So a naked guy walks in front of the White House, waving a gun and a cell phone...what happens?

"Some days you're a bug, some days you're a windshield."

Hey all.

I've decided that I won't graduate high school.
Instead, I'll be taking a GED, go to ECC (Elgin Community College) for about a year or two, get an associate's degree in music, then move onto a better college. The way I figured it, I can either take five tests over seven and a half hours, or, finish up about four units of online work, two semesters worth of essays, an overdue CST project, and two finals...yeah, I think I'll go with the GED. I gave my guidance counselor a cookie before I brought this up so that she'll be in a better mood (I would have given her more, but the CAD class raided the bucket) and she told me everything about going through with the process, all the while telling me to try and do the most I can with the work. It mostly killed me to see that she was more let down and stuff, she said I put so much work into getting here, and now I was just gonna kick it all to the curb and not get an actual diploma. But that's okay. The way I see it, if I look back at those four years and regret it all with a GED, then I'll end up with a shitty life. If I keep trying to get a diploma without believing that I can, I'll end up with a shitty next month. If I stay who I am, which is what I'm good at, get the GED, and just move on doing what I love to do, then I can't imagine anything being a detriment to my future. And besides, if I stay in this area, that means two more years of Acen! SCORE! I'll try and get an apartment, maybe share it with another friend that goes to ECC. I do not want to live on the farm not...

On another note...

I got skype yesterday. I started watching Higashi no Eden yesterday (also known as Eden of the East on sure why) Played video games for the first time since before Acen yesterday...went to friend's house yesterday to help him with computer problems and got a 2liter of Mountain Dew as compensation...I was also very very tired yesterday. For those who I haven't told already, I had two races over the weekend. The Aluminum Nationals was on Saturday, and the course was 14.2 miles (22.8 km for our Canadian allies...) We got first in juniors, and fourth in our heat, which was the Men's race. We could have gotten third, but I kinda screwed over the portage. The next day was the Des Plaines Marathon, which was 18.5 miles (29.7 km) and we won again. There was actually a timing mishap, and we were given second place awards, but they fixed it up later. Whatever. Just as long as I know the times and stuff.

Later we went out for sushi, and although I've been there and done that, I still have no idea what I'm reading when I'm looking at the menu. Anybody feel at a loss when at these places? You want to have the delicacy of sushi, but you want something to fill you as well and want meat or something...but you can only have one...
I'll try to finish up the rest of the current episodes of Higashi no Eden today, because it looks rather intriguing. Very bizarre, and really cool art...I like it...

This is just a funny comic for Ctrl Alt Del. Those that have ever played WoW should get a kick out of it.

