There can only be one Captain...OR CAN THERE?!

Quick random post.

I have become slightly addicted to Brawl, thanks to my club members.

Yesterday, I stayed at school from 10:30 to past 6, playing nothing but Brawl, Melee, and original N64 Smash inbetween my few and short classes. I'm pretty sure this'll become my new pastime during my dead hours at school, especially Monday and Wednesday, which have morning classes and one evening class.
Today, our club's biggest Brawlaholic, Thad, called me Teichou, which is, obvious to Bleach fans, Captain in Japanese. In my head, I quickly ran through the possible conflicts with Nehs's younger sibling. I suggested kaichou or sousai, since they both mean president, but he insisted Teichou, cause it sounds better. And now, because I declared I would try to go pro with Brawl (or at least, beat a few people in our tournaments) my Brawl tag is now Tycho.

And now, I'm even looking at Gamecube controllers. What's wrong with me.

Also, I've decided to add a new word to vocabulary. Munger. I went to a metal concert last night, and one of the bands, Munger, threw out a shirt, which I casually caught. It has one of the stankiest odors ever. The only way you can describe is Munger. So anytime I need to describe something that's indescribable in a not-so-positive way, it shall be referred to as MUNGER!!!

