Cause of Welt: Rickenbacker Rage.

"Write a wise saying and your name will live forever."

Hey all.

First off, I think I need to distract you all with this ingenious video.

Ok then.
So, to get the anime stuff out of the way first, I watched a few things since finishing Ookiku Furikabutte. I watched the first two episodes of Soul Eater, which I think I mentioned in the last post (redundancy is redundant.) as well as the first episode of Fooly Cooly, which brings me to the post title. That show is effed up. Hard. Some chick pullstrings a bass guitar and just clobbers a dude with it, and now he has machines growing out of his bump. It surely is...original...I'll watch more of it, but I just wanted to state the absurdity of it, although most of you have probably already watched it.
I watched the first two episodes of Beck, at the recommendation of a fellow musician. I liked it. It'll be at the top of my list until I finish it.
I was able to stay for the majority of Anime Club today because my class that is usually in the middle of it had time slot exams, so I only had to be there for about fifteen minutes. We discussed plans for meetings, fundraisers, themes, and discussion thingys, where I guess we discuss anime with people outside the club. I dunno. I was watching the FFXIII trailer while they were talking about it, which turned me on a little. We proceeded to watch the first episode of Bakemonogatari and Black Lagoon. I liked both of them, Bakemonogatari because they start out with a chick stapling the inside of a dude's mouth, and Black Lagoon because it looks like it has a good story (aka IT HAS PIRATES!!!)

On to other things...
Kastom comes in tomorrow evening for epic regrouping of epicness. That of course will be proceeded by more awesome regrouping with Schultzie on Friday, and then go watch Cinematic Titanic. So basically, this week will be filled of win.
I finally got my dates for taking the GED. First two tests are this Saturday morning, the other two are in November. It'll be nice to finally get those over with.
On Sunday night, I went over to Carol Stream to audition for a band called Ink Lasts Longer. Two days previous, I was looking at craigslist and totally forgot that they had a musicians category, built specifically for people looking for bands and bands looking for people. Ink Lasts Longer needed a bassist, and they just so happened to be the first listing I looked at. So I had less than two already busy days to memorize all of their songs and be ready to play with them Friday evening. As it turns out, they were really impressed that I had all their songs down, at that I was able to figure out and play nicely with them on the songs I never heard before (that isn't assumtion; the lead singer/rythmn guitarist repeatedly said, "I'm really impressed." :P) Half the time I was there was spent outside just chilling with the guys, getting to know them and be more familiar. We got through all the songs they knew, and was time for me to leave. They said they want me back, talked about practice times, marveled at the N64 in the back of my truck ("YOU HAVE A ZELDA BELT BUT NO OCARINA OF TIME?!?!" and I went on my way.
So I'm in a band now. :D Nothing I haven't done before, just something I haven't done in a while. I wanted to make sure that I really learned my bass before I got serious in a band again, because it kinda sucks when the band waits for you. But these guys seemed happy on how fast I picked up their style and music, so it's all good. I really look forward getting onstage and just hanging out with them, because they're really cool dudes. They've been a band for four years now, they have toured to the east coast, and even have fans come in from Iowa to see their local shows. They've been out a bassist since late June, since the old one left to pursue his career as an English teacher. So most likely, they'll be happy just to get moving again.

I also applied to the Music Education Center, which is a little place that sells pianos and teaches people how to play music. I walked in, looked around, and asked, "Is there any demand for basic piano teachers?"
"ALL THE TIME. Do you teach?"
"Would you like an application?"
They said the manager will look it over today (Tuesday), so if I don't get a call tomorrow, I'm calling Thursday. And if that goes to shit, I'm gonna go to Kat's place of work, because they seem to be looking for a busboy. And if THAT goes to shit, well...time to start standing on the corner.

