It's something that I have to do...I feel like pwning noobs.

Source of Title:

"If you say you understand quantum physics, it means you don't understand quantum physics."

Hey all.
So, today, with my hard-earned Target money (I have about none left), I did something I normally don't like doing and haven't done so since early May.
I got a haircut.
What's more, I demanded that it be cut rather short. I'm still not happy with it; I have come to the conclusion that I have no sense of fashion, and basically told the stylist "It's up to you," and now I see I should have had the bangs a little bit longer. Oh well, I wear a hat all the time anyway.

I went and saw The Men Who Stare at Goats. Pretty good movie, I enjoyed the abundance of Boston in the soundtrack. Boston rocks, go listen to Foreplay/Long Time.

Anime club is hosting a Brawl tournament next Wedensday, so that should rake in lots of money. There's a lot of people into Brawl at ECC, so it should be fun. The club is getting close to picking a group cosplay for Acen; right now it's down to Code Geass and Yu-gi-oh. To be specific, they don't want to go as Yu-gi-oh, they want to go as Yu-gi-oh Abridged. Yeah, ponder that for a sec...I called dibs on Duke Devlin, so that I can have an endless loop of Sexy Back on a speaker inside my vest. Another one wanted to be the Announcer Guy, so I'm gonna bring an amp and microphone for him so we can stick it over the hotel railing and yell "ATTENTION DUELISTS! MY HAIR IS VERY LOUD!!"

Last night I drove to Chicago to scout out an internet cafe. It's always a good idea to get city driving practice, so I took the opportunity. However, it's not a good idea to drive into an unfamiliar area of Chicago at night. I averaged out the good and bad ideas to nullify each other, so I figured it would be OK. And it was. The cafe is awesome; it's got a bunch of pc's, lots of games (it's a Steam cafe, so it has pretty much all of their games as well) as well as DotA, and even beta keys for Heroes of Newerth, which is a standalone version of DotA in the making that won't require Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. I played that, and that'll be cool. They also have the three consoles, as well as a projection room for Rock Band and stuff. They also have random guitars sitting around for some reason. The cafe part of it has every kind of caffiene you'd need to last the night, so that's good. And the rates are reasonable. I'm gonna try and go again tonight to show a friend it, if he decides to come. I'm gonna make going there a weekly to biweekly thing. For the visually demanding, here's a link to their website.

I feel that more stuff has happened/happening, but I can't remember. Oh well.

Oh, and I lol at the people who voted down some of my entries completely off lists on I thought they were good.....

