Well, I'm taking my time...

"In heaven all the interesting people are missing."

Hey all.
So, I got paid yesterday, which means first day of Christmas shopping today. I laugh at the fools who wait in line to get petty-slighly significant deals at major retail stores on Black Friday. Alls I needs is my trusty 10% Target employee discount card, and I'm good to go. I got a CD for my brother, who will thankfully only be staying a few days for the holidays, a DVD for my mom, and a record for my dad. While at the record store, I had a few bucks to spare, so I picked up a Boston Boston record (only three bucks! Score!) and an Animals album that looks like this for fifteen.

Unfortunately, it's a remake from 1981, so it's not an original. But, it has some really good songs on there, and it had no scratches or blips or anything, so it played perfectly. I got the Boston album for two songs in particular, Foreplay and Long Time. It rocks. However, my parents walked in while I blasted it. They like Boston, and that got them in a record playing mood. I don't like them touching the stereo; they don't know how to work it without scratching up a record and they always blast the loud songs. So I had to sit through Billy Squier and Elton John, and I had enough and turned it down when 'Jimmy and the Jets' at over 6 db, which was an annoying-ass song, was making the dog whine.

The Brawl tournament on Wednesday for the anime club was a huge success. We made a total of 80 USD. We would have made only 60, but the winner, who was a club member that just never went to the meetings, donated the twenty dollar prize money back to the club. And we would have made more money if some of the club members paid to play. I wasn't there the first bit to make sure things went optimally, so the stupid as shit VP said 'go ahead'. She also made the mistake of not knowing what the hell to do for a tournament, so contestants started making the rules. I eventually came and became the announcer (ATTENTION DUELISTS!! was often said), but it was too late to stop the stupidity and all the matches were best out of three, and eventually a loser's bracket, which was a terrible idea. Those that were responsible for making the loser's bracket left early, so I had to overstay a few hours to see the stupid thing through. Morons. But it was all good, made us lots of money, and we'll most likely do it again in February or March. This Tuesday is the Christmas party, which means will be doing what we do every week (hang out, watch anime) except with snacks and beverages. The VP tried to screw around with things again by suggesting 'Secret Santa' and I think dress-up at one point, but luckily, the club has learned to pretty much ignore her/shoot down her ideas.
Oh, and we chose to do Code Geass for Acen. Can't wait to be Lloyd, Earl of Pudding.
External Image
He's badass.
ECC band holiday concert was Wednesday. It was lame.
My high school's holiday concert, which I want to attend, was supposed to be Wednesday and Thursday, but Wednesday got postponed to Sunday due to the snow. I had to go to a dinner on Thursday, so I really want somebody to cover my shift tomorrow night so I can go, but it looks like that won't happen. Shucks.
Another concert I missed out on due to lack of funds was the Distant Worlds concert. This is like, supposed to be a huge thing for Nobuo Uematsu's group. Their first stop was to be tonight in Chicago, and I wanted to go, but it kinda snuck on me, and I didn't feel like parting with 60 bucks that should go to buying presents for people. Oh well. Good thing I'm not a fangirl, else I'd be losing my mind.
And any old school gamer will find this amusing.

