And so Ryu said, "Let there be light, to shine thee crappy performers...""

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Hey everybody.

My busy weekend started tonight. Here's a rundown of my schedule in list format. (I love lists. Defies all need of proper paragraphing.)

Tonight: Tech rehearsal for the talent show. I had a techie bring in doughnuts, so it was all good. I was called down by the tech director at one point to disucuss some changes, and as I got down from the light booth a solo guitarist took the stage, who was incredibley out of tune and was overall playing with bad tone. The director made oh-my-god-the-pain faces at me for a few minutes until I offered to go out of the auditorium to escape. It was truly that bad.

Friday: Art Gallery at the high school. Jazz band is playing, as well as the string club. One of out assingments in Jazz band was to bring in a popular song and convert it for our ensemble. The bari sax brought in Michael Jackson's "Beat It", and we worked that so we can play it tomorrow. Fun thing to listen to, but a bitch to solo on a sax. But there's gonna be art everywhere, as well as a poetry slam, so it'll be a fun night. With food and coffee!

Saturday: Morning is a canoe race in St. Charles, the first day of the Currentbuster. Not too sure if I'm paddling C-1 and disappointing myself or if I'm paddling mixed with my aunt to just warm up for the Sunday race. We'll see, I have to flip a coin. Later is the Talent show. That'll be painful. There's actually a dude that's doing a really bad nunchaku and sword display. For the lulz, maybe?

Sunday: Second day of the Currentbuster, paddling C-2 with my uncle. May or may not win, but I think we have a good chance. In any case, this is all training for the Des Plaines Race weekend, which will be a lot harder. I'm hoping that sometime between Sunday afternoon and Tuesday I'll get my hair styled. That way, I can practice doing my hair, and a little makeup, on Wednesday and Thursday. We'll see what happens.

A lot of people are bugging me about college, and it's annoying. There's the people that genuinely care, which are few, and the people who kinda ask to secretly laugh at you. Or, in some cases, just to laugh at you (if you haven't figured out by now, my education sucesses have been....unorthodox). Or, to use this opportunity to try to be sagely and say 'Well, you should do this, don't do that, and make sure you do that.' I really don't take well to people who tell me how to live my life. Zero tolerance. It's amusing when my brother does it, because he planned on being an anesthesiologist his junior year of high school, totally fucked up senior year, and ended up going to the Navy. A whole lot he knows, but that doesn't stop him from attempting to know more than me.
...Can't remember where I was going with this...ah well. People who care more about my future than paying attention to what I do in the present bug me. That's my story.

Lastly, I've been thinking about starting a new world dedicated to posting cool youtube videos of excellent music. Anybody that regularly listens to and appreciates music of any genre would be welcome to post anything that is actually good. I'm talking about things that are innovative, fresh, and intellectually intriguing. I know that kinda rules out a lot of the new and popular stuff, but that's a good thing. I'd post a few songs right away to set the mood, then let it go free. If a good amount of people are up for this, then it could be a good way for subscribers to my channel to diversify their music, as well as get a load of new sound all the time. I know I like going around to other peoples worlds and listening to their music. Ryo's J-Revolution world is pretty neat and has the same idea, but it only covers Japanese music (this being an otaku site and all...) So tell me what you think of it, and if I get favorable replies, then I'll put in the effort to make it look cool and stuff.
I think I'll call it...52nd Street.

Found a pretty funny picture. I don't think this will offend anybody to much...

