My friend pat is like no other
He is closer than a friend or brother
When I need him he's always there
Never far and always near
Pat will never leave my side
When I have nothing left not even my pride
Pat will be there to glide me along
He is the reason why I sing songs
Pat will also belong to me
He is mine and we will always be
Together forever, even after life
and death do us part
We will still be connected at heart.
Pat is my friend and my friend alone. He will always be with me. Forever, forever. All of eternity will we be. Too bad he is just imaginary.
Oh and one more thing, pat's name is not patyou see I changed it to protect his privacy.
Thank you all I apriciate it a lot.

Today has been ugh for me. I have so much work to do for school. Its the end of the year and I have mad assignments I need to do that I should have completed like 3 weeks ago. Its not like I don't know how to do it. Its just that I don't want to and I hate my Spanish class. Right now I'm working on a family tree project. We have to make a family tree and label it with Spanish words. Sounds easy right? WRONG. We can use any family we want. I was going to just mix up a bunch of anime characters and put it on there, but I was told i can't do that. They actually have to be related. Then I was going to do a stick person family. I was also told we can't do that either. We have to have pictures and they have to be detailed and can't be stick people. So now, I was like this was suppose to be easy.
Then I got another idea. I thought about doing one for the Sohma family (Fruits Basket). It was all going good to until I realized that most of the parents and stuff were either dead or not mentioned. So I couldn't link them all together in a family tree. I probably could have found more information on it, but that would take too long and this little project would only take like not that long to do. Then I was thinking some more and was like, I know I'll do it on the diary of a wimpy kid! I can easily draw them and their family isn't all that complicated. WRONG once again. I couldn't find pictures of most of the members in the dude Greg's family so I couldn't draw them. On top of that, I had no idea if his uncle's and aunt's was on his mom or dad's side. So yeah that didn't go to well either. Then I was like screw it. I'll just make a family out of a character I drew and call it good. And that's what I did. I thought it would take no more than an hour or two but it took much longer than that. I wanted to make it look nice and cool and better than everyone else's. I think I accomplished that but I only got the design done and not the actual tree.
Did I mention that during the whole time I was doing this my mom was all" get away from my table." "turn the light off""and can't you do that in your room?" And I'm like no, mom, i cant do it in my room. If I could I wouldn't be here right now. I have no space big enough to work from. She kept doing that for like a couples hours and then she was all are you done yet? It's late. It was only 4:00pm. Then she was like draw faster your taking too long, all your doing is making a bunch of scribbles and squares on the poster. It shouldn't take that long."
As you can imagine, That was F***ing annoying. Hopefully I can finish this stupid poster tomorrow so then i don't have to worry about it any more. Dang. Just remembered, I also have this project on the drug trade to do as well. I gotta actually try and do research on it cuz the teacher thinks so highly of me. Its a good thing, but a bad thing to because that means I always have to do exceptional work. lolz. Its a dual enrollment class. Its 3 credit hours and its an introductory to business course. I already have an A+ so I'm sure If I mess this up and won't ruin me that much. lolz. I hate having so much work to do, but at least I can't say I'm bored. I really would't have so much work to do if I wasn't so lazy and such a procrastinator lolz.
I know I said I would give bits of useless information in my posts, but I'm too tired to do so and I have a lot of work to do. i probably shouldn't even be wasting time doing this but here I am! lolz ^.^
That's All people (and non-people), I hope I didn't bore you too much with my life.