yellow stone is a good name.
i will visit him sometimes, and good! he is stocked up on yummies!!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
same here. well, guess ur wolf is gone..*tear falls* but i like ur new one. cute
. now we need a naem for this one too.....*starts thinking, gets distracted and does a random dance...*
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
hey, changed my avatar, finally! :D about time! not that it matters now, but the name I chose for my previous avi is Yellowstone (Stone for short) after the park, of course. he's in a virtual kennel now with lots and lots of steak and ribs. but the Slim Jims are mine. lol. no, seriously. put them down and back away slowly.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/31/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
okay, I guess we're chatting in here now instead of in my GB... makes it simpler, anyway.
this seems to be one of those obsessing times...
I'm working on a name for my avi... I always either get hung up on names, or I just don't care. names in my stories, or for pets... whatever. it doesn't matter. sometimes it has to be perfect, and I obsess for weeks, other times, I could practically open a phone book, close my eyes and point and go with whatever name my finger lands on. it's weird...
I'll get to your story... sometimes I go for a long time without even looking at my own stuff, lol. it's all on my to-do list.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
its ok. i had to figure out to add cool stuff to my worlds. but yea. i just go one chapter at a time and see what comes out, and if it is good and makes sense, then i put out here for everyone to read! hope u like it whenever u DO read it.. and dont feel bad. i gave my stpry to a few of my frends, but they hardly have time to read stuff, so i understand. LATERS
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
I've actually lost interest in this story for the time being in favor of working on another one. I have a few going at the same time. whichever one I feel like writing, that's the one I do. it's pretty convenient actually. I can pick the story that suits my mood. nearly all of my stories are novels, or have the potential to be, so I'll be busy with them for years. *sighs in deep contentment*
I love the backgrounds and pics you're using in there. I don't know how to add that stuff to my World...
as you can see, it's just all plain-looking... haven't had time to really check out all the stuff I can do on this site.
I popped into one of your Worlds and looked over your story that you mentioned, but I haven't had time to read it yet. the parts I skimmed over look good tho!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
YEAH! i am the first one to comment!
okay, when i wrote my story, i went random. that is how i write. i jsut start thinking about what my story would be about, the character's names, then start writing. i write one chapter at a time, see what comess out of my head, and surprise myself. i dont know what is gonna happen in ch.5 of my story, MYSTERIOUS PAST, except for one main thing. i come up w/ one main thing that will happen, then write, and subtly slip my goal in there.
like, gaaragirl suggested maybe in ch.4 Sora can meet Yami's parents, so i had to figure out how they would come up w/ that idea, and so i just sat down and wrote, and it came pouring out of me. a stream of ideas like water sprouting out of a fountain.
so, if in doubt, just try to go random w/ at least one idea of what will happen, and the character's names. and you might surprise yourself!
~Twilight Tiger~