If a man fails and no one is around to watch, does he still palmface?

"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."

Hey everybody.
This is really cool. Play this while you're readin the rest of the post.

I finished up the Gurren Lagann series last week. Here's a very short critique in list format:

Episodes 1-8: Pretty freakin' good. Good characters, and good setup to the main plot of the season.

Episodes 9-15: I always like it when a main character goes into a breakdown, because it always means that he'll pull out of it as an even better person. However, having Kamina die was rather unnecessary, and set a bad tone for the rest of the series.

Episode 16: Waste of time.

Episode 17-22: It's getting just a tad out of hand, but still really cool.

Episode 23-27: Okay, that's just too freakin' epic, in a bad way. Having robots spawn upon themselves based on human willpower and not any physical material, and then jumping around on GALAXIES, using them as weapons, even making big bangs, is just way to much. They could have achieved the same result without escalating it to gargantuan proportions. It's a plot, not sex. Things don't always have to be big.

Thirteen days away until Acen Adventure. I got my L pants and shirt (shirt turned out to be really hard to find...I guess nobody sells plain white longsleeve shirts anymore...) a few days ago. I made contact with an emo friend at school, so she'll be my hookup for makeup. I need to be paler in the face and hands, and have rings around my eyes. Hopefully, I'll be able to manage not frakking it up when I have to put it on my face. We'll see.

I finally took my saxophone in for maintenence for the first time in like, the four years I had it. Hopefully, when I get it back Tuesday, it'll sound like heaven. I've been having problems with sealing the air in it, plus it's dirty like a Tennesee whorehouse, so I can't wait to see it all spanking new. I played my student sax on Friday in jazz band and concert band. That was painful. The rodding for the octave key is always out of whack, and comes out every now and then, so while I'm playing some hard jazz lick I'd have to push it back in. It brings a new kind of excitement to playing, I guess, having your horn fall apart at random times.

My friend played a quick game of DotA the other day. It reminded me of this:

