Back in Black

"Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed."

Hey all.

My hair got dyed black today. The hairdresser's reaction to the pictures of L I provided was, "He looks like Robert Smith from The Cure." Well, I'm glad we are on good understanding of what needs to be accomplished, then...
So, I now provide the 'Ryu's Official Checklist O' Acen'.
Ryu's Official Checklist O' Acen
-blue pants [x]
-white long shirt [x]
-makeup and eyeliner [x] (got that today too)
-black hair [x]
-materials to style hair [/] Kat will hopefully provide a hair straightener, and I should invest into working hairspray, a teaser comb, and maybe some wax. Hotels usually have a mini hairdryer.
Mountain Dew [x] :D
Peanut Butter M&Ms [x]
Pop Tarts [x]

There are only two things that bother me. 1, will I be able to pull off the L hairstyle well, and 2, the cost of the hair. Holy crap, that was more expensive than I thought it would be. That certainly upped the parental unit tab. All I can say is, I really wish I could sell my dirtbikes soon, because I'm getting a lil too much debt...wish I had a job.

I'll probably provide before and after pictures of my costume. Too lazy right now.
Nobody responded to the music world idea, so that's gonna hit the can with a hollow *ding*.
Three more days till the convention...can't wait. Meanwhile, I get to freak everybody out at school. Ever see a gentle giant go emo?

