Okay, so this isn't meant to run anybody down, really. But here's some examples of bad cosplay. This is not meant to offend anybody! I actually applaud these players' efforts! No flamers, please.
First, we have a typical example of horrible cosplay: Overweight-Middle-Aged-Man as Sailor Moon!

When anyone mentions bad cosplay, the image most of us receive is that of an overweight man who appears to be in his 30s or 40s dressed as Sailor Moon, or some other short-skirted heroin.
Next up, we have someone who went too cheap: Cheap Kakashi!

While it is good to do a cheap cosplay, it is not always good to be THIS cheap! Wigs can be expensive, but toilet paper is a poor excuse for hair...
Now we come to something that can be truly disturbing: Existing Characters' Love Child!

While we all know that Jessi and James were destined to be together, we did not expect them to reproduce...Pokemon will never be the same for me...
Oh, look! More cheap things: Cardboard costumes!

If you choose to use cardboard to make a mecha, please please PLEASE put some real effort into making your costume! Wearing a cardboard box and writing "Gundam" on it does not work.
Finally, we have a cosplay nightmare: A furry!

Now, don't get me wrong. A lot of people actually like furries. But please remember that CHILDREN often attend conventions!! Do not ruin their childhood by trying to be a sexy furry!
Well, that's all I have for now, as theO only allows up to 5 pictures in a post. Look out for more of When Cosplay Goes Wrong!
Stay classy, Otakuites!