'Tis the Season...PADDLING SEASON!!

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."

Hey all.

So, paddling season has started again. My first day of canoeing began on Saturday. We were out for about an hour and twenty minutes, with quite a few other boats. Went out again today with just my partner for two hours. I think I enjoy paddling in frigid temperatures more than others, because they get psyched out a little bit. Saturday I went in only flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt, while everybody was covered head to toe in some sort of skin tight insulation. Today I walked through snow and ice barefoot to get to the river. Nothing like gettin' back in touch with the outdoors after a long, indoor winter by going yeti. I'll go to Wisconsin for a few days during spring break to get some really long hours in, and there's at least one club member that is genuinley interested in getting in the boat. Which would be cool, 'cause I don't really have a partner for the Des Plaines race, which is an eighteen mile race the Sunday of Acen. I have no problem doing it alone, in fact, I've been wanting to do it alone again, but it'd be pretty sweet to have someone from club race with me.

Saturday through Sunday Carney and I went to a friend's birthday party. For the most part, it was kinda sucking, but then we discovered we really, really like darts. It's really the closest thing we can get to curling, which is fucking awesome, and it was a great game to talk over and stuff. We stayed up till six, for reasons I cannot concieve. I woke up and eight thirty and left immediately, because I was pretty sure a gay kid there violated me. Proof? I woke up with him spooning me with my clothes askew. Time to go. This was all rather unfortunate, because I made plans to go with my aunt to go look for materials for my Lloyd cosplay in the afternoon. Well, I went back to sleep in the safety of my own home at ten, and didn't wake up till five. Oops. I hate it when I do that. But I suppose it might be a good thing, since I don't have the money to buy materials anyway.

Speaking of buying things, two things came out within the past 48 hours that I am unable to get that I really want. First off, of course, is FFXIII. I reserved it a long time ago, but never saved the money for it. And now, I suffer. Gamefly sent me Midnight Club Los Angeles in hopes to lift my spirits, but it's just not the same. Also, the new Jimi Hendrix album (I know that sounds weird, bare with me) came out the eighth, 'Valleys of Neptune'. It's an album of a bunch of studio stuff that was never released, and apparently, it rips. Oh wait, scratch that, THREE things came out. The new Gorillaz album, Plastic Beach, also came out today. And I don't have it. :( For these two, Acen sent me my badge today in hopes to lift my spirits, but it's just not the same.

Know what would be handy? A job. Yeah, a nice, good job would do the trick.
Oh well. It's probably not a total bad thing I have no money right now. I've always prided myself about not really caring much about monetary gain, but I suppose wanting all these material things is just as bad. Although, it is nice, to you know, eat when I'm hungry and stuff. And not mooch. Katana knows what I'm talking about.

Also, this Friday is gonna be the Singles Brawl Tournament, hosted by the Anime Club. We're expecting a really good turnout, so it should be a lot of fun and very productive. I've a number of club members to bring video cameras so that we can record one of our events and put it on our websites. That would be pretty cool. It may not be instrumental in increasing members, but after looking at our website, we seem to be missing content that show club members and activities in aciton. My goal: make all of you join the ECC Anime Club after watching the video. >:D

Have you ever blamed somebody for doing something, then totally went off on them, only to have another dude come up to you and say, "It was me," and you kinda just go "Oh...." That's pretty much my feeling with the last post about Code Geass R3. I was shown this link which explains that R3 will not be a continuation of the current storyline, but will in fact go back to the Edo period and give us a better backstory to C.C's character. That is something I can live with much easier than what I thought previously. However, I'm not entiretly content with it, as the other two characters are very similar to Suzaku and Lelouch. I have no major problem with it; if they turn out to be ancestors, that would be badass, but I think it's mostly a move to just make the fangirls go OMFG A BETTER LELOUCH AND SUZAKU FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Although it is a more tasteful addition to the series than I had assumed (never assume, it makes an ass of u and me) I still retain my decision that it's a money making anime. I do agree with what Redj and Shin said in reply to my last post, that we really can't be suprised that they'd take something that works and fly with it, but Yugioh thought so too. It's just not always the best idea. I will watch it as it comes out and give an actual, solid opinion on the matter, 'cause who knows, maybe it's really fucking awesome and will blow my brain bits.

I've also watched the first five or six episodes of Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. That is INTENSE!! Can't wait to pick it up again after I'm done being distracted by Nostalgia Critic.

