hi. this world is just a world full of panda's nonsense and randomness.

The3Citrusteers @Etsy.com

Progress pic of Shiina Ringo Portrait :D

Hi everyone,

I did a portrait request for Mr Apples of Shiina Ringo :)
Here is the link to the fanart if anyone is interested :) CLICK HERE

Now here is the progress pictures :)
Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the major changes I made, I was too into it that I forgot -__- but here they are ^^

tell me what you think :)

have a happy dinner ^^


Is anyone out there interested?........

hehe..sorry. this pic has nothing to do with this post ^^ I keep seeing this guy pop up and want to use it but i don't know when it's appropiate, so i'm randomly posting it XD
here's the link to it: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/037/4/e/google_superhero_panda_by_kaileyrox-d38ybsa.jpg

Okay now, let's get back to business :)

so, since i've been in a drawing mood and need some suggestion on what to draw. I decided that I'm gona take requests again.
Just putting this out there, but I'm gona take a heck of a long time to finish each of them >_>
hehe..those who participated in my panquest thing would know this, thanks for your patience again everyone >_<

well this time i want to be specific about the request, so I'll only take portrait requests ^^
I really need to practice on that a bit and hone down my skills.

This is so lame of me but I could only take the first 5 requests, that's a good amount, right? <_<

Also it'd be great if you guys link a link to the pics ^^

And another thing, it's not gonna be too fancy. I'm planning to draw them in my 81/2 by 6 inches sketch book, yeah it's pretty small :)

geez, i'm taking request and I'm so demanding about it, what the hey?.... {:

kay everyone, fire away XD

have a great day and if you don't mind please wish me luck tonite in my art class XD
Updated as of 2/17/13

dang it, I'm lazy. Sorry guys, I'm going to take 3 requests now >.<


1) pandabearluv
2)Mr Apples
3)Phantom of Neph

Again, I'll try my best but it'll probably take me awhile :)

Good day everyone!!!



Hi everyone!
I just decided that i want to give out some free sketches. I'm calling it "free pan-quests", just trying to be creative about the name but idk if it is though :/

Anyway, there are 8 openings, hence the 8 pandas in the box or out of the box ^^
Please if you would like me to draw you something please tell me and i'll add your name onto the list( dont forget to tell me what you want me to draw as well). The first 8 otakuians will be chosen :D
I'm sorry in advance for those who didn't make it, but if this works well for me, i'll do this again. So please don't feel left out :D

Enjoy the day my friends :D
