My first anime convention, Acen 2009

"Parting is such sweet sorrow."

Hello everybody.

I just got back from a three day extraveganza of the Anime Central convention, teaming up with Katana, Schultzie, and Kastom to make the Dai L 13 Shinsegumi Brigade. It started out with Kat and I suffering at school, then making our way to Rosemont, IL at about 2:35, getting there at about 3:45 (could've been sooner, but were caught in a cloverleaf trap. Damn ye, Mapquest directions) and got into the empty hotel room to drop off some of our junk. We proceeded to the convention center as plainclothes, because it would be too much effort to cosplay for half a day and it's good to observe things a bit. The epic Schultzie-Kastom Katana-Ryu meetup took place in the drop off area of the convention center. From there, we went into the artist alley/merchandise area. We were stopped nonstop (think that one out for a sec...) Kastom and his manlier than manly Kamina costume attracted the camera's of both sexes, and all types. And every time one person asked for his picture, a small virus would spread through a small crowd and numerous others would seize the photo opportunity. Very entertaining, and it took us forever to get anywhere.
We meandered through the many artist setups and shops, not really buying much (I was very, VERY frugal with my small amount of money) and made our way to foods at the cafeteria. On the way, we saw a flying-insect shaped Pokemon cosplay standing on a bench or stones or something, looking ready to leap. A passerby shouted, "DON'T DO IT BUTTERFREE, YOU HAVEN'T LEARNED FLY YET!!" Great lulz ensued. We got to the cafeteria, and I think that is where Kat started her video montage, and where we talked of many things. It was like a quick bonding session, so we could be that much more comfortable around each other for the rest of the adventure. Kastom was constantly dozing off, and Schultzie tells great stories. All the while we were distracted by the many cosplays that swarmed around us, and it was all very exciting. We got in line at the main movie room for something called Anime Hell, which was like a youtube roll of anime/cartoony associated videos. In line we met up with Fasteriskhead, who was the oddest looking person there because he looked so very normal. Dug it.
Anime Hell was pretty entertaining, but the wait for it was very long, and we had to leave due to lateness (we got back to hotel at around 12:45/1:00) We did see a proposal take place during Anime Hell though, which was kind of cool for us and cruel for the girl, being put on the "Say Yes" spot. Got to our room, got ourselves settled in, drank a few Mountain Dews, hit lights, hit the sack. Day one, accomplished.

