"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Hey all.
So, I didn't really get what I want for Christmas. I only asked for two things, first and foremost a cat, because it gets rather lonely in the house I often don't converse with the parents, and a guitar center giftcard. Didn't get the cat because of my dad, and I was in fact mocked because of the suggestion throughout the holiday, and the giftcard was pretty much forgotten right after I mentioned it. Instead, I got the annual pajama bottoms and ornament, as well as a book about cats ("It's the next best thing." This is where the mocking began), a coffee maker, a gift card to Best Buy for thirty bucks, and some tie downs for a canoe rack I don't even have yet. I got an additional fifty bucks from my uncle, and another fifty five from my grandpa. The rest of my extended family gave me little knick knacks that had little meaning (news of the cat got around, and my aunt gave me a box of Thank You cards, some stamps, and a picture of a cat.)
So I couldn't get the recording studio stuff. My paycheck from work was of course less than I predicted as always, and if I had scrounged every cent together, I would have absolutely no money left over for savings, and more importantly, food. So like many times prior, it has to be put off.
I had to get something good, so the next day I called sick to work and got a PS3. Now, you may be thinking, "PS3's are pretty freakin' expensive, and you say you can't get music stuff?" Recording junk costs a LOT. Just research it; it takes a lot of investment to get decent equipment. Anyway, got a PS3, because I knew I wanted to get FFXIII when it came out. So, I got Borderlands to accompany it, as well as the Blu-Ray version of Advent Children. Quick researching beforehand informed me that the Blu Ray version is in fact, Advent Children Complete, which has a buttload of scenes that were cut from the original. And it would look killer in Blu Ray, so I had to get it. I put the Best Buy card to use and got a HDMI cable for thirty bucks. Got that sucker hooked up to my wireless internet, and I can now really do anything on my TV. You've seen the commercials, but it really is cool. I can stream anime onto my TV. That's boss.
The next day I got Metal Gear Solid 4 and a headset, as well as Gurren Lagann Vol. 3, which I have yet to read.
The next day, Monday, I learn that I have failed not one, but two classes at ECC. I knew I was gonna fail math, and that didn't bother me. What was a suprise was the grade in Synthesizer Technology. There were a few things I didn't do, but last I checked before finals, I was doing ok. That's really a class I shouldn't fail even if I tried to. I gotta figure out what went awry. So, that said, that kinda kills my family scholarship. The rules are that I will get full tuition paid if I get passing grades. I could have talked my way out of ignoring the math class, but not this. So, I really wish I knew this before I bought a bunch of expensive, non-returnable stuff. Time to put on the Target hours heavy duty for college on my part, cause I'm gonna have to cover the bill.
Today, I went to work, and one of the Team Leaders calls me into the office for a sec. He gives me an envelope, and the letter inside says 'Seasonal period is now over, thank you very much for your hard work, apply again next year.' with my final days of work attached.
To give you an idea of how hosed I am, this year I made myself responsible for
-car insurance
-trip to New York for Triple Crown canoe race (now pretty much dead.)
-saving to get the hell out of my house
-miscellaneous other stuff (food, race expenses, pocket cash)
And now, no income! Yay!
Watched Up last night, and very much considered backpacking to the west coast and back. Going off the map for a long time doesn't seem like a bad idea now.