For Kat and I, it would the first time showing off our costumes to the convention. Kastom was hardcore and cosplayed all three days, and Schultzie had already wore part of his costume on Friday (as a Shinsengumi from Rurouni Kenshin, or any other of the many stories that touch on the infamous force from Kyoto) Kat was very confident in her Xion from Organization 13 costume, so she had no problems other than a pesky chain. I, however, was kinda nervous. I was going as L from Deathnote, and it would be the first time I got into full costume (clothes, makeup, and styled hair). Luckily, I did what fealt right when it came to doing the hair, and it looked better than I hoped it would. Kat outlined and did most of my eye blackness, and that looked great as well. I also put on pale makeup, which really added to the effect. I was satisfied. I have a before and after set here.
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Now, time for the convention's reaction...
We started out again in the artist alley and shopping area of the convention center, where we visited the VG Cats stall, where I bought a "Bitch be TRIPPING balls!" Badge.
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I got it signed on the third day (today). I went up to him in the line and asked if he "could sign the back of my balls for me." He chuckled, and drew this very elaborate picture on the back of my balls.
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Outside the VG Cats booth, I waited in the L sitting position while next to a pillar while the others finished up. Here started the L glomping that would continue for the rest of the week. Girls really like to hug L. Correction: They like to hug a tall L. :)
After that, Katana stayed in the shopping center to meet up with fellow Kingdom Hearts cosplaying friends for a photoshoot while Schultzie, Kastom, and myself went over to the Hyatt hotel portion of the convention to check out the gaming room. We ate lunch, went to the gaming room (lameness) and hung out. I decided to plan on going to a Death Note photoshoot later on, because there didn't seem to be very many Ls with the proper male genetelia, so I thought I owed it to the convention to contribute. Kastom and I took another tour of the convention center shops (moar photos, moar hugs) and got a Gurren Lagann phone charm. Wonderful addition.
We went to the Death Note photoshoot, and I guess I wasn't too suprised at the lack of intellectual dialogue while waiting for it to start. Many people asking each other's names and trying to kill them in their Death Note. When we started to march to the photo spot, which was where a Bleach photoshoot was still going on, most of them had the idea of shooing them away while the smarter ones convinced the mob to go to a clearing a little ways further. Kastom pointed out, "See, they have weapons and stuff, and our Death Notes really don't work..." It went really well, or, for at least as long as I was there. Somebody actually cosplayed as Ray Penbar, which was epic. I made sure to get a picture of him dead.
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I got the basic pictures of everybody, and that's pretty much all I cared about. I did throw out a pose before I left. I yelled, "Everybody who dies, be dead."This was the outcome.
I'm pretty sure that when I left they started doing yaoi shoots...I don't regret my departure time.
We met up with Katana and other friends like Waffuru and her sister in line for an Avatar panel. It was running very late, so we ditched it to make theOtaku Meetup at Acen on time. There we met up with Schultzie, and were joined by Fasteriskhead and Bellpickle. After chatting and hanging for a bit, we headed to a very long Gurren Lagann photoshoot, where Kastom competed his manliness against other Kamina's and a few older Simon's, and even did battle with Viral (I don't have any pictures, I only used Kastom's camera). We stayed for the whole photoshoot this time, so I was able to see some of the wacky stuff that could happen in these kind of meetups. Some people are creative, and that's all I'll say.
Kastom and I killed even more time in the shops/artist area again, since I was waiting for a Cod4 tournament to start at 6:00. There I got a plushie Domo for my cage partner in my Resistance Training class (weightlifting) who showed intrest in the convention and wanted an action figure. Well, those can cost well over thirty dollars (American), and Domo is freakin' sweet, so...I stuck him in my shirt and hoped that the L/Domo duo would intimidate other gamers. Well, that never happened. Schultzie and I met up in the game center, watching people get totally pwned in fighter games (one dude was dominating people without any hands!) and waiting for out tourney to begin. Well, that never happened because copies of the CoD4 game never came in, and the tourney got cancelled. That took me out of the mood for the Left 4 Dead tourney at 9:00 as well, so no gaming happened this weekend. Which is fine.
Schultzie and I joined Fasteriskhead, Katana, and Kastom at the Cafeteria and rejuvinated for some panel stuff. Fasteriskhead went on ahead to a Philosophy on Otakuism panel, while Kastom, Katana, and I got in line for something called "Whose Line is it Anime?". Schultzie left a little later after us, and was somehow able to get into the room much sooner, while we waited and were eventually cut off. That's okay, we shared some really good stories amongst ourselves in line, and talked to others. We got in line for a nearby panel called "Scene It: Anime" where we met up again with Fasteriskhead and another girl we met at the con. Katana, Kastom, and I created the Dai 13 L Brigade for a game of Anime Feud, where we scratched our way to the final round, and ended in a tiebreaking Rock Paper Scissors, where I represented us in the throw, and failed. The answers to the survey questions were pretty bogus, and we created our own joke of a failproof plan. No matter the question, the joke was that the only correct answer would be Naruto.
"What is an anime series in space?" NARUTO!
"What anime has giant mecha?" NARUTO!!!
Anyway, we had a good time. We decided to go to the hotel room after that and watch some MST to close off the night. For shits and giggles, I made the
King Domo O Pringo
And that ended day two of Acen.
Day three was rather depressing and short. It was basically one last run through the shops to look for price drops (there were none) and to show off cosplay one last time. I got a Dai Gurren flag, which now hangs in my room proudly, and the last of my money was consumed by a "In Soviet Union, Tart Pops You!" shirt. It's funny. Trust me.
We ended the day in hanging out and doing a "creeper L" vid, where I ran around the con trying to freak people out. Some good, some phail. Kat also drew face on Kastom's Kamina chest to make him Gurren Kamina. Good times.
We parted ways in the parking lot. It was a depressing farewell, only to make it worse by knowing that we have school tomorrow (I'm falling ill...*cough*)
This was my first anime convention, and it was by far one of the best decisions I've made this year. Being grouped with Katana, Kastom, and Schultzie, meeting up with Fasteriskhead, was just an absolute thrill. I don't know where I'm going to end up in the future, in terms of location in the country within the coming year, but I will definately make the highest effort to return to Rosemont, IL for the biggest convention in the midwest.

Acen rocks.

If you read the entire post, comment "BITCHIN'!", because that was a longass and probably boring post to read in entirity.